Recommend 5 movies of Oscar actor Tom Hanks with explosive acting skills, all of them are classics

Tom Hanks was born on July 9, 1956 in Concord, California, USA, his full name is Thomas Jeffrey Hanks. Father Amos Hanks is a cook, and mother Jenna Turner works in the hospital. When he was 5 years old, his parents divorced and he was raised by his father who was a chef.

Today we take stock of the actor's name is Tom Hanks. Whether in the United States or in China, I think his name is well-known to everyone. Back then, he starred in a movie starring "Forrest Gump". True Story. In fact, counting his movies is also very difficult because of his high output. Some actors have high output, but they are all starring in bad movies. For example, we won't name them. But Tom Hanks is different. He not only has high output, but also has very high quality. He has created many movie classics. Today I will dare to take stock.

"Captain Sally" 2016 Douban score 8.3

The film is adapted from real events. On January 15, 2009, Sally (played by Tom Hanks) served as the captain of US Airways Class 1549, aircraft Two minutes after takeoff, it was attacked by a bird. Both engines turned off. Sally decided to make an emergency landing on the Hudson River. All 155 people survived. However, subsequent investigations revealed that he had made the wrong choice, thinking that he could choose to return to LaGuardia Airport. What happened inside the plane?

This film is basically Hanks' latest movie released in China. I have to say that Tom Hanks is indeed old. When a picture of him with silver hair appeared in the camera, what popped out of my mind was the picture of Forrest Gump sitting on a bench and quietly talking.

"Happiness Terminal" 2004 Douban score 8.6

In order to fulfill his father's wish, Victor (Tom Hanks) took a plane from his home country to the United States Kennedy Airport, but a dramatic thing happened: he was caught Informed of the coup in the motherland, and his ID and passport were invalidated one by one, and his visa could no longer be used. Victor, who was in a dilemma, had to stay at the airport, waiting for a new certificate.

This is a classic collaboration between Spielberg and Tom Hanks. Originally the director was Spielberg, which is already a guarantee for a good movie, not to mention the actor or Tom Hanks who is the most able to act.

An airport, deduces all the world. In fact, apart from these, the movie still makes us think about how happy his people will be with a strong and stable country behind it.

"Remaining on a Deserted Island" 2000 Douban score 8.5

Chuck (played by Tom Hanks) worked at FedEx. A plane crash changed all of this. Everyone thought that Chuck was killed in this disaster, but in fact he survived and was trapped on a deserted island. Life on a deserted island even became a problem with eating and drinking, and Chuck became a modern Robinson. But on the other hand, because of being dependent on nature, struggling with danger, companioning with loneliness, and fighting hunger here, he got a feeling that he had never realized before. When he returned to modern society, his life had a new beginning.

can regard this movie as a movie version of "Robinson Crusoe". It can be said that Tom Hanks supported a blockbuster by himself. At that time, Tom Hanks was still very young and very strong, much like Forrest Gump a few years ago.

"Saving Private Ryan" 1998 Douban score 8.9

Ryan (Matt Damon) was an American paratrooper during World War II who was trapped behind the enemy. More unfortunately, all his three brothers died in the war. If he also died, the old mother in the family would be helpless. Knowing this situation, the US Combat Command decided to organize a small team to rescue, including Captain Miller (Tom Hanks) and Translator Urban. However, the enemy is dangerous and they deal with death at any time along the way.They very much doubt whether it is worth risking the lives of eight people to rescue one person.

is the legendary combination of Spielberg and Tom Hanks, and it is a classic movie that is famous in film history. Some people say that “some movies are only worthy of a leisurely after dinner, and some movies are destined to become a milestone in memory.” Undoubtedly, this film is clearly a milestone series.

You can see this movie as a war movie, because the war scenes in it will not lose to any other movie, you will only be deeply shocked after watching it.

You can think of this movie as a philosophical film, because it will make you reflect on many issues that you don't usually think about. Is it worth sacrificing most to save a few?

"Forrest Gump" 1994 Douban score of 9.4

Forrest Gump (played by Tom Hanks) was born in a small town in southern Alabama, USA shortly after the end of World War II. He was born with mental retardation and IQ Only 75, but his mother is a strong woman, she often encourages A-Gump to "be stupid for stupid people" and ask him to keep improving.

This film does not require too many comments. Because Forrest Gump played by Tom Hanks has become a symbol, that's enough.

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