The seemingly sci-fi "Captain America" ​​uses the Winter Soldier to interpret the real world. Where do the Russell brothers take the audience?

This film has become the benchmark of hero movies for two reasons. The first is the setting of the Hydra organization, and the second is the style of the movie consciously made into a spy film, making this film a very realistic superhero movie.

"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" is the ninth episode of the Marvel MCU series. MCU has created a benchmark that heroic movies cannot surpass. Each of

's films is supported by the story of American hero comics. The script is almost perfect, and the casting is classic. The directors used do not follow the line of authorism, and strictly adhere to the characteristics of Marvel movies.

"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" can be said to be a master. Direct, neat and exciting, without any coldness. Gather Hollywood's first-class resources to create the greatest film series in film history.

has to say that this movie is very exciting. This is also a masterpiece of MCU. They successfully produced a film based on very realism.

But reality is not limited to a disaster, it is still an interesting journey and the world you want to visit. Finally, with the dissolution of SHIELD, there were some consequences.

Maybe this is the strength of the Russell brothers. Many wonderful shots were taken, from chasing through the hallway with a shield and breaking doors and windows, to landing from a high altitude without a parachute, including people re-loving Captain America and the establishment of a museum.

Nick Fury finally has an action scene. The black widow also has more work to do than ever. If there is an MVP, it is the Falcon. He is a funny, smart, responsible person, and he performs very well. As a sequel movie,

has the advantage of not repeating the personality traits of Captain America. And Captain America's dramatic tension is enough to hold up this part.

Captain America has been frozen for sixty years and was called upon after his comeback to defeat the alien troops led by Loki. The battle of "Avengers". This film is the real beginning of his entry into modern society, allowing us to enter the inner world of Captain America.

Compared with Iron Man Tony's impact on the gods in "Avengers", which made him feel the insignificance of human beings, the attitude of Captain America is quite different.

returns to the mood of the character. He is the only superhero without superpowers (Iron Man will be discussed separately). Steve Rogers is only an experimental soldier, with only a better IQ and physique than ordinary people.

He can't fly, and can be killed like humans (in the comic "Civil War" (Civil War), he was shot to death by a sniper). The only thing that

is special is his vibrating shield that can absorb energy and is called the hardest metal on earth. The tactics of the unity of other people's shields, and the strongest physical abilities of humans, make him a character capable of resisting other superheroes under the limit of the human body.

But for Stephen Rogers, his perception of himself is by no means a superhero, nor does he think he is special. He was selected as the experimenter because he possessed the characteristics of strength, integrity, and perseverance that are rare in others.

From "Captain America" ​​to "Avengers", his mood changed from a soldier who obeyed orders to questioning authority and then the necessity of his existence.

Captain America is one of the few superheroes whose real name is disclosed (this also constitutes the main plot of the comic "Civil War": should superheroes be managed).

But he does not resemble Dr. Banner's dual image, nor does he have the dual identity of Tony.

Steven Rogers has always been an American soldier. During World War II, he became a symbol of anti-Nazi propaganda. In the "Avengers", he is the captain of the special forces under S.H.I.E.L.D. who fight to protect the United States.

For him, he doesn't have the troubles of ordinary superheroes with life and identity exposure and superpower abuse. He is just a super soldier.

So as soon as "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" opened, he was thinking about whether he should retire. His battlefield has disappeared.

In the era of globalization, even the Cold War has ended. The war of aliens is of little personal significance to him, and the anti-terrorism mission he participated in in the opening movie is a mission that special forces around the world will perform. The presence or absence of Captain America does not seem to make much sense.

added in "Avengers", he is disgusted with the scam hidden by SHIELD. When the movie opens, he alsoThe secret plan of Chief Suspect Aegis is to protect freedom with fear, which is not true freedom. Therefore, all kinds of meanings emerged.

And Captain America, as a person who awoke after being frozen, all his relatives and friends have died. He has no friends, no life, and the history of the past sixty years has nothing to do with him.

The only thing he can do is to restart his life. But how does he start? He has no goals at all. What about defending the country? The United States in the era of globalization is itself provoking war and bullying other countries' powers with power and force.

After experiencing a war with aliens, it is unlikely that Stephen Rogers will go to the battlefield to kill for the justice of a country. Even if he leaves SHIELD, he will not return to the US military.

At this time, from "Captain America" ​​to this episode, the much-anticipated stalk finally appeared. In "Captain America", Stephen Rogers has a lover, Peggy Carter.

When Captain America was buried in the deep sea, Page was desperate for life. "The Avengers" didn't explain how Captain America faced his lover, and the film was finally revealed.

