Li Xian: Flow is not the original sin, do what you should do

At the end of 2017, Li Xian, who was still busy in the promotion period of "River God", received an invitation from the costume drama "Sword Dynasty". At that time, he was not a "current boyfriend" and did not have the support of "top traffic". "Sword Dynasty" is Li Xian's first costume drama, and his appearance also attracted the attention of the drama before it aired. This is a traditional martial arts film, the story is set at the end of the Warring States period, tells the story of revenge of the city boy Ding Ning. The drama portrays Li Xian's completely unfamiliar costume world, which makes him want to try it.

Before he was 19 years old, he was called "Li Xi". He was rainy and rainy a week before he was born, but it suddenly cleared up on the day of his birth. His parents took the word "Xin" to mean seeing the sun. At the age of 19, he applied for the Beijing Film Academy and changed "Xian" to "Xian" for the convenience of entry. As a sophomore, he made his debut in the movie "Thousand Arrows Piercing Heart" and became a member of the huge entertainment industry.

Li Xian has become one of the most concerned young actors since the "Dear, Loved" hit this year. He knows that he is not the kind of actor who makes people feel amazing at a glance, so he has been reading a lot of books, watching movies, and watching dramas to make up for his shortcomings. He likened himself to the "Alpha Dog", "Alpha Dog is a processor, it will enter all the chessboards and then play the game. I am also a processor, I will see the good film and television works, performances The way is absorbed in my mind, watching and learning over and over. When I want to create a character, I will transmit it in my own way."

"Sword Dynasty" A 360-degree remake of 20 times

"Sword Dynasty" is the most attractive Li Xian is the hero Ding Ning's unyielding spirit to fate, and the changes in his values ​​and outlook on life in the process of revenge. Before shaping the character, Li Xian will make a comprehensive biographical of the character, understand the character's birth background, growth experience, and friendship circle, and print the entire frame and timeline of the script in his mind, just like the four-dimensional space and the three-dimensional Like the space, if you go to the show, you will know what kind of emotions should be at which point in time.

In the process of shaping Ding Ning, Li Xian thinks that what is difficult is the character's understanding of revenge. "There are few people in life who can understand revenge, and I have never experienced it. So when I was looking for characters in common, I wanted to integrate into his life. Even in different eras, I have to talk about chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea, and I have to have family and country feelings. , You have to fall in love."

Most of the action scenes in "Sword Dynasty" are done by actors themselves.

is followed by the difficulty of the action scene. Li Xian is a "novice" and is not sure about many action scenes. He joined the team a month in advance to practice sword moves with the action team, and suffered a lot. In order to present the most perfect state, a 360-degree side somersault shot was taken repeatedly for more than 20 times. He refused to use a substitute, suffered lumbar muscle strain, and injured 3 fingers by the scabbard.

In Li Xian's opinion, as an actor, he should be dedicated, pay for every shot, and live up to every opportunity he gets. "At least now I know how the scenes related to'sword' were shot, and I also learned the tricks. This is my biggest gain." When

A was the poorest, Kari had only 38 yuan 2

. He clearly remembered the first part of life. One scene, I took more than 20 shots and couldn't make it through. The staff shouted impatiently, "Can you do it?"

Before the age of 18, actors were never Li Xian's life options. The Jingzhou Middle School where the high school attended is one of the best schools in the city, but "skip class, rebellious, and disobedient" are the keywords that teachers think of first when they mention Li. Because his parents are busy with work, Li Xian can grow up freely. When

doesn't want to go to school, he occasionally sneaks into several universities in Jingzhou City and sits in the playground or study room for an afternoon. I ride a bicycle from home to school every day, and go to the Yangtze River embankment with my classmates during a break. In 2010, he had just been admitted to the Beijing Film Academy and was contested by director Wang while still in military training. In the movie "A Thousand Arrows Piercing Heart", he plays Yan Bingyan's son Ma Xiaobao, a boy who is full of resentment towards his mother and has little introverted words due to his father's early death.

In the movie "A Thousand Arrows Pierced the Heart", Li Xian plays Yan Bingyan's son, who hates his mother because of his father's death.

