Rotten Tomatoes 100%, MTC89, no one Amway in this new drama?


It is difficult for us to reproduce every detail of the character's movement only by imagination.

Today with such advanced CG technology, we still need motion capture technology to pursue that 99.9% realism.

Disney used this technology in its early production of animations, such as "Snow White and the Seven Men".

China's first animated feature film, "Princess Iron Fan", also used this technology.

So, this is not a newly invented technology.


is really rarely used in movies.

has filmed "Boyhood" Richard Linklater. In 2006, he shot 's first feature-length animated film .

starring is Big Brother Reeves.

and "Erase and Start Over" has become one of the rare adult animations made using reposting technology.

can understand why the creator chose this approach.

One, save money. The

drama involves space-time transformation and transfer. If you use real people + CGI to do it, it will not only be difficult and burn money, but it may not be true.

And animation, not only can greatly reduce costs, but also can further open up the brain, and the way of expression is more creative.

Two, true.

retouching is more realistic than ordinary hand-drawn 2D. The facial expressions of the characters of

are more real, and the emotions of the characters can be expressed correctly and more credible.

Once the credibility increases, the screenwriter will be more likely to sell his story to the audience.

For example, the actor of his father, he is "Breaking Bad" Thor’s actor Bob Odenkirk.

His animated image seems to be made directly from a real person.

of course.

technology is always just an aid to storytelling.

A kind of technology, if there is no good story to support, you can do nothing more than an embroidered pillow. There is only one reason why

can really make "erasing and restarting" a high-score drama-

's core.

It has real emotional expression.

Its story is close to life, but it transcends life.

It is a fantasy story three feet above the ground. The picture of

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