"Miracle Boy": kindness and love are human miracles

In the face of various misfortunes, kindness and love can often create miracles.

In faraway America, there is a girl named Jacqueline Rodriguez. Her life is not lucky because she suffered from a very rare disease at birth: lymphatic malformation, which caused her His tongue and face are very huge. Her appearance inevitably caused her to suffer a lot of cynicism and discrimination as she grew up. However, the optimistic and positive Ji Qilian did not give up life.

A sport that gave her a lot of confidence, that is tennis. She loves and is good at tennis, enjoying the joy of life through this sport and also realizing her own value.

The other most important factor that makes her optimistic in life is the care of her parents. Her parents did not dislike her because of her illness, but did their best to let her have the same life as a normal person. And after seeing their daughter's tenacious and optimistic attitude towards life, they are very proud of it.

was judged by doctors that she could not live to one year of age when she was born, Ji Qilian is now 16 years old. She is still optimistic and active, and she plans to study nursing after she arrives at university.

Ji Qilian's spirit and optimistic attitude are very admirable. It is hard to imagine that if we suffer from the same disease, we can be as optimistic as her. However, part of Ji Qilian's optimism comes from nature, and the other part is closely related to the love of her parents.

The miracle of her life, a large part of it is created by love.

Ji Qilian's story makes people easily think of a movie called "Miracle Boy". The film tells the touching story of a boy with the same facial deformity growing up optimistically under the care of everyone. The protagonist of

, Augie, is an "uncommon" 10-year-old boy. It is unusual because he suffered from facial deformities at birth. In order to help him breathe normally, restore vision and hearing, and look better, he just came to this world Before long, the little boy had as many as 27 operations.

Augie has never been to school, but he is tutored by his mother at home. But as he got older, his parents decided to send him to school. On the first day of registration at the school, the principal introduced three classmates to Ogi. They were Jack Will, Julian, and Charlotte. After a brief but awkward meeting of each other, the three students took Augie to visit the school.

Jack and Charlotte are very friendly to Augie, but Julian is not. He asks Augie many offensive questions.

The next day, Augie officially started school. School life is not good, his classmates bullied him because of his appearance, and Julian often mocked Augie. Augie was very concerned about this. The first thing he did after returning home was to cut off the braids that he had kept for a long time, because Julian said that this kind of braids had been out of date for a long time when he was in school.

During dinner, the parents asked Augie how he was doing on the first day. Augie was very unhappy and lost his temper at his mother. Then he hid in the bedroom and his parents hurriedly followed him. At this time, Augie's sister Weiya, who was left alone at the dining table, said to herself: "Can't you also ask me how I am doing?"

Then the movie begins to tell the story of Weiya. Weiya didn't get much attention at home, because her parents always circled Augie, and she herself liked Augie, and she got used to it over time. One day Weiya met Miranda, an old friend, and Weiya went to greet her enthusiastically, who knew that Miranda was very indifferent and left after a few words. After

, Weiya met the black boy Justin outside the room where he signed up for the play, and the two quickly became friends.

At the same time, Augie also made good friends in the school. He was Jack, one of the three classmates who took him to visit the school when he signed up.

arrived at Halloween in a blink of an eye. Augie likes this holiday very much, because he usually walks with his head down because of his low self-esteem, but he can wear a mask on Halloween and dress up as other characters, which allows him to walk with his head upright. However, the happy mood did not last long. After arriving in the classroom, his friend Jack was chatting with his classmates, saying that the reason why he was better with Augie was because of the teacher's arrangement. All this was heard by Augie standing aside, Jack didn't notice because Augie was wearing a mask.

Augie was very upset when he got home. My sister came to understand the situation and knew it was because of Jack.After saying bad things about Augie, he also said that his friend Miranda had alienated him. Afterwards, in order to make Augie happy, Via decided to take him outside to ask for Halloween candy.

After returning to school the next day, Jack greeted Augie, but Augie ignored him because of the previous incident. Jack was puzzled. He didn't know that he heard him when he said bad things about Augie.