He clearly remembers the first scene of his life: he opened the refrigerator to get yogurt, turned off the refrigerator and saw his mother, and then left reluctantly. Li Xian was very nervous at the time, and didn't know what to do. Sometimes the location is wrong to block the actress, sometimes the wrong drink is taken, and sometimes the wrong line is spoken... After more than 20 shots, I can’t make it through.I yelled patiently, "Can you do it?"

Although Li Xian failed his performance, the movie "Thousand Arrows Through Heart" was still praised and nominated for Best Picture at the Tokyo International Film Festival. This film also let him understand the shooting mode of literary and artistic films, and what it's like to work with good actors.

went to film academy, made a good show, and signed a contract with a brokerage company. When he was still immersed in the vision of "the road will not be bad in the future", he suddenly realized that he hadn't filmed for three years. Li Xian was the last one to leave the dormitory when he graduated. He had no money and nowhere to go. I rented a house outside the East Fifth Ring Road in Beijing with the income of 2,000 yuan from advertising. At the poorest time, the card was only 38 yuan2, and I couldn’t get it out of the ATM.

waited for three years. He worked hard to get an interview in the movie "Brother Sleeping in My Upper Bunk". In order to meet the image of a rough guy in the play, he went to the playground with his topless body under the sun at 30℃ to play football. , Went to move with the people from the moving company, and finally became a dark, sturdy, bearded guy-Xie Xun.

"Brother Sleeping on My Upper Bunk" stills

Recalling that period of "very anxious", Li Xian said in a calm tone: "Since I can't give up acting, I can only break the boat and sink my heart. I read a lot of books and movies. Enriched, tempered with acting skills." Seeing Kawabata Yasunari from Mishima Yukio, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Higashino Keigo, "At that time, I felt that I couldn’t just do nothing and watch half a book and a movie every day. Just go to the gym and go round and round."

B has traffic, but also has real skills

"I want to buy a cup of coffee shamelessly." Li Xian has always had a small wish.

In 2017, the web drama "River God" was aired, and Li Xian had a small-scale popularity once, and received a lot of praise for "acting explosion", and he also accumulated his first fans. The job offer he received was arranged for a full year. In order to be able to enter the role with heart, he refused other jobs during the filming period.

​​TV series "River God" stills

TV series "Dear, Loved" stills

Because of the lack of exposure, many articles began to say "After "River God", Li Xian is confused." Until July this year, the TV series "Dear, Love" The launch of "The" unexpectedly brought him traffic, fame and development opportunities.

Not long ago, the movie "The Gathering at Southern Station" was released. Leading actors Hu Ge and Li Jiaqi were doing live ticket sales together. Does art need traffic? Not defined. Li Xian said that if he was asked to do a live broadcast of the literary and artistic film "Love Song 1980" in which he starred, he would do the same. Some people work hard to keep the exposure, and some people work hard to make a film. It's no right or wrong.

"Traffic is not the original sin, but you have to have real abilities at the same time as you have traffic. It's not that you can ignore your lack of abilities after you have traffic. Do what you should do and learn more."

In recent years, Li Xian starred Two literary films "Love Song 1980" (above) and "Mystery of Arrival" (below) have just been finalized and will be released on February 14, 2020.

has experienced the perplexity of being denied and the confusion of nothing to film. Li Xian has always been anxious about self-improvement. After becoming popular, Hot Search not only has his latest developments, but even a like on his social account will become a topic of discussion among netizens. Busyness and pursuit cannot make him feel safe. Reading, fitness, and watching movies are necessary for actors such as reading, fitness, and watching movies. All are compressed onto the plane and before going to bed.

"I just want to buy a cup of coffee when I can shamelessly." Li Xian has always had a small wish. On days of rest, he can watch TV, drink beer, and play games without worrying about whether to shoot next. You will gain weight; don’t worry if you eat this dessert today, you will lose your abs tomorrow.

C Life is short, so you should try more when you are young

"I might not be an actor all my life. Wouldn't it be good to open a surf bar and be a surf teacher or diving teacher?"

Li Xian, an ordinary person, still lives It is shorts, T-shirt, slippers, wearing a hat and mask to go to the supermarket, caring about the weather and scenery. As soon as Jay Chou's new song came out, he happily shared it and shared it. As soon as the basketball and football seasons came, he began to brush up on James and Ronaldo.

