The most unfortunate national manga of 2019, the style is like Hayao Miyazaki, but no one cares after it was released

spends a long time in Secondary Two with you, ACG Dimension Fan Radio greets readers and friends

In 2019, "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" is on the rise. Many people think Nezha should be the best domestic animation in 2019. This statement is true.

But while playing Nezha, we shouldn't ignore some other national comics, such as a domestic animated film-"Jiangnan" that was released not long ago.

Maybe many people have not even heard the name of this animation, which is normal, because "Jiangnan" was originally a niche independent animation film.

's early publicity was simple, and it happened to catch up with the National Day when it was released. Under the squeeze of many blockbuster films, "Jiangnan" has a pitiful number of films. After the release of

, the film received a lot of negative reviews due to its weak plot and lines, and the Douban score was only 5.5.

"Jiangnan" is an animated film directed by Wu Xiaogang. The location of Jiangnan was in ancient Shanghai. The young Alang entered a place called "Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau" and became a mechanical apprentice. Under the guidance of master Chen Tiehan, the originally naughty boy understood the importance of making for the country. He worked hard to learn manufacturing skills, and eventually made domestic machinery for China, becoming a "machine craftsman" praised by people.

"Jiangnan" is not a serious realistic animation. It can be seen from its art style. The director is a very thoughtful person. He tried to portray that era as a "national punk" surrealism. Picture scrolls, this is particularly profound in the architectural scenes in Jiangnan.

From some promotional posters released earlier, we can see that the scene painting of "Jiangnan" is full of imagination. This style is very easy to reminiscent of Miyazaki's work "Howl's Moving Castle". Reminiscent of the theme of "steampunk".

Without any emotion, the difference between the painting and quality of Jiangnan and Hayao Miyazaki's animation is very obvious.

Everyone need not be depressed. Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese animation master, and our Chinese animation development is still in a new stage of exploration.

plus the animation "Jiangnan" is only the first work directed by Wu Xiaogang, so our requirements need not be too strict. Although the plot of

can't hold up, overall the theme that this animation wants to convey to the audience is very good, especially the promotion of "made for the rise of the country".

At least it did not blindly cater to the market. It cannot see the impetuousness and vulgarity of commercial animation films. Although it has not received much attention now, it is undeniable.

"Jiangnan" is a bold attempt by domestic animation in genre exploration. This attempt is worthy of recognition.

I don’t know what you guys think of the animation "Jiangnan"? Everyone is welcome to share their views.