A showdown between Aaron Kwok and Wang Qianyuan. After Andy Lau, this is the second time that Wang Qianyuan abused the king.

Starting from "Sanchakou" and "Father and Son", Aaron Kwok's acting skills seem to have found a focus and become natural and smooth. Since "Rescue Mr. My", the "bad guy" played by Wang Qianyuan has also become a school of its own and is very exciting. Therefore, when these two movie kings gather together for a crime action movie, they are still very interesting.

"Broken Game", a remake of the Korean movie "To the End". As a dark-themed movie about police corruption, it is actually quite difficult to think of more brilliant. Without him, just talking about the standard, Korean movies can be more open. Therefore, the background of the film was changed to Kuala Lumpur. In the twists and turns of the plot, Aaron Kwok, the bad policeman, Gao Jianxiang, appears as if he is possessed by gods and is in constant trouble. The mother of

passed away. On the way to the mourning hall, there was a traffic accident and the accident escaped. After finally handling the corpse, it was discovered that this person turned out to be an important clue to a major international drug trafficking case. Thinking that he could erase the traces of a traffic accident without knowing it, he was called back to his original form by a mysterious phone call from a witness.

Whenever he has just solved a problem and feels relieved, a new problem will be thrown out immediately, which makes him scorched and makes the audience sweat. The story of the film advances layer by layer, ring after ring, not tortuous and difficult to understand, but it is better than the tight rhythm. If the masked villain says that Wang Qianyuan's kidnapper Huazi in "Rescue Mr. My" is fierce and vicious, it is frightening. So, Chen Changmin, who played in "Broken Game", is more disgusting.

, ​​a policeman in a white suit and a white silk paw in hand, colluded with the underworld, sold drugs and killed people. Compared with Gao Jianxiang's petty fights, it can be said to be a big evil. But this person likes to posture, arrogant and arrogant, always with a kind of "cat play mouse" like evil taste.

likes to touch Gao Jianxiang's buttocks, with an insulting sexual suggestion. Humming the song "I'm waiting for you to come back..." which is commonly used in horror films, gives a strong sense of oppression. And when he beat Gao Jianxiang, the exaggerated "meow" made people scared and trembling. The addition of

with kissing the back of the hand, deliberately prolonging the tone when speaking, always making wild and harsh laughter, etc., all make this character plump and three-dimensional, but also make him more detached from reality. His existence is more like a symbol, an extreme villain. The person

did not explain the ins and outs and social background. His several appearances were all for the sake of Gao Jianxiang, which gave people a sense of lingering spirit. From this point of view, Wang Qianyuan's performance was very successful, and he did not repeat the previous drama, which is surprising. The complexity and choice of the petty person Gao Jianxiang is an ordinary Kuala Lumpur police officer. A petty person in the corrupt system is cowardly, selfish, timid and timid. Every step of his choice is almost driven by the plot, unable to be autonomous, but reasonable. You think he is timid, but he can hide the corpse in the coffin in order to avoid guilt; you think he will be at the mercy of others, but he can set up a plan to kill, without any mercy. This person

is very smart, and he can be bold and cautious when pushed into the corner. In Chen Changmin's words, he is a talent. However, what he encountered was a Xiaoqiang who couldn't be killed, and he could only escape from life in danger. The valuable thing about the role of

lies in his ordinaryness. He is not a policeman with a sense of justice. On the contrary, he will collect black money, drunk driving, hit and run, and kill people. When things go out of control, his first reaction is to protect himself and cover up the truth. But on the other hand, he has good intentions and he has a bottom line in his actions. He bullied the soft and feared the hard, bluffing. In front of the traffic police, he showed his might, even when he first saw Chen Changmin, he was still dragging him. It wasn't until Chen Changmin was beaten wildly that he began to show his embarrassment. There is a scene in the film

. After Chen Changmin escaped from the dead, he came to Gao Jianxiang's house, and the two fought hard to death. During the whole process, Gao Jianxiang was suppressed, but it was not that he had no chance to counterattack. It was just that his first reaction when he saw Chen Changmin was fear, just like a mouse caught by a cat, unable to move, but shivering. The instinct to survive will explode when it is about to be crushed to death by one of the paws.

Compared with Gao Jianxiang, the police colleague Liu Hao played by Yu Ailei is much simpler. If Chen Changmin is synonymous with evil, then Liu Hao, who has sacrificed himself for others, can almost be called great good.

this, once in "Save My FirstHe played the kidnapper in "Birth" and went back and forth with Andy Lau several times. Now he is cooperating with Aaron Kwok and his acting skills are equally good, which is another surprise of the film. The most recent impression was that in "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an", Yuan Zai, a villain who is used to meeting the wind, played the role and face of the villain, which is hateful and disgusting, which shows the wide range of play.

Compared with the Korean version of black humor, the biggest difference in "Broken Game" is the addition of absurd elements and black humor. This is definitely due to Guo Tianwang's performance without idol baggage. In the film, there are three places where Aaron Kwok's performance is sad and cute, which can be called the highlight of the film. Gao Jianxiang hid the corpse, thought of a panacea in just a few minutes, and cleverly and hurriedly carried out a series of sorrow operations, which was simply an indicator of IQ.

set up a bureau to kill Chen Changmin, thinking that when the strategy succeeds, the villain will be able to make a meme directly.

dealt with Chen Changmin at home and did not dare to confront directly, so he had to climb the window tortuously, and finally was stunned when he was caught upright, which made people angry and funny.

Naturally, as well as the director's painstaking attention to name. For example, Gao Jianxiang, who seems to have seen "Xiang" every day, and Chen Changmin, who is so rampant that he wants to get a punch, and the very meaningful film title "Po·ju", only those who have seen the movie can Understood. By the way, after admiring the stars when Aaron Kwok embraced the huge money, there are still colored eggs behind, don't miss it.