"Early 007" Sean Connery passed away at the age of 90, won the actor of 3 countries before his death

There are countless

actor in the showbiz, but there are very few men who can get the title of actor in many countries.

However, in the world's entertainment industry, there is such a man, his name is Sean Connery, he is the actor of "The First 007" and a man who has won the celebrity of 3 countries.

However, such a good man, was exposed by the BBC just now and died in his sleep. The sudden death of such an excellent actor as

has actually caused a lot of attention, and his death has caused a certain sensation not only in the UK, but globally.

The death of Sean Connery has attracted so much attention from the experience of Sean Connery.

Poor children, also have their early days

In 1930, Sean Connery was born in a very poor working family in Scotland, England.

At that time, Sean Connery’s family was so poor that he even had to go to the public bathhouse to take a bath. Faced with such a poor life, Sean Connery understood the need for change in the future.

is also the same life Sean Connery has been very sensible since he was a child.

9-year-old children are generally mischievous at home, but Sean Connery is different from other children. Due to the poverty of the family, he has to change his life style and his mind.

So when Sean Connery was 9 years old, he began to share the burden for his family. At the age of 9, he began to sell newspapers and began to do everything possible to help his family and subsidize the family.

Since the age of 9, Sean Connery has been in the society. He has sold newspapers, worked as an ordinary worker, and worked as a coffin maker.

A lot of hard work is commonplace for Sean Connery. At that time, Sean Connery never thought that he could become a world-famous actor. At that time, Sean Kang Nali just wanted to solve the food and clothing in real life.

However, it was Sean Connery, who was constantly changing in real life, that slowly changed his destiny.

In 1950, Sean Connery was only 20 years old. At the age of 20, he was still struggling with food and clothing issues.

What Sean Connery did not expect is that when he was 20 years old, his destiny had changed a lot.

This year Sean Connery participated in the then very famous "Mr. World" selection competition. In the competition, Sean Connery was honored to win the third place, and Sean Connery was also in After winning third place in this competition, he completely changed himself.

is also this opportunity, giving Sean Connery the opportunity to contact the showbiz.

"007" put Sean Connery on the pinnacle of life

In 1952, 22-year-old Sean Connery began to show his face on stage. Of course, at the beginning, he was only able to be on the small stage. It's tumbling on it.

However, because Sean Connery has experienced so much suffering since he was a child, he also cherishes the opportunity to change himself. After

embarked on the path of an actor, he kept showing himself, showing himself while constantly learning, slowly the charm of Sean Connery was also appreciated, and finally Sean Connery was also Being reused, he began to embark on the big stage of the show business circle, and began to walk slowly towards the peak of his life.

If 1950 was a change in Sean Connery's life, then 1957 was another change in Sean Connery's life.

In 1957, Sean Connery starred in the TV series "Challenge of Champions". Of course, Sean Connery at this time was only a little famous, and it really made Sean Connery embark on it. The pinnacle of life is still to start with "007" played by Sean Connery.

In 1961, Sean Connery started the filming of the series "007".

Sean ConneryHe is the actor of the original 007. 007 is just a code name, which represents the No. 7 intelligence agent.

and Sean Connery in the 007 series of movies, played the No. 7 intelligence agent James Bond .

In 1962, Sean Connery starred in "Dr. 007 Connaught". After this movie was released, because Sean Connery played an excellent role as an intelligence agent, Sean Connery It became popular in the UK.

And this time of popularity also brought Sean Connery to the pinnacle of life.

Because of the popularity of Sean Connery, Hollywood, the world's most famous film and television company, took it seriously, so Sean Connery stepped onto the pinnacle of his life. After

has been loved by the audience since the first "007", Sean Connery has continued to shoot movies about the "007" series.

From 1961 to 1971, in 11 years, Sean Connery's 007 series filmed the sixth. After

finished filming the sixth 007 movie, in fact, Sean Connery at the time also publicly stated that he would never shoot a series of movies about 007 again.

At that time, Sean Connery gave people the feeling that he didn't have any better works to show everyone apart from filming the 007 series of films.

However, Sean Connery, who publicly stated that he would no longer make this series of films, was persuaded once again to make another film about the 007 series after 12 years.

Sean Connery's life seems to be inseparable from 007. It was 007 that made him popular and made him reach the pinnacle of life.

Of course, Sean Connery finally used his own strength to tell everyone that in addition to shooting the 007 series of movies, he is also very good in other series of movies.

In 1987, Sean Connery starred in the movie "Iron-faced Selflessness". In this movie, Sean Connery no longer plays an intelligence officer, but an old police officer.

Because of Sean Connery’s outstanding performance in the movie, Sean Connery also won the 60th Academy Awards for Best Supporting Actor.

Oscars, this is an award that many people want, but Sean Connery won it.


Actually, Sean Connery has won numerous awards after his debut for so many years.

and the title of the best actor, that is, the title of the movie king, in fact, Sean Connery won three countries when he was alive, these three countries are "the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom".

is not only the actor of three countries, Sean Connery also won the 12th European Film Awards Audience Award-Best Actor.

Sean Connery won the Lifetime Achievement Award several times. The last time was in 2005. After winning this award, Sean Connery began to slowly fade out of the showbiz stage. Up.

is such an excellent person, a well-known movie star, although he died in his sleep at the age of 90, he was immediately noticed.

read many comments on Sean Connery by netizens around the world, and I know that Sean Connery is really good.

Some netizens said this: James Bond (the name of the protagonist of the 007 series of films) will never die, he will live forever, rest in peace, Sean Connery.

Some netizens said that Sean Connery is a legend and a very good person.

British actor Sean Connery dies The first 007 actor Sean Connery dies 007 Actor Sean Connery dies