What is "Assembly Number"? Bloody battle 350.3 highland, look at what is the Chinese military soul!

At critical moments, some Chinese will become retrogrades. It's not that they don't know the dangers of facing difficulties. In fact, they are not only aware of these dangers, but they even understand the degree of danger better than ordinary people. The potential crisis of

will not put down the "butcher knife" just because of the bravery of these people. Those who dare to rush up will have sacrifices. But knowing that it might be sacrificed, there are still countless people who dared to rush forward.

It is precisely because of the existence of these people that our motherland can always overcome difficulties. What is a hero? This is called a hero.

In 1950, when the People's Republic of China was founded less than a year ago, the multinational coalition led by the United States crossed the 38th Parallel in spite of our warnings and directed its troops directly at the Yalu River.

When the most elite field corps of the People's Liberation Army became a volunteer army and was preparing to enter the DPRK, an veteran who had already gone to work and served as the warden asked to return to the army.

This veteran was named Cao Yuhai, and he said he was a veteran. He was actually not very old. He was only 27 years old. But this was the "Old Eighth Road" that joined the army in 1943, and served as the battalion commander of the 1st Battalion of the 342th Regiment of the 114th Division of the 38th Army before moving to the local area.

When Cao Yuhai was 6 years old, his father was beaten to death by a landlord; when the Japanese invaded China, his grandfather was stabbed to death with a bayonet; his grandmother and mother died one after another under poverty.

In 1943, Cao Yuhai, who was less than 20 years old, joined the Eighth Route Army. Because of his bravery in combat, he was named a combat model; in the Liberation War, he became a combat hero again, making three great contributions and 5 medals. When the army of

went south, Cao Yuhai had grown into a battalion-level commander. Because he was wounded many times in the battle, after he recovered from his injuries, the organization considered his physical condition, so it was decided to transfer him to a place and serve as the warden in Wuhan City Prison. During

working in the local area, Cao Yuhai became lovers with a nurse who had taken care of him. When the two were about to get married, the war broke out again. When the old army of

passed through Wuhan, Cao Yuhai approached Sun Yongzhang, deputy director of the Political Department of the 342 regiment, and asked to join the army again. He said:

It seems that the American devils are going to come up. The dog days will not let us live in peace. Go back to the army and do it with him!

Sun Yongzhang and Cao Yuhai were old comrades-in-arms during the War of Resistance against Japan. He said: You are now the head of the Wuhan Prison, and you are making your home here. Cao Yuhai replied: Settling down? Is the American devils Jean Ann? Don't forget, we have to revolutionize.

However, from the local to the military, the deputy director of the Political Department of the 342 regiment could not make a decision, nor could the 114 division. It was finally reported to Liang Biye, then the head of organization of the Central South Military Region, before being approved.

When bidding farewell to his fiancée, Cao Yuhai said: I don't need happiness, I am not born to fight, but the enemy wants to deprive us of our happiness, and I have no other choice.

This is the high level of consciousness and awareness of the people's army. Having fought with the Japanese army and Chiang's ace army, it is impossible for Cao Yuhai not to know what he would face in a war with the Americans.

He actually doesn't need to go. With his previous combat exploits and his job at the time, he can live a good life with his lover. But he chose to go to North Korea to participate in the war, and he never returned. After

returned to the old army, Cao Yuhai first served as the battalion commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 342th Regiment. During the second battle, he was transferred back to his old unit 1st Battalion as the battalion commander. The battalion instructor Fang Xin was also his veteran in the Eighth Route Army. Comrades in arms.

In the first battle, the 1st battalion killed hundreds of Korean soldiers; in the second battle, the 1st battalion maimed a reinforced battalion of the Turkish brigade at Yangzhan; in the third battle, the 1st battalion again took the role of opening the way Pioneer, killed and injured more than 330 American soldiers. What is the main force of

? To open up mountains and open roads, the main force is the one with no previous direction, and the 1st Battalion of the 342th Regiment is such a unit. And the special situation of the Korean battlefield also put forward requirements for the main force not only to be invincible, but also to defend like a rock. In the fourth battle of

, the 38th Army and the 50th Army on the Western Front will fight separately against the US 1st Army and US 9th Army. A total of 4 US divisions, 2 Korean divisions, 2 British brigades, 1 Turkish brigade, and a large number of air and ground auxiliary forces. .