The next movie begins to tell the story of Jack. It turns out that when the teacher asked Jack to take Augie to visit the school, he was very repulsive, because it was summer vacation, and he didn't like Julian and Charlotte who were with them. But he finally went. In the days that followed, he discovered that Augie had many excellent qualities. For example, Augie was very smart and had the best scientific knowledge in the school; Augie was very humorous and could always make him laugh. He really started to like Augie, and admitted that he was friendly to Augie before because his mother asked him to do so, but now he really wants to be friends with him.

Auguste’s other good friend Summer asked why Augustie ignored Jack during the meal, and Summer told her the reason.

At this time, Ogi's sister Wea has developed into a couple with the black boy Justin.

One day, Augie suddenly received a call. It was from Miranda, an old friend of his sister Wea. He wanted Augie to tell his sister that she missed her very much. Augie asked why he didn't call and talk in person? Miranda did not answer.

Next, the movie begins to tell the story of Miranda. It turned out that Miranda's parents were divorced. Once she attended a summer camp. When chatting with her companions, she made up her own life experience. She said that her family was superior, her parents loved each other, and she had a younger brother with a deformed face. Ya's situation. Hearing this, the companions of the summer camp became very interested in her and made her the most popular person in the summer camp.

However, after the summer camp, Miranda still had to face her own life, and she was very sad when she thought that Via was the charming person.

On the other side, Jack was still frustrated by Augie's sudden ignorance of himself. He found Summer, hoping she could tell him the reason. Summer only gave him a hint: a grimace. Jack thought day and night, and finally remembered that there was a man wearing a grimace mask standing behind him when he was saying bad things about Augie on Halloween, and it suddenly became clear that the man was Augie! When

was out of class in the hallway, Jack scuffled with Julian because he said Augie was a monster. This caused him to be suspended for two days, but the principal said that the friendship really needs to be defended, so he will still meet after he comes back. Give him the scholarship he deserved before. After

, in an online game, Jack found Augie and apologized to Augie by typing. Augie also forgave him. Finally, the two friends resolved the conflict and reconciled. The

school organized the students to go to the field for a summer camp. Augie and Jack sneaked into the woods to play while everyone was watching a movie. They ran into senior students. They suddenly began to bully Augie and Jack. Feeling that, these senior students were driven away. The

school year is over. At the graduation ceremony, the principal awarded Augie the Henry Ward Beecher Prize for outstanding, exemplary, and helpful students, because he silently inspired many students. The whole school stood up and applauded him.

This is a warm story about love. In the movie, the teacher explained to the students the principle of water refracting light. In fact, Augie is like a glass of pure water. He reflects everyone's goodwill. Many people in

have changed themselves because of Augie. The first is his best friend Jack Will. When he first heard that he was going to take this strange new classmate to visit the school, he was very reluctant because it spoiled his wonderful vacation. But after contacting Augie, he found that he didn't hate him. On the contrary, Augie's beautiful qualities made him really appreciate Augie and sincerely want to be friends with Augie. Although he inadvertently said ill of Augie while chatting with other friends, he bravely apologized for the friendship, and the two finally got back together.

was followed by other classmates. They ridiculed Augie at first because of his looks, but finally saw Augie stepping forward to protect Jack when he faced the senior students, and they really admired him. .

In this process, not only Augie changed others, but others also changed him. At the beginning, Augie always had low self-esteem and did notI would like to talk with people, but the care of his classmates, especially his friend Jack, and the teacher made him really like school life.

In the family, the love of his parents and sisters is also an important factor for him to face life positively. When he was wronged at school, his parents would always ask about the situation and comfort him as soon as possible. When he is unhappy, his sister will also take the initiative to take him out to play to make him happy. At the end of the

movie, my mother said that Augie was a miracle boy, but this miracle was not created by Augie alone, but by every teacher, classmate, and family with kindness and love in his heart.

Perhaps in reality, we often complain about God's unfairness because of various setbacks. Why doesn't it give us superior conditions? Life is not easy, but we still have to be kind and loving, because only in this way can we create miracles.