The whole movie with only one actor, what kind of work is it?

's high-profile and refreshing film "Manslaughter" has been released for three days, and the cumulative box office has exceeded 200 million.

Compared with the original "Manslaughter", the Chinese version uses the story frame and has also made many detailed adaptations.

, for example, changed the original Sucha's "candid shooting" to "sexual assault", which strengthened the relationship between father and daughter, and so on.

However, "Manslaughter" has gained such a high reputation, and there is another reason: it has a very rich film stalk. Li Weijie, the protagonist of

said: "If you have watched more than 1,000 movies, you will find that there are no bizarre cases in the world."

"Montage", "Suspect X's Dedication", "Shawshank's Redemption" , "Buried alive"... You can find the plot lines in these movies in "Manslaughter".

So today we will talk about the first stalk quoted in "Manslaughter": "Buried alive".

​​This suspenseful film "Buried Alive" from Spain was released in 2010. The most surprising thing is that the cost of the film is only 3 million US dollars. After it was released, it received 20 million US dollars in box office worldwide. In the whole movie of

, there is only one protagonist supporting a scene, only the scene in the coffin. The minimalist props and shooting scenes of

do not limit the pattern of the movie itself. A mobile phone links all the plots and details.

Under the claustrophobic space, the culmination of human fear is magnified, our hanging heart seems to follow the protagonist, from despair to hope to despair.

When the truth emerges like a cocoon, the feeling of depression is beyond words. The critique and satire of the

movie on human nature far exceeds imagination. I have to feel that the small-cost movie can have such a thrilling plot and strong sense of substitution, which can be regarded as unprecedented. The protagonist of

, Paul, is a truck driver working as a contractor in Iraq, who specializes in transporting supplies for battlefields.

With a sudden sound of breathing, Paul woke up from the darkness and found himself trapped in a very small wooden coffin.

is tied up with hands and feet and cannot move.

has no clue as to why he is here.

Paul instinctively called out for help, but there was no response. At this time, he was buried alive, and he couldn't escape by screaming.

He didn't expect that one day, death would be so close to him, his sense of fear would hit like a huge wave, and his desire to survive would grow stronger.

​​Paul touched a lighter in the dark, used a nail to untie his restraint, and later found an old-fashioned mobile phone left by the kidnapper.

This became Paul's only hope of escape, but soon, hope became disappointment.

At a critical moment, his first reaction was to call the police, but the police officer did not believe Paul, thinking he was playing a prank and hung up the phone.

then contacted his company, and it turned out that a call was forwarded, which didn't work, and no one answered the hot potato.

When he was desperate, Paul checked the call log and found a missed call. Paul called him, but he didn't know it was the kidnapper's number. When the

kidnapper opened his mouth, he was paid 5 million dollars and forced him to make threatening videos, otherwise he would be buried forever under this desert.

Reluctantly, Paul learned the embassy's contact number from his wife and best friend, and he was very excited to ask the embassy for help, but the result was nothing.

He dialed the phone again, found the leader of the rescue team, and explained the situation to him. Team leader

kept comforting Paul and told him that kidnappings happen very often, and they have successfully rescued many people. "Mark White" is one of them. The battery of the

mobile phone is worrying. The air in the narrow coffin is getting thinner and thinner. Paul carved "Mark White" on the top of the coffin.

This is his only motivation to survive and persevere. He hopes that he will be rescued like this lucky guy. An explosion sounded from

, and the earth vibrated violently. A large amount of sand leaned down from the top of the coffin. The phone rang when

was extremely critical, and the company executive who hired him called. But the supervisor not only decided to fire Paul, but also said that the company would not take any responsibility for Paul's safety.

This phone call made Paul completely frustrated.Fainted suddenly.

woke up at 8:30 in the morning, seeing no hope of life, Paul decided to record the last words of his phone and turn on the phone.

At this time, the kidnappers started threatening on the other side of the phone, raising the ransom to 1 million, and filming a video of self-harm, otherwise his family would lose their lives.

Paul had no choice but to do the same. Pain was intertwined with despair. At this time, Paul was indifferent. The

rescue team called and said that they had caught a terrorist and informed the location of the burial. Paul would be rescued soon.

But at this time a large amount of sand seeped into the coffin, and seeing that Paul was about to flood the coffin and fill the whole coffin, the rescue team called. The

team leader told him that they had found the wrong place and dug the wrong person, and then a sentence of "I'm sorry" from the other side of the phone...

sand still ruthlessly swallowed Paul, and at the end of the film, it plunged into darkness again.

The atmosphere of "Buried Alive" is extremely depressing. It is not only the fear brought by space, but also the feelings of disappointment until the end.

We seem to be trapped in it too, feeling suffocated with the protagonist’s gasping sound and the thinning air.

When all thoughts are lost, that faint light becomes all of you, but when the light turns into your white horse, you are greeted with eternal darkness, how desperate it should be. The movie

also has a satire on the lifestyles of modern people. Why don’t we put ourselves in a closed world, relying on communication tools to build contact with the outside world.

The secular complexity and human indifference are also buried alive in another sense?

The word human nature is more painful than skin-cutting pain. The

male protagonist Paul lingered, struggling to survive, and made all the efforts he should do. What

got was a cold response. No one really cared about the life of the hero. It was so cruel that a dying person was threatened and mocked.

Perhaps, the rescue team did not dig the wrong person as he explained, but did not have any rescue operations at all. The background sound of that "sorry" is very quiet, and the degree of indifference can be imagined.

has to say that what the film shows is a society in which the benefits are overwhelming.

In the face of reality, human lives seem so small, so weak and helpless.

everything can be tested, only human nature.

In this world of the weak and the strong, how do we survive, and what kind of contempt we will encounter, this is the subjective question left by "Buried Alive".