1. Color (the primary factor that determines the value of colored diamonds)
The charm of colored diamonds comes from unique and rare colors. The color rarity of diamonds and the intensity of the color determine the value of colored diamonds. The rarer the color of colored diamonds, the color The higher the level, the higher the value, the stronger the color and the higher the saturation, the higher the value.
Clarity, cut, weight and other factors to evaluate diamonds are not among the first considerations.
Fancy color diamonds that can reach the Vivid level are extremely rare, so the value is very high.
2. Other
Weight : After the color grading, weight is the most influential factor on the value of colored diamonds. As the carat weight increases, the value is geometrical. The number goes up.
Clarity : Due to the nature of colored diamonds, clarity is less important than colorless diamonds, and blemishes are often hidden by color.
cut : The main purpose of cutting colored diamonds is to emphasize their color. This is different from colorless diamonds. The cutting of colorless diamonds is to maximize their brightness or sparkle. In some cases, the sparkle will be reduced by the natural color of the colored diamond. Although colored diamonds can still emit sparkles, their color is the most important characteristic that should be considered when cutting colored diamonds.
The aurora butterfly symbolizing peace
The 240 diamonds that make up the butterfly shape cover almost all the colors and cutting styles of natural colored diamonds. After more than 12 years, they are matched to form
yellow diamonds. Diamonds are extremely precious colored diamonds among diamonds. Because of their pure color and high rarity, yellow diamonds are even more rare. The pure beauty shines like a scorching sun, and it is the brilliance that the world seeks infinitely.
pink diamond
Since ancient times, pink diamonds have always had the reputation of "the best of diamonds" and are called "The Queen of Diamond." With its gentle color and scarce quantity, people will be indulged in the pink at a glance. The color of pink diamonds is different from other colored gemstones. It is caused by the dislocation of carbon atoms or the deformation of the internal crystal lattice. This rare beauty comes from the magical brush of nature.
blue diamond
blue diamond is because the boron atom produces an acceptor band in the diamond crystal. The acceptor band can absorb near-infrared radiation and long waves, thus making the diamond appear blue. The
blue diamond is rare and extremely beautiful. There are also many legends about it. Diamond lovers and jewellery connoisseurs flock to it and dream of it. But finding a blue diamond is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack, requiring tons of diamond mines to be mined. The color of green diamonds
green diamonds
green diamonds are caused by radiation that displaces carbon atoms in the crystal structure from their normal positions. It occurs naturally when diamond deposits are located near radioactive rocks, or are artificially irradiated.
3. Understand the GIA color diamond certificate
The full picture of the color diamond GIA certificate
In fact, in the color diamond certificate, except for the item "color", the other items are exactly the same as the white series diamond certificate. The most important thing that affects the value of a colored diamond is its color. Therefore, we focus on understanding how the colored diamond certificate describes the color of the diamond. The color items of the
colored diamond certificate are mainly divided into 3 sub-items and 4 rows of fonts. As shown in the figure, the project
Color is as follows:
The first sub-item:
Origin (color source): The following five results are often marked:
1. Natural natural color
2. Treated
3. Artificially Irradiated processed irradiated high temperature color change z6HT5z6HT5 Deal with
5. Undetermined Undetermined can not determine the color source
The second sub-item:
Grade (color grade), the certificate is divided into two lines of statement: (the first line represents the colorThe second line indicates the type of color.) The first line of
indicates the lightness of the color, which is divided into nine levels:
The second line indicates the type of color: such as: Yellow〈yellow〉
GIA divides the colored diamonds into 27 in detail The tones are joined together to form a continuous tone ring. These 27 hues get "red" at 12 o'clock. They come from practice and are used in practice in retrospect. They basically cover all the hues of diamonds known so far and constitute the core part of the color grading term framework.
from the picture clockwise: red, red orange, light red orange, orange light yellow orange, yellow orange, orange yellow, light orange yellow, yellow, light green yellow, green yellow, yellow green, light yellow green, green, Light cyan, cyan, green blue, light green blue, blue, light purple blue, light blue purple, purple blue, purple, light red purple, red purple, fuchsia and light fuchsia
back Overhead, we see that the two rows of Color (color grade) together form the description of the diamond color, such as: Fancy Light Yellow (light fancy yellow)
The third sub-item: Distribution (color distribution): There are often two results in the label. .
Even is evenly distributed and
Uneven is not evenly distributed. The introduction of the three colors above
provides a detailed interpretation of the color grading items for colored diamonds.