"Magic Mouse Paradise" releases the "King Spirit" poster, the magic war is about to start

"Magic Mouse Paradise" ring version trailer Duration: 01:34 Source: Movie Network


"Magic Mouse Paradise" ring version trailer pack up

Duration: 01:34 It is recommended to turn on

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1905 Movie News With the opening of November and the approaching of December, the 3D/2D magical adventure carnival animation film "Magic Mouse Paradise", which will be released on January 1, 2021, is also coming soon. Many big audiences and children Can’t wait to count down the premiere. On November 13th, the film party released the posters and trailers of the "Guardian Edition", and more tidbits are slowly being presented.

"Magic Mouse Paradise" is an animated film with magic themes. From plot conception to post-production, from music creation to screen rendering, the entire film team has spent a lot of energy and painstaking efforts to create it. After four years of training, it is finally coming Presented to the screen. This animated film mainly tells that Robin and his friends caused a disaster because they accidentally released the magic ball in the underground secret room. In order to make up for this disaster and maintain the peace of the magic continent, Robin and his The friends embarked on a thrilling, magical and magical adventure.

animated movie "Magic Rat Paradise" "Spirit Edition" poster

In the latest trailer, you can see Robin stretched his hand tremblingly and wore it, and Robin flew up immediately. In his hand, he felt very incredible. At this moment, a strange light was emitted around the magic ball, slowly rising into the air, and disappeared. What happened in the secret room of the magic mouse paradise? I saw Sir Morty smash a book at Little Cat, and after being avoided by the flexible Little Cat, he smashed it on Cat Dali. What made Sir Morty so angry? What kind of conspiracy did they secretly plan in the dark castle? When the scene changed, the cute elf appeared in front of Robin. In order to make up for the accident, they decided to retrieve the magic ball together. Robin’s good brother Rogge and new friends Abby and Uub also joined on the way. Took this adventure. Can they finally retrieve the magic ball? The contest between justice and evil, the magic war between cat and mouse, is about to start!