At that time, our army had been fighting continuously for three or four months, and the combat and non-combat attrition of the army was very large. Take the 114th Division as an example. At that time, even the general attrition was one-third, and the infantry company with a small number of only seventy or eighty.

As the front moved south, it was extremely difficult for us to replenish.Ammunition is also very scarce. The 114th Division only had 8 rounds per rocket launcher, more than 20 rounds per mortar, and 12 rounds per mortar. It is very difficult for

to block the US military's heavy forces under the extremely distressed situation of personnel, weapons and ammunition. When

talks about this, I have to mention a movie "Assembly Number" many years ago.

This movie is only in terms of visual effects, and it can be said that there are not many works that can surpass it. However, the whole film always feels weird. On the surface, it praises the PLA's strong combat effectiveness with fewer enemies, but when it comes to detail, it turns out that there are a lot of "private goods". In the

movie, the 9th company was arranged to fight a blockade, and the regiment ordered to retreat after hearing the assembly number. But in fact, the group where the 9th company was in did not blow the assembly call at all, so he withdrew first, and the 9th company was almost destroyed. In essence,

is that this regiment deceived the 9th company into a blocking position for the main force to evacuate. In the end, almost all the company suffered casualties.

After watching this film, many young people praised the film's fierce and authentic filming. Until now, the film still has 8 points on Douban, which is already very high for domestic war films.

But many veterans are very angry after watching this film: because the People's Liberation Army not only has no assembly number, let alone such deceptive behavior.

In the war years, it is not uncommon for some troops to fight the blockade to be completely exhausted, but is that a trick?

This kind of behavior of superiors deceiving subordinates is very common in the national army, but it does not exist in the People's Liberation Army.

In recent years of film and television works, the national army has always been transformed into the People's Liberation Army, but the People's Liberation Army has been transformed into the People's Liberation Army. This trend and phenomenon is very worthy of vigilance. During the war years, the reason why the People's Army was different from other armies was that it fully liberated the soldiers' minds. Everyone knows why they are fighting. As described in the movie "Assembly No.", large troops sacrifice small troops through deceptive behaviors in order to get away. So what is the difference between the People's Army and the National Army?

In the current film and television dramas, "resolutely complete the task" seems to have become a political slogan, but in the war years, this sentence means blood and sacrifice.

But what kind of People's Liberation Army is afraid of sacrifice? At that time, Cao Yuhai could stay in the place, but he still voluntarily asked to return to the team. And such veterans were not an individual phenomenon at the time, but a common phenomenon.

On the Korean battlefield, many internal disputes within our army are all fighting for tasks, comparing their achievements. It's not that a dangerous mission is deployed, and the superiors have to cheat.

In the 38th Army’s back-to-back battle, the firepower gap between the enemy and ours was measured by a hundred times. If the spirit of "Assembly No." were followed, how would the battle be fought?

Therefore, for the movie "Assembly Number", everyone should not be overshadowed by its surface, but it depends on the essence. In recent years, in a series of movies of certain companies, it is common to hide private goods. If you don't identify them, you will be caught.

Why do we mention "Assembly Number" here?

because the 1st Battalion of the 342th Regiment took on the task of holding the 350.3 Heights during the Han River blockade. This is a desperate battle. Let’s see how the real people’s army fought this battle.

As mentioned earlier, the 1st battalion was already dissatisfied with the compilation.

Cao Yuhai’s deployment is: 1 company is equipped with 1 heavy machine gun and 1 90 rocket launcher to defend forward positions; 2 company occupies several security positions and high ground to support 1 company’s operations; 3 company is located at the main peak, battalion and strengthened force at 350.3 height. The firing unit was also deployed behind the high ground. The

1 battalion and the 342 regiment have a telephone line to maintain communication. This is not the kind of cutting off the connection and the regiment preparing to run away, but an inevitable measure to complete the task.

Cao Yuhai and the others arrived early and immediately began to construct field fortifications. The requirements of the

regiment at the time were to build a stand-up bunker within one hour of opening a position, two hours to build a bunker with anti-cannon holes, four hours to have combat team communication fortification, and one day to have a complete defense system. There are 2 traffic trenches on the

350.3 high ground. Each person shoots 2 to 3 bunkers. The machine gun bunkers have a 1-meter-thick top cover and spare bunkers. There is a cave behind the mountain, which can accommodate thirty or forty people. In addition, false bunkers are constructed on the ground to disperse the firepower of the US military.

is so constructedThe reason is that the US military's firepower is too strong. In order to attack a 5,000 square meter position of the 114th Division, it fired 15,000 shells in one hour, which is an average of 3 shells per square meter.

