Zhongchu Hanxiu: Yao Di starred in the literary film "The Call Through Time and Space"


movie "Calling Through Time and Space" is directed by the famous director Zhang Jiarui, with young actors Yao Di and Song Ningfeng starring. The film mainly tells the story of the female writer "Amy" (Yao Di) who came to the Yangtze River where her mother worked when she was young. This literary film brought us a different feeling.

This movie is starred by Yao Di and others. Although facing this actor, everyone may still be interested in questioning and not buying it, but apart from other things, Yao Di’s acting skills are still quite good, and Yao Di has been doing well these years. I have been working silently, and now Yao Di and director Zhang Jiarui are cooperating in the literary film "The Call Through Time", which I believe will definitely give the audience a brand new visual experience.

The post-90s returnee Amy is a single-parent family. She found clues about her biological father from the diary of her deceased mother. She decides to find her father along the Yangtze River, but the vagrant singer Tao, who suddenly appeared because of her misunderstanding of her suicide, told her that he could lead her the way. Tao is mysterious and indifferent, but loves Amy extremely, which arouses Amy's curiosity and alertness. Through continuous investigations along the Yangtze River, Amy discovered that his father, as the captain of the Three Gorges Channel Ship, had sacrificed himself to avoid a collision with an oncoming passenger ship during a cruise operation on the river and saved hundreds of passengers. Life. His father's death was very tragic and magnificent, and he was awarded the Channel Hero by the Waterway Bureau. But during the investigation, Amy discovered that there was a surprisingly huge secret hidden behind the shipwreck. With Tao's help, Amy gradually found out the truth of the incident, and at the same time revealed an unknown emotional secret of four male and female college students in the Waterway College more than 30 years ago.

In the 17th Pyongyang International Film Festival, the romance film "The Call Through Time and Space" led by Hubei Changjiang Film Group and directed by the famous director Zhang Jiarui won the special award of the 17th Film Festival Organizing Committee. The film was also used as the opening film of the 22nd Shanghai International Film Festival in June this year. It shows the strength of this film itself, and from the perspective of a literary film, the results of this film have been impressive. After

was screened as the opening film, industry professionals after watching the film gave comments. The well-known critic Han Haoyue said that "The Call Through Time and Space" is the same as "Earth and Forever", it belongs to the kind of movie that gives you four or five Chinese people to deduce the love and hatred of a lifetime, and the sense of suspense is well controlled. The transition from color to black and white is Zen. It shows the experts' recognition of this film. The movie

​​has not yet confirmed the release schedule, because director Zhang Jiarui hopes to find a suitable schedule so that more people can resonate with this film. After all, literary and artistic films need to be carefully refined in order to understand the effect that the director wants to express. Therefore, the specific release time of this film will be officially announced, so stay tuned.