Are you afraid of being beaten? Jiang Jinfu got lucky and was enthusiastically accosted by hot girls in the gym

Wonderful barrage, all in the client &xe61d;

reported on November 17 On November 16, some netizens ran into Jiang Jinfu in a fitness room in Chongqing. The netizen said that at first she did not recognize the other person, only that he was well trained and handsome. Later, after a brief conversation, she was sure that he was really Jiang Jinfu.

Netizens pretended to take selfies with the camera and took photos of Jiang Jinfu’s exercise. The Jiang Jinfu in the picture seems to be a bit fatter than before, and his hair is a lot longer. Someone left a message that Jiang Jinfu hit Qian Feng in the face after gaining weight.

Although Jiang Jinfu is surrounded by the negative news of "domestic violence", he is constantly in trouble, and even now he is blessed and remains attractive.

In April of this year, some media photographed Jiang Jinfu dating two beautiful women. Although the three did not interact closely, it at least proved that Jiang Jinfu did not lack the opposite sex. These hot girls still trusted him and believed that he would not hit others.

Including an encounter with Jiang Jinfu in the gymNetizens of, looking at the photos, she has a beautiful appearance and figure, and she is considered a high-quality beauty. After talking with Jiang Jinfu, she also feels that the other person has a gentle personality, not like a violent maniac.

However, most netizens still have a "domestic violence" filter for Jiang Jinfu, jokingly: "Will you go home after training and continue to beat women?"

(Editor in charge: Feng Xiaoyu_NBJS12019)