After seventy years, Stephen Rogers still remains twenty-six years old. He went to see his lover Peggy, but Peggy was already a ninety-year-old old man, lying on the bed and chatting with him, asking him if he fits into the future world, hoping that he can live his life well.

Steven Rogers coaxed Peggy on the bed with an expression of true love, saying that his current wish is to dance with his lover. After finishing talking,

shook Peggy's hand affectionately. Peggy could only burst into tears, saying that it was great that he was still alive, she had been waiting for him to come back.

saw this paragraph, tears burst into his eyes. Having been frozen for more than half a century, everything in life is as before. The one he loves is very old, lying on the hospital bed, not far from death, but he is strong. The only thing I can do is to comfort her by holding her hand.

If it were not for the assassination of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., which brought out the conspiracy of the Hydra organization behind him, Captain America might have retire from the shield. But as soon as Hydra came out of the arena, he found a reason to fight. As the strongest movie in the Marvel MCU series,

is confirmed.

This film has become the benchmark of hero movies for two reasons. The first is the setting of the Hydra organization, and the second is that the movie is consciously made into the specifications of a spy film, making this film a very realistic superhero movie.

A cartoon of Captain America, which came out in 1941. At this time World War II was in the ascendant, and the Hydra organization was very traditional and old-fashioned, and it was an evil symbol of the dictatorship.

But in the 21st century of globalization, it would be too shameful if the Hydra organization existed for terrorist attacks or money just like the 007 movie.

​​is not very clever even if it arranges to revive the glory of fascism in the Nazi Empire. The script here uses the role of Robert Redford as Alexander Pierce to talk about many issues. The

Hydra organization has become an ideal organization in the 21st century. They hope that this world can have no wars, no opposition, only peace. The wish of

is no different from any hero who advocates justice. The only difference lies in the practice. They believe that to achieve true peace is to eradicate any opposition and uncontrolled forces. Compared with peace, they do not value the concept of freedom.

They think that freedom can lead to disputes. Only the scientific laws formulated by the human elites who participated in the Nazis can bring humanity to peace. How does

​​move towards peace? As long as human beings think that they are free, have access to food, live in, and live a good life, let the struggle of ideas disappear into the invisible, and let humans not realize that they are ruled, peace can be achieved.

Therefore, the goal of Hydra is to eradicate any possible opposition. Those leaders who can think independently, those superheroes who are controlled or uncontrolled, are all within the scope of their annihilation.

Their proposition is very dazzling: "We are all realists. To build a new world, we must overthrow the old world, and doing so will establish enemies." For them,

only needs to defeat the enemy.

If mankind continues to develop like this, Moscow will be leveled by nuclear bombs, and Chicago will be destroyed by electromagnetic weapons. So-called outsideHanding in is just a means of delay. With 7 billion people in the world, as long as 20 million people are killed, there will be no more wars and peace will emerge. The script of

is set to this level, which has surpassed any one of the 007 series of movies. The

Hydra organization has also become the number one terrorist organization in all action movies.

They adopt ideological dissemination, ideological identification, and use the method of infiltration and differentiation to place their own people among the top governments of all countries in the world; arrange political events and wars to make the world what they want and gradually achieve their goals.

They even use events triggered by aliens in "Avengers" to guide public opinion.

is like Xiaobu using 9/11 to establish the Department of Homeland Security to expand the military industry and abuse government power. The Hydra organization is simply a microcosm of the real world.

If it weren't for a superhero like Captain America, the film would really be a copy of 007.

The Hydra organization, like Captain America, is a very human problem. Therefore, they will not be involved in the doomsday issue of aliens such as Sol and Loki, and there is no such tragic color as superheroes fighting each other. It is a crime that is only limited to humans.

Therefore, the action arrangement of the movie is completely realistic. Except for the necessary elements of comics, all the pictures are what will appear in the real world.

, from falcon aircraft, robotic arms, fighter jets to hand-to-hand combat, are the scenes of many gunfight action movies. The only science fiction should be that Captain America holding an iron shield is enough to fly a plane, and the shield itself can absorb the impact, making him immortal like a cockroach. The

villain The Winter Soldier is also an important stalk in the comics. There is not too much ink in the movie, but it was left to "Captain America: Civil War" to have the scene, which is really exciting.

This film can be said to be the best hero movie since "X-Men: First Battle", and it is more than enough to be included in the film history classic.

The Russell brothers made a great, exciting movie.

In addition to the split "Iron Man 3" and the crumbling "Thor: The Dark World", this movie has become a new turning point for the second phase, including Marvel's use of Bucky for "Mei Team 3" and "Falcon and Winter". "Bing" laid the groundwork.

is actually very successful for a movie that needs to be avoided too much.

In the next issue, let us review "Guardians of the Galaxy". This is also the first time that Marvel MCU has pulled the story out of the earth.