To fight against this kind of opponent with abnormal firepower, the fortification must be strong. In order to hold the US offensive as much as possible, the 1st and 2nd companies of the 342 regiment were placed in front of the main position.

On February 11, the U.S. Army first fought a security position with 2 companies and 1 platoon of guards. In order to fight such a small security position, the US military had four hours of fire preparation.

Then two US infantry companies began to attack with the support of tanks. This platoon had only infantry weapons. When the US troops approached, they attacked them. They repelled the US troops twice, killing and injuring more than 60 people, but also suffered a lot of losses. .

In view of the heavy casualties of the 1st platoon and the completion of the task of delaying the US attack, Cao Yuhai ordered the retreat of the remaining soldiers.

A Yi fighter named Pan Xueshi had his leg broken, and the remaining fighters wanted to carry Pan Xueshi down.

Pan Xueshi said: You withdraw, I will cover, no fire cover, no one can go down!

The other fighters insisted on carrying Pan Xueshi on their backs. The Yi warrior shouted: I have broken my leg, but my hand hasn't been broken. I can still use a machine gun to cover you. One more comrade will give you more fighting power!

Finally, the other fighters left the ammunition to Pan Xueshi. The last words the Yunnan guy said was: You go first, it’s dark, I will come back by myself...

's legs are broken, how can I return? On the way the other soldiers evacuated, machine guns could still be heard, and then after seeing the fire of a grenade exploding, the sound of guns at the alert position also fell silent. When

fights a defensive battle, you can't just defend without attacking, but you must dare to counterattack, kill its infantry and disrupt the opponent's attack rhythm.

As soon as the US military occupied the guard position, Cao Yuhai sent 3 company commander Zhao Lianshan with 1 platoon and 2 company to fight back before the platoon, and after dark, Zhao Lianshan with 12 soldiers attacked the Jinganli Bridge at night-here it is Destroying the key channel for the US military to transport ammunition and supplies will help us stick to it for a longer time. The surprise attack of a small unit like

is actually a special operation. In the war years, our army knew this well, and the US army suffered a lot. When the

team arrived at the Jing'anli Bridge, the US military had a security platoon at the end of the bridge, but most of them slept in the barracks. There were mobile and fixed guards on the bridge.

The sharp soldier used a dagger to deal with the US sentry, then put on his uniform and disguised himself as a US army. The fire group aimed at the US barracks, and the blasting group placed explosives under the bridge.

Suddenly, a U.S. jeep drove over, and three U.S. troops came down. After I disguised as two U.S. soldiers and stabbed two U.S. soldiers to death, I captured the remaining one alive. Subsequently, explosives from the blasting team detonated the bridge. The moment the bridge was detonated, the soldiers from the fire team threw grenades one by one at the US barracks. The US security forces were reimbursed before they even touched the gun.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the explosion, the team went to blow up another wooden bridge. On the way back to the position, we saw that there was a US mortar position still firing at our position, and it handed the US mortar team to It was over, and 5 mortars were blown up.

If some directors want to make war films, this is a good subject. They are adapted from real battles and the shooting techniques can keep up with them. As a result,

had to create a "Assembly Number" in an imaginary way, which was really speechless.

After losing at night, the U.S. military always has to intensify during the day, and its next target is the forward position of my 1st company guard. After preparing for fierce artillery fire, the US army dispatched a large number of tanks to cover its infantry impact. Due to the terrain, after the US tanks rushed to the foot of the mountain, they chose a suitable firing position to strike directly at our firepower points.

Our army has nothing to do with these tanks, because the entire company has only one rocket launcher, and there are few rounds of ammunition, so it can only kill its infantry as much as possible.

When the US infantry attacked the 1st company, the remaining soldiers of the 2nd company and 1st platoon I had withdrawn from the previous guard position flanked the US army, killed more than 50 of them, and avenged Pan Xueshi's squad leader.

The U.S. Army failed to attack, and then used a battalion of infantry to attack the position of the 1st company in multiple ways. The instructor of the 1st battalion Fang Xin led the reserve team from Yu Rigou to turn around.The impact repelled the American attack. After this battle,

suffered a great loss, so it was withdrawn to the main position 350.3 Heights, and a more brutal bloody battle was about to begin.

