Message from Zhang Yimou to colleagues in the national cinema line: Fortunately we were born in China

reported on October 31 that In the 20th National Cinematic Domestic Film Promotion Conference, which was exclusively broadcast on the Movie Channel, Zhang Yimou's movie "One Second" announced an undisclosed short film on the spot. Tongren Xian said: "2020 is destined to be a hard and unforgettable year, but fortunately we were born in China and our films have recovered."

Zhang Yimou said: "My colleagues in the theaters across the country, everyone, I am Zhang Yimou. 2020 is destined to be a hard and unforgettable year, but fortunately we live in China and our films have recovered." "One Second" was released on November 27. To me, it seemed like a love letter to the movie. After a long wait, I finally started to read it to you. It's only a second, but a lifetime. Hope. This movie can also move you."

(responsible editor: Liu Jiaxin_NBJS11395)