"Yowapeda (Biao Speed Pedal)" is the hottest bicycle anime in recent years. It has successfully made many otaku who stay at home fall in love with cycling. In January 2017, it finally updated the third season, and its stills began to be screened in various bicycle groups. You can already watch the first episode at station b, Youku or iqiyi (currently there are 98,000 at station b The total number of plays and 56,000 followers).
"Bao Mushi Pedal" is a racing bicycle-themed comic serialized by Japanese manga artist Watanabe at Akita Bookstore "Weekly Shonen Champion". The protagonist is a high school student with a talent as a cyclist, Mr. Onoda Sakamichi, who loves animation and games And the otaku of Akihabara.
met Shunsuke Imaizumi, who was also a freshman and was active in major cycling competitions during his junior high school era. One day, during training, he saw Onoda Sakamichi riding a bicycle up a steep slope, and he began a period of sadomasochism Inspirational story.
In the third season, the story progressed to the point where Onoda Sakamichi played in the national competition as "Team Sokita" together with Shunsuke Imaizumi and Akiko Naruko in the same grade, Mago Kanagi, Yusuke Makishima, and Takashi Tanosho in the third grade. .
They broke through fierce competitions with rival schools such as King Hakone Academy and Kyoto Fushimi, and won the overall victory beautifully. That hot summer has passed, and the three-year-old is about to retire. With the goal of "new generation" teams in the national competition, Zongbei has finally started to make progress!
In the first episode of season three, Onoda used a "suspected" BMC carbon fiber road bike.
Imaizumi's car is newly equipped with a stylish electronic transmission.
ZIPP carbon knife debut.