Cao Yuhai’s deployment is based on the 3rd company (one short of 1 platoon) as the main defender, the remaining personnel of the 1st and 2nd companies defending the left and right sides of the position. The regiment draws 1 guard platoon and staff to supplement the 3rd company-no soldiers. Up. The

battle is fought to this point. The more difficult thing is that there is no ammunition. The US Army has more artillery shells than ours. Soldiers use the ammunition on the US army's corpse to supplement themselves, but how much can this be?

The U.S. army has lost money in the total attack on the 350.3 heights. There are 24 aircraft to provide air support, more than 50 artillery to provide fire preparation, 52 tanks for frontline support, and at least 2 infantry companies for each attack. After

defeated the US army for three times, it saw that our army had few troops, so it split up to attack and detoured back to the command post of the 1st Battalion.

Cao Yuhai was on the phone with the regiment leader Sun Hongdao, and the correspondent reported that the enemy had come up in a roundabout way.

, the 28-year-old man from Shandong, left his last words with the head: head, I say goodbye to you, goodbye! He took the gun and rushed out.

The fourth US attack was repelled, and Cao Yuhai also died heroically.

When Cao Yuhai put down the phone, Sun Hongdao, the head of the 342 regiment, once wanted to rush to the 350.3 height by himself, but was stopped by the political commissar Wang Pili, because for the 342 regiment, the next task was still very heavy. The head.

In order to strengthen the defense of the main position, another platoon of the 3rd company was transferred back, but was discovered and suppressed by a US military aircraft during the movement to the main position. Only the fifth squad leader Ma Xi rushed over. Company Commander Zhao Lianshan of

3 asked: Are you here in both rows? Ma Xicai replied: With me, I have 4 grenades, and I mean that row 2 will come first! In this way,

kept repelling the 7th US offensive. At this time, only company commander Zhao Lianshan and 6 soldiers were in the main position. All the clerks in the

battalion were also exhausted, and Fang Xin, the instructor, took the remaining two correspondents and one telephone operator from the battalion to the position.

Under the shelling of the US army, Fang Xin's left leg was injured and he refused to withdraw from the position. After the US army rushed up, Fang Xin carried the last mortar and ignited the fire and died with the US army. He was only 27 years old.

Only 3 company commander Zhao Lianshan and 1st squad leader Liu Zhanqing were left in the battle.

4 U.S. soldiers rushed up, trying to catch the alive, Zhao Lianshan still had 4 bullets in the shell rifle, 3 U.S. soldiers threw down 3 U.S. soldiers, and the remaining one rushed forward and was knocked down. There were other U.S. troops on the battlefield. At a critical juncture, three companies and two platoons that had been blocked by enemy planes rushed up and repelled the U.S. troops.

At this time, there were only 2 rows of remaining soldiers and surviving severely wounded soldiers on the entire position, but they completed the blocking task on time and eliminated more than 680 American soldiers.

The Han River blockade was very cruel. When transferred to the north bank of the Han River, the entire 342 regiment and the two battalions of the 341 regiment could only make up four combat companies. It can be said that most of the combatants were casualties.

During the entire Han River blockade, the 38th Army suffered a total of tens of thousands of combat casualties, and the sacrifices were huge. Among them, Battalion Commander Cao Yuhai could have not participated in the war, but he actively participated in the war and many victims were killed.

veterans on the battlefield are not unaware of the difficulties and dangers of fighting a strong enemy, let alone understanding that some tasks actually mean sacrifice.

But he went anyway, and such veterans are not one or two in the People's Army, but the characteristics of an entire army.

used to be the 60th Army of the National Army. Later, it revolted and was reorganized into the 50th Army of the People's Liberation Army. It fought side by side with the 38th Army on the Han River. All 7 entire companies, 31 entire platoons, and 138 entire squads were killed.

In the entire Han River blockade, there were hundreds of company-level battles. Is there a situation like the movie "Assembly Number"? I can't find a single case of

! The

People’s Army is a collective that can give birth to heroes. Also in New China, heroes will emerge from countless industries at critical moments.

Some people think they can't do it, they think others can't. Seeing that others have done that, they still search for explanations or fabricate them, such as the plot created in "Assembly No.".

At this moment, countless retrogrades are fighting on the front line of the fight against the epidemic, but there are also a lot of talkers. We hope that people will respect these heroes sincerely, instead of discrediting or even slandering!