20 best Douban movies from 10 years to the present, which ones do you know?

In the past ten years of Chinese film development, there have been many wonderful and beautiful movies. Some made us cry, some made us extremely excited, and some recorded the traces of time. The content and style of each movie are different, and the quality of a movie is judged by the audience. The first feeling of the audience is the key reason for the qualification of a movie. Douban selected the 20 best movies in the past decade, all with a score of 8 or more. Let me explain it to you.

"I'm not the God of Medicine" I think everyone is familiar with it. As soon as it was released, the movie had a huge circle of friends, and its reputation was overwhelming. The score also reached 9 points. It is adapted from real events and deeply expresses humanity, life, and redemption.

's sentence "Which one can still not have a patient, can you be sure that you won't be sick in this life?" And so many people's hearts were poked. Cheng Yong, played by Xu Zheng, was not a good person at first, just wanted to make more money. But later, when he saw the lives and deaths of others and the lives of poor people, he knew that he had a different meaning in the eyes of certain people, or it could be said that he was their god.

"There is only one kind of true heroism in the world, which is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life." I think Cheng Yong is such a person, an ordinary person who wants to make money can also be an ordinary person. Heroic, he can also be the belief that others live.

The second one is "Let the Bullets Fly" by Jiang Wen, which is also a very classic movie, which is funny and has a deep meaning in it. People of different ages will have different feelings when watching this movie. The most fundamental reason is the different understanding of society. The setting of the movie

is that after the Revolution of 1911, the emperor disappeared, but the landlords became a new oppressor of the people. The Revolution of 1911 did not achieve the effect, and the exploiting class only changed individuals. Although Master Huang died at the end, the train that appeared at the end of the film shows that there will be another Master Huang, and there are other Master Huang in other places in China.

In the end, it is the people at the bottom that have not really received any change. They overthrew Master Huang, but the shackles in their hearts have not been opened. They will still yield when power emerges. Not everyone is Zhang Mazi.

Under the current intensity of film censorship in China, it is quite surprising to me that this film can pass the review, but Jiang Wen can be regarded as the number one character because he can make the film deep and enjoy the audience.

"The Thief of the Moon" is also a movie well known to the public. The background is in Shanghai in the 1960s. At this time, the society is very dark. The people at the bottom often cannot see the future, just like a rickshaw driver. You don't know the meaning of your own existence. The Luo family in the

movie shows faith in life when living in poverty. This dark and difficult era is full of warmth in this family, or a little bit of courage for life. Life is really difficult sometimes, it is rare to make you powerless, but we still have to have the simplest life and the most distant dream, even if the road is far away in the cold tomorrow.

"Twenty Two" is a historical record, and it is a narration of a tragedy. Twenty-two refers to the twenty-two survivors of comfort women with public identity throughout the country. Those women who were snatched by the Japanese army were reduced to comfort women and suffered inhumane insults and torture. Later, those who survived will suffer again. The criticism and insults of people around.

They did nothing wrong, but their fate is so unbearable, torturing them and their offspring. This movie does not use angry roars, it just recounts a fact, like an old man telling his own experience when he was young, whether it is humiliating or ordinary. This film does not need the mercy of the audience, it is just talking about the voice of the old people. The fifth part of

is "Heart Labyrinth", this film shows the relationship between human nature and family affection vividly. Some people say: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou is China's fantasy, and the small county is the truth of China. We have been running desperately, not daring to look back at the darkness behind.

But "Heart Labyrinth" does show the deepest part of our hearts. You will feel that this is real, those little people are desperate for life. Everyone has their own opinions on the lies and truths told in this movie. Maybe everyone sees the truth or not. It expresses not onlyIt's just a process of reasoning, it's also an analysis of human nature.

and "Nezha: The Devil Child Comes into the World" and "You are a Youth" released this year. "Nezha" became the second largest box office in Chinese film history, breaking 4.654 billion. This is also a historic breakthrough for Chinese animation films, opening a new door for Chinese animation.

"You are a young man" is a movie about school bullying in China starring Zhou Dongyu and Yi Yang Qianxi. This movie made me know Yi Yang Qianxi again. I want to make many people shine with the acting skills of this young man. , There is also Zhou Dong Yuying's true appearance, her bald head can see the investment and effort for this movie.

Chinese films have been developing vigorously in the past ten years. Many good works are presented before our eyes. It is the most important that the audience can see their favorite films.