Limited strings, unlimited life

Last night, I watched a movie with my friends, the title is "Sea Pianist". When I first saw it, I was refreshing like a bowl of sweet rice wine. When I drank more and more, I gradually became confused, but later it was like drinking a cup of high-strength coffee, which made me sober and awake all night.

"Sea Pianist" tells stories about music, love and war. To me, the story of the movie is like a poetic journey of soul-stirring. The scenery along the way is beautiful, beautiful and amazing, and I can't help but linger. This movie is like a fascinating sea dynamic poem, which makes me think for thousands of years and have a lasting aftertaste.

On the first day of 1900, on the cruise ship Virginian between Europe and the United States, Danny Boodman, the worker in charge of adding coal to the cruise ship, was trying to pick up things left by the rich, but unexpectedly found one on the piano. Abandoned newborns are packed in empty cardboard boxes of TD brand lemons. Since he firmly believed that "TD" represented the abbreviation of Thanks Danny, Danny ignored the ridicule of other workers and raised the baby independently. In order to commemorate this special day, he named him 1900.

was born at sea in 1900, but he was a person who never existed on land. He had no relatives, no household registration, and no nationality. The sea was his cradle, and he grew up with the Virginian berthing to and from various piers. Up. However, good times are not always good. An accident at sea caused the accidental death of Danny who raised 1900...

One day late at night, the people on the ship were suddenly awakened by the beautiful sound of the piano. They followed the sound of the piano and looked at it, but there was nothing. The 1900, which was taught by myself, played a moving melody in front of the piano. Since then, 1900 has embarked on a journey of playing piano at sea.

​​Max Max also came to the Virginian to join the band accompaniment by chance. Therefore, he met the legendary sea pianist-1900, and the two became friends. In 1900, after competing with the legendary piano player Jelly who invented jazz on the same boat, the momentum became even stronger. But despite Max repeatedly encouraging 1900 to disembark and show his talents to the world, 1900 has never set foot on land. It was not until he was recording a solo album for the record company that he accidentally saw the beautiful and moving girl outside the cabin, and was moved to create "1900's Theme" (the unknown song mentioned by the opening credit Max and the owner of the instrument store). As the girl disembarked and left, 1900's heart began to fluctuate. Will 1900 leave the life on the boat for more than 30 years in order to find a girl?

1900 said: "Everything was fine on the gangway that day, and I felt great. Wearing that coat, it was really handsome. I really plan to disembark. There is no problem. Nothing is a problem. What prevents me is not watching What I see is what I cannot see. There is nothing in those cities that extend infinitely, but there is no end. What I cannot see is the end of all this, the end of the world."

1900 is full of longing for love. He walks behind the spiral staircase, but throws his hat into the sea. Is he unwilling to go with the flow and need endless temptations? Or is the sea and music his warmest hometown?

A ship represents the entire world of a born music wizard. In 1900, it was his courage that made people cry. We can only stay up and down in the crowd, hold on or let go, meet or lose. The Virginian became the paradise where 1900 lived, and the terrestrial world became the "country full of tigers" he feared. Perhaps in the eyes of 1900, the whole world was beautiful and terrifying, and the whole world was too beautiful to be touched by him. He would rather go back to the boat forever. Is this a fear of the unknown world? Or is he born with a certain degree of alienation or hostility toward land? Why can't even the beautiful and pure love and Feihuang Tengda's future make him a male erect?

After watching "The Pianist on the Sea", I have a conjecture: people are always suppressed by fear and isolation, and they always feel that they are not in some small circles, but the outside world is very cold? I still have a problem and don’t store the good life in the goodWhat about in society?

1900 is a piano lover. Although the music he plays makes people enjoy a moment of happiness, I don’t approve of his way of escaping from reality. He should temporarily forget the fear and sadness in front of him, and step off the boat bravely for the love in his heart go with.

But at the same time, I discovered that 1900 was not alone, and there was a shadow of myself in this trance. We have been pursuing beautiful love all our lives, but the reality is very cold, materialistic, and the power of money controls everything, making us unable to move or even breathe.

At this moment, I admire 1900 very much. His life in 1900 is a manifestation of existentialism. He despised all the rules recognized by society, he despised the people on the land and the style of doing things, and he values ​​his own existence more. He was more willing to live for himself, so he survived alone until the ship was destroyed without getting off the ship. This kind of stubbornness and sorrow was vividly manifested in 1900.

Although 1900 is a person with little desire to win, I think he can use his own music talents to earn countless fame and fortune, and he can use his own music to explore the hearts of others, and use him to wander in the ocean of music. Talent, try to find your own love. But it is extremely sad that he did not pursue it like ordinary people, he gently threw the top hat into the sea, and withdrew the foot to the land. So, in the face of reality, was the 1900's decisiveness, sadness, or great fortitude? In this regard, I am also very conflicted.

"The Pianist on the Sea" has a beautiful and lyrical film language, and also has a unique perspective and an unusually calm deep thinking. 1900 walks silently in the cold loneliness, from childhood to old age and then to destruction, this is tragic Strength!

1900 Where is the bright road to the other side? Do people living in this world exile themselves, or do they seek forever? The strings are limited and life has no end. This is life and reality.

This is just like what 1900 said: "Take a piano as an example. The keys have a beginning and an end. There are 88 keys. The keys are not infinite, but you are infinite. On these keys, you can create music. It’s infinite. I like it. It’s a way of life that I can accept. When I’m standing on the gangway, what is unfolded before my eyes is a keyboard with no end composed of millions and hundreds of millions of keys, and if the keyboard is Infinite, then no music can be staged on it. You choose the wrong playing position. That is God’s piano.” Perhaps, 1900 was reluctant to get off the boat to choose the musical soil that could inspire his creation. In this position on the boat, He can manage his hopes, so he stayed on board. The

movie story seems to be over here, but in my heart, I still sincerely hope that 1900 will disembark, because I also want to disembark.