The restricted movie "Zombie Land 2" will be released soon. Will the "post-sealed" Emma Stone bring new surprises?

"Zombie Land" is a 2009 American comedy zombie film, directed by Ruben Frescher and written by Paul Wernicke and Leiter Reese. Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrison, Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin, who play the survivors of the doomsday.

, as Ruben Frescher’s directorial debut, has received rave reviews after its release-with an astonishing 89% praise rate on Rotten Tomatoes, this film has established Ruben’s position in the Hollywood business field in one fell swoop.

And the reason I want to bring up this old film ten years ago today is because his sequel "Zombie Land 2" will be released in North America in October, and it is still the original cast. Seeing for a long time" series really made old fans tears in their eyes...Well, let’s take everyone to review the plot of "Zombie Land 1".

dictated what the world looks like from the first perspective of Juanxi at the beginning of the movie: the world is over, everyone has become a zombie, the entire United States of America has fallen, and now it has become a zombie country.

Of course, our protagonist, Juanxi, is one of the lucky ones to survive, because he has a complete set of survival rules...Then it is a five-minute rule introduction time. I use it because of time. Summarize this set of rules in concise language:

1. Don't get fat, you will die.

2. Headshot without double-clicking, you will die.

3. Going to the toilet and swearing will kill you.

4. If you don't wear a seat belt, you will die.

5.~.16 omitted, very boring and has nothing to do with the plot.

17. Don't be a hero~ It’s not that I show English, but the sentence "Don’t be a hero, you will die" is used too much, which really makes me feel stupid and frustrated~ There are 49 rules in

. I will not list them one by one. If you are interested, you can leave me a message below~

Continue to return to the plot. Juanxi soon met Woody, so two good friends started the journey together. They were on the way. They also exchanged their thoughts, the emotional progress bar hurried at a speed visible to the naked eye. If Emma Stone does not come to disrupt the situation, at the end of the story, they must live happily together~

Juanxi and Woody are in a supermarket I met them, Emma, ​​and her sister Abigail, everyone may think the name Abigail is very strange, in fact, if you have seen the warm "Little Sunshine Beauty", you will think this little girl is very familiar , But unfortunately, she is the overseas version of "Hao Shaowen".

​​Emma and Abigail are sister thieves. When they were still alive in the United States of America, they deceived everywhere and cooperated perfectly. The two rough masters, Juanxi and Woody, were naturally deceived, and their weapons and jeep were robbed. After leaving, two desperate dicks wandered in the city while venting, and then a new "chariot" was discovered. Fortunately, there was a large bag of munitions in the back seat of the car. It made sense for this. I just want to say to the director: Nice work!

Since Juanxi and Abigail were in the same destination direction, they soon met again. The two rough men were not accidentally fooled again, but this time the sisters gave them a lot of face and took them on the road together. Under the apocalyptic atmosphere, the relationship between Juan Xi and Emma has been miraculously fermented...the thunder and the fire are on the verge.

Here is the time to replenish my brain

: The world is destroyed. I am a healthy and strong young man. I met the only two women in the world. One of them is a child. The other is not only an adult, but also a little It looks good~ Hey hey

Emma: The world is destroyed, I am a young and beautiful girl, and I met the only two men left in the world, one of them is an old man, and the other is not only the same year, but also a little handsome~ Really Hate that

was in a big villa in Hollywood. The four of them quickly established a deep and awkward relationship, and then Emma took her sister and left---"Too close, easy to hurt, love someone the most The good way is to leave him far away and protect him in my heart", yes, this is Emma Bingjiao's love philosophy.

She took her sister to the amusement park and turned on the switch,So the lights came on, the music rang, and the night became lively. Of course, the zombies came and gathered.

, two clever sisters all the way, once they entered the amusement park, they turned into brainless cafés, until they realized that they were surrounded by zombies...and on the other side, Juan Xi also dragged the arrogant Uncle Woody rushed to the playground, and finally at the critical moment, the two key gentlemen arrived. Without saying a word, Uncle Woody drew the gun and started the splendid gunfire show, and Juan Xi finally made up his mind to put the code 17th. Don't get rid of the article, be a hero to save your girl, so the gunfire is flying, the screams continue, and the wonderful climax is staged~

Of course, the finale is a happy end, and it is because the protagonist group is all The "Zombie Land 2" was born without a lunch box. It will be released in North America on October 11, 2019. Due to the level of restriction, it is estimated that the mainland should be hopeless, but it should be seen on the Internet soon. Now, let us look forward to the changes of these four people over the past ten years.

If you have been patient enough to see this place, can you please click and pay attention to the collection or something, I am too difficult, every day I work hard, no one cares every night... I am too difficult~