In the movie "Unreachable", respect is always higher than sympathy, and sense of scale is always higher than overwhelming love

There are so many details in the

movie "Unreachable". I have seen the helplessness I have to face many times in my life, and I have also seen the touch of mutual rescue. And there is not too much deliberateness, every shot is so delicate and gentle, after seeing it, the aftertaste is endless. The "Green Book", which was very popular before, belongs to this category. But in 2011, there was a movie that was not inferior to the former, which is "Unreachable" that we are going to introduce today.

First of all, part of compassion comes from narcissism. Philip once said to an old friend who questioned Bajali, "I want him to do this, without sympathy." Philip even used Bajali's jokes to teach his daughter. The two of them clearly enjoyed each other. There is a plot in "Little Sheldon" that pokes me in particular. Probably my brother was talking to my dad when he reported that Xiao Xie had a girlfriend. He just understated that he has a girlfriend and he is a girl. So when Dad saw the girl, he asked awkwardly, "Why didn't you tell me she is a black?"

​​was deliberate because of prejudice. People will naturally distinguish between "female driver" and "driver" verbally. If you see a black woman and express it to others, you will always add the word "black" before the "girl" in "Hey, look at that girl". Many actions seem unintentional, but often smaller things can truly reflect big things. Some details need to be clarified, and some principles need to be corrected. In society, preparing for the disabled is the same as preparing for pregnant women. The toilets used by the disabled are next to the men's and women's toilets, with the same door and the same place. It's no different, don't keep paying yourself.

In fact, no one should casually put a person in the position of the weak to give sympathy or special treatment for granted. This is clearly arrogant. Only by correcting the concept in the heart can we control the behavior. True equality and non-discrimination are not just not talking about it, but not making a difference between you and me. It was Bajali's "no distinction between you and me" attitude that made Philip slowly feel in his heart that he is no different from a normal person, making him really feel that his physical inconvenience is nothing.

So Philip's physical disability did make him feel missing, but fortunately, there was Bajali to make him complete. Although he has a broken body, he has a complete heart and feelings. This is enough to make him confident. Respect is always higher than sympathy, and sense of proportion is always higher than overwhelming love. Philip said, "When the body is no longer in pain, the mental pain will follow. My real disability is not in a wheelchair, but losing her."

then explained the light from the real family situation from the best De Ruisi. It can be seen that he hopes to take good care of the young and old at home and hopes to take on the responsibility of the boss. Philip has completely relied on Deris at this time and regarded him as a close friend. Deris has brought him never experience. Live life and freshness. So Philip hopes he can be himself and help. In the end Deris didn't want to drag Philip or cause him unnecessary trouble. So choose to leave.

In the end, Philip had treated Deris as a close friend, and didn't want him to be a servant, so let him go. When Dries finally left, he helped Philip fulfill his wish. He believed that love would be a better medicine for Philip.