The documentary "Little Batman Strikes" focused on real-life stories premiered at the Srandans Film Festival in the United States. Julia Roberts plans to adapt the story into a feature film and act as a producer and star. Nowadays, live action documentaries have become one of the inspiration sources for Hollywood filmmakers to make movies...
"Little Batman" Miles, under the leadership of his father and the help of volunteers, has launched a series of "rescue" operations
时光网 Los Angeles News 2013 One day in 1999, San Francisco became Gotham City, and tens of thousands of volunteers gathered for the dream of Miles, a 5-year-old boy with leukemia. That day, Miles became the most beloved character-the superhero Batman, wearing a Batman suit and sitting in a Lamborghini across the city, saving the "trapped" aunt, arresting the robbers...
was caught by the United States. President Obama’s warm action is now filmed in the documentary "Little Batman Attack". After the film premiered at the Slamdance Film Festival in the United States, it won the favor of Oscar queen Julia Roberts-her Plans to adapt this story into a feature film and personally serve as the producer and starring role.
Live-action documentaries about personal deeds similar to "Little Batman Strikes" have become a new trend, and these optimistic and positive stories are increasingly being taken by Hollywood studios and adapted into feature films.
Over the past 25 years, the subject of Hollywood documentaries has become wider and wider: from weather changes ("An Inconvenient Truth") to medical services ("Medical Insider"), from gun control ("Bowling in Columbine") to social economy (" Everyone is equal") and so on, all-encompassing. Nowadays, documentaries with real-life stories are gradually gaining attention. These films have a strong tendency to personalize, focusing on unknown specific personal historical moments, but they are getting better at the box office, and they are getting more and more attention from major film awards.
"The Devil and Daniel Johnson" tells the life experience of the musician Daniel Johnson.
In fact, live-action documentaries only existed in the television field a few decades ago, because the subject matter did not have enough "weight", because it was filmed People despise and ignore. Even documentaries involving real-life stories have not been satisfactory in terms of distribution and screening. This situation did not improve until 2005: the two films that were entertaining and artistic that year broke the embarrassing situation of a live-action documentary and received a lot of applause from the film critics. One of them is "The Devil and Daniel Johnson", which tells the story of a singer-songwriter with bipolar disorder. Another "Athletics in a Wheelchair" focuses on wheelchair rugby players with disabilities.
's 2013 famous "Looking for the Sugar Man" is also a live-action documentary. The story reproduces the whole process of searching for the musician Rodriguez. The singer can be compared with the Rolling Stones in South Africa. His two albums "Cold Fact" and "Coming From Reality" were released in 1970 and 1971, which sold hundreds of thousands of copies in South Africa. But in the United States, Rodriguez was abandoned by his record company at the time due to poor market response for the second album and disappeared. It wasn't until the 1990s that Stephen Sugerman, owner of a record store in Cape Town, and music journalist Craig Bartholomew-Schiton started investigating when they heard rumors of Rodriguez’s suicide on stage. , Discovered that their musical hero is still alive, and now as a blue-collar worker in Detroit is struggling for life...
Rodriguez and Vivienne Meyer
this year’s 87th Oscars will also focus on another In a live-action documentary-"Looking for Vivienne Meyer", although the film did not harvest the little golden man, it also won praise from film critics and audiences. In terms of plot advancement, the film has a similar pattern to "Looking for the Sugar Man". Through searching, it pieced together a complete image of Vivienne Meyer, the most important contemporary American street photographer. Vivienne Meyer's life situation is like Van Gogh's life. She was a babysitter in obscurity all her life, and her works were excavated and recognized after her death.
"Little Batman Strikes" and "Looking for Vivienne Meyer" and other live-action documentaries tell us that these stories around personal experiences can also resonate with a broad audience.
Nowadays, high-quality live-action documentaries have become excellent materials for Hollywood drama films. Year 2008The Oscar winner for best documentary film "The Tightrope Walker" was adapted into the movie "Walking in the Clouds". The film tells the feat of Frenchman Philip Pat who illegally walked a tightrope across the two towers of the World Trade Center in 1974. It was directed by Robert Zemigis, director of Forrest Gump, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt played the acrobatic artist. Karen Mills-Stiley, who works as a script reader for three Hollywood film companies, told reporters: “The filmmakers needed to read a lot of books before looking for film inspiration. Later, magazine reports became one of the sources of plots. Now, There are more and more movies based on live-action documentaries and real-life stories. This stems from the desire of filmmakers when making movies: they hope that while the film is higher than life, it will not be out of touch with the real world, and at the same time it can be more extensive Recognized by the audience."