He likes to write on Weibo that only sports fans can understand, and he is willing to share his book list and movies. He reads Zhang Beihai and Borges, in the works of Osamu Dazai and Yukio Mishima Also foresee the noChennai.

He chased the American drama "My Gifted Girlfriend" and wrote a serious film review for the Korean film "Burning". The work is too hard. He will reward himself with a 28mm fixed focus GR camera.

There are not many things that can give Li Xian a sense of accomplishment outside of work, and extreme sports are one. He feels that life is short and cannot follow the rules, so he should try more when he is young.

What is his future goal? He replied half-jokingly, “I’m not sure about the future. I might not be an actor all my life. Maybe I won’t do it someday. I will open a surf bar and be a surfing teacher or diving teacher. Alright?"

In Li Xian's childhood memory, the best things are beef rice noodles, hot dried noodles and tofu skin. For a Hubei native, he can only eat these for three meals a day. There are several good beef rice noodles and hot dry noodles in Jingzhou, which he must eat every time he goes back.

He also likes to eat potato shreds and small fried pork made by his mother, which he has grown from snacks to big ones. It was supposed to be eaten at the table, but every time Li Xian and his father finished picking up food, they hurried to the living room to eat and watch the game. Spicy fried potato shreds + CCTV5 is the standard for Li's current meals.

New Fresh Reply

Beijing News: Which movies you will watch over and over again, why?

Li Xian: can really touch the heart, like "Shawshank's Redemption", "Inception" and "Your Name." "Haijie Diary". Otherwise, I have reached a state that shocked me in artistic creation, or touched me in all kinds of small details, I will watch it repeatedly.

From left: He Zhengyu, Oguri Shun, Ryan Gosling

Beijing News: Who is your idol in the profession of actor?

Li Xian: I want to be an actor like Ha Zhengyu, Oguri Shun, and Ryan Gosling, so that the roles and repertoires I create can truly have a positive effect on a type of film, the film industry, and even the audience and society. To the impact.

Beijing News: Besides acting, what kind of talent do you want to have?

Li Xian: I have always regretted one thing, that is, I didn't learn piano when I was young. In fact, I really like playing piano. Every time I see the piano, I don't know how to play a section. This is a little regret in my life.

Beijing News: You wrote Kitano Takeshi's sentence on Weibo: "Although it is hard, I will still choose that kind of hot life." Do you have feelings about this sentence?

Li Xian: I will tell you about the life of an actor. A total of 24 episodes of "River God" were shot for 120 days, and I worked about 18 hours a day. The amount of my lines in a day is about five densely packed A4 pages. In the seven to eight hours from work to start, I have to recite five pages of lines. The three photographers work in shifts every day to shoot underwater scenes, but I have to stay underwater for 20 days. After the broadcast, I saw Douban scored 8.2 and was bought by Netflix. When I was walking on the road, others recognized me and said, "Isn't this "Little River God"?" My work is recognized. This is the honor and achievement of being an actor. For me, why is it so hard? I still have to choose this kind of hot life, because Douban always has an 8.2-point "River God" and an 8.6-point "Thousand Arrows Piercing Heart", and the cast says "Li Xian".

Beijing News: Do you think you have weaknesses in acting? Such as crying?

Li Xian: is right, I admit it. Because I have been very rebellious since I was young, my parents have always implemented a stocking policy on me, and I have never been bullied by my classmates. Most of the time I am in a happy stage. So in such an environment, I don't feel too much sadness, and I don't know how to mobilize my sadness.

Beijing News: Are you used to the term "current boyfriend" now?

Li Xian: is okay, thanks to my parents for giving me such a good label name.

Beijing News: Are you a typical Libra, more entangled?

Li Xian: was entangled in the past, but now he learns to let go of it. Mainly because I had no money before, I can only buy one in style and color. The same is true for the script. You can only shoot two plays a year, and shoot the best when you are sure.

Beijing News: Share a small eating habit.

Li Xian: American style without ice.

Beijing News: Where do you want to travel most?

Li Xian: really wants to go to Europe. After Notre Dame de Paris was burned, I always felt that there were things that I missed in my life, so I think historical sites or some famous paintings should be seen as soon as possible.

Chief Correspondent of Beijing News Liu Wei