After seeing the film, the singer of "Anthem of Heroes" realized that the song was sung by himself...

Since the founding of New China,

has produced many classic war-themed films, including many popular film songs, full of patriotism, promoted revolutionary heroism, infected and educated generations of people, and sung to this day, such as "I "The Motherland", "Heroes", "Chairman Mao's words to remember", "Who wouldn't say that my hometown is good", "Why the flowers are so red"...

classic movie "Heroes" was produced by Changchun Film Studio in 1964 of. The film is adapted from Ba Jin's novel "Reunion", directed by Wu Zhaodi, screenwriter Mao Feng and Wu Zhaodi. Starring Liu Shilong, Liu Shangxian, Tian Fang and Guo Zhenqing. The film tells the story of Volunteer Warrior Wang Cheng's death, his sister Wang Fang insisted on fighting with the help of political commissar Wang Wenqing, and finally reunited with his adoptive father Wang Fubiao and biological father Wang Wenqing on the Korean battlefield. Wang Cheng and Wang Fang became idols worshipped by people at that time, and they influenced Chinese people for several generations.

Liu Shilong plays the hero Wang Cheng. "For victory, fire at me!" has become one of the most shocking classic lines of new China.

Liu Shangxian plays Wang Fang, the younger sister of the hero Wang Cheng.

The old artist Tian Fang plays the kind and elegant Wang Wenqing, one of the classic images of senior cadres of our army on the screen.

"Heroes Children" also has a famous episode, which can be rapped for decades. This is the "Anthem of Heroes", the lyrics are "Chinese People's Liberation Army March" songwriter Gong Mu, and the composition is Liu Chi. Gong Mu, the author of

, is a poet with a deep cultivation of classical poetry. The lyrics of "The March of the Chinese People's Liberation Army" were written by him. Gongmu wrote the lyrics of this "Anthem of Heroes" concisely, magnificent, and full of passion.

Poet, Ci writer Gongmu.

The lyrics of "Heroes"

sing heroes,

listen to the green hills, listen to your ears,

sunny thunder and beat the golden drum,

the sea raises the waves for harmony,

people's soldiers drive tigers and leopards,

give up life and save peace . Why is the

battle banner beautiful and picturesque, the blood of

heroes dyes it red, why is the earth spring always here,

heroes' lives bloom flowers! The hero of

jumped out of the trenches,

shattered the sky, cracked the sky,

sank into a single block,

fell in the sky and held it with one hand,

stepped on the flames with his feet, and

was covered with rainbow. Why is the

battle banner beautiful and picturesque, the blood of

heroes dyes it red, why is the earth spring always here,

heroes' lives bloom flowers! With a roar of cannons,

overwhelmed the river, the world collapsed, the world collapsed,

held the blasting tube in both hands,

spit fire and blood surged,

enemy rotted and turned into mud,

warriors turned Venus into glory. Why is the

battle banner beautiful and picturesque, the blood of

heroes dyes it red, why is the earth spring always here,

heroes' lives bloom flowers! The composer Liu Chi of

is a familiar composer. He used the two musical works of the folk song "Baatar Taotaohu" and the cello song "Twilight Scenery" in the Wushen Banner of Inner Mongolia Yimeng as the basic music materials for the main song of "Heroes". Among them, "Battle Taotaohu" was collected by Liu Chi in 1940 when he went to the Ikezhao League to collect customs. Battelle means "hero" in Mongolian, and Tao Taohu is the name of a person, also known as "hero Taotaohu".

Liu Chi composed countless pieces of music throughout his life, but the most famous three capitals are movie episodes: "The Flowers of the Motherland" episode "Let's Dang the Sculls", "Shangganling" episode "My Motherland", "Heroes Children" episode "Heroes" ". People say that you don't need to know Liu Chi, but you can't help but know these three songs.

composer Liu Chi. After

finished the song and song that year, in order to select actors to sing this song, an actor selection team was set up. The lyrics and songwriters of "Heroes" were among them. At that time, many actors were selected to audition. After these comrades recorded the sound, the director cooperated with the film screen, the whole chorus, and the band. After careful comparison, I felt that Zhang Yingzhe, the solo actor of the Art Troupe of the Political Department of the Air Force at the time, was the most ideal. Zhang Yingzhe sang "Anthem of Heroes". This incident, many of the singingThe family didn't know, they left after singing, and they all thought they might be selected. In other words, many people don't know who is always choosing to sing behind the scenes. Including Zhang Yingzhe herself, after the movie was released, she knew: Wow, I sang it. Zhang Yingