The post-production skills of film and television, for zero-based novices, are really rewarding!

As the name suggests,

film and television post-production can literally be understood as using material obtained from actual shooting, synthesizing special effects shots through related software, and then editing the shots together to form a complete movie and making sounds for the movie. But many people will ask, what industries can be engaged in after studying film and television? What are the development prospects of these industries?

1. The skills needed to master film and television post-production

film and television post-production is to use the actual shooting material to make special effects shots through three-dimensional animation and synthesis methods, and then edit the shots together to form a complete movie and make sound for the movie. Usually include "TV column", "TV feature film" (promotional film), "TV series", "second type advertisement" and so on. These programs are usually broadcast every day or every week, and are regular programs. There are a lot of production needs, so a lot of people are needed.

A late film and television person needs to master:

1, TV program editing theory based on the theory of sub-shots,

lens editing, film and television performance sentence structure. These are all program editing methods summarized in film and television over the past 100 years, and they are the main methods of current TV programs.

2, the use of various post equipment, usually including:

(1) the editing system

Betacam, Dvcpro editing machine

(2) the non-linear editing system

DPS Velocity, Edius pro, Avid xpress pro and other editing systems with the above knowledge You can edit the show.

Of course, the post-production methods of various types of programs are different. TV series, special topics. . . . . . The single-camera sub-camera (ENG) shooting mode is adopted. The TV column adopts the multi-camera (EFP) shooting mode. You can see that the two programs have fundamentally different forms and shooting methods. In this way, the post-production methods and equipment used are different. If you just master the use of software, such as Premiere Pro, AE, three-dimensional animation..., you can’t make a program, you can only cooperate as a device user.

2. The industry prospects of film and television post-production

The film and television post-production industry is a very promising industry. At present, a large number of film and television works use post-production technology. For example, audiences who have watched the Harry Potter series will have wonderful visions for them The effect is shocking, which is inseparable from the reputation of the film and television post-production majors of British universities in the world; the Chinese National China Film Digital Production Base participated in the production of "Heaven and Earth Heroes", "A World without Thieves", "Yunshui Yao", "Taihang" "Mountain" and other movies have used a lot of blue screen keying synthesis technology. The application of film and television post-production technology has been very extensive. With the development of domestic film and television, the industry’s demand for film and television talents is increasing, and the demand for film and television post-production industry personnel is in short supply. On the other hand, as China and the international film and television industry market have begun to integrate, film and television industry personnel must be more professional Professional skills and higher professional literacy.

3. The employment direction of film and television post-production

There are many industries that can be engaged in after learning into film and television post-production, such as game animation, television advertising, film and television production and other industries. Employment can go to film and television companies, advertising companies, media companies, etc. The employment direction is: video editing, post-production editing, animation production, etc.

1, film and television company

In a film and television company, you can deal with special effects of film and television works, such as film, MV and other editing processing, which requires proficiency in a variety of software and years of work experience to be competent. Of course, if you have good skills, active innovative thinking and artistic inspiration, the industry also likes to absorb such newcomers. In small media companies, such as shooting events for customers' weddings, anniversary celebrations and other themes, and conduct special editing. In this industry, the salary is not lower than that of specializing in the post-processing of film and television works. After studying, you can also start your own business to meet the needs of small and medium customers.

2, advertising company

In advertising companies, film and television post-production is a crucial position. From TV, outdoor multimedia and online video screens, we can see overwhelming video screen advertisements. Every advertisement cannot be separated from editing, special effects and other processing. At present, the employment prospects of this industry are very good. The salary is not low. In big cities, it is generally above 4000. If the technology is good, it can reach 8000 is not a problem. In ordinary cities, it is easy to get more than 3000 at the beginning.

3, game animation industry

is engaged in the game animation industry. It goes without saying that it has great development prospects. Now this industry is an industry strongly supported by the state and a rapidly developing industry. Currently, the government supports more than 50 cities to establish game animation bases. At present, domestic animation is in the early stage of development, and there is a large talent gap. The later stage of film and television is an important process in animation and other production, and it is the key to directly affecting the quality of the work. Therefore, the prospects for the post-production of animation film and television are very good.

4. Professional treatment of film and television post-production

technology is in hand, no matter which industry you are in, the prospects and salary of film and television post-production are very good. According to the statistics of students’ feedback from a computer training center, it is found that most of the students who have completed the film and television courses go to film and television media or game animation companies, and the salary is not lower than that of software development. This is due to the lack of talents in this industry in the market. related.

Therefore, the prospects and salaries of film and television post-production are very good. Everyone who learns the skills well, the future and money are very bright~

If you have a small partner who wants to engage in the industry of film and television post-production or want more Master a technology, you can leave your WeChat privately, I have a lot of resources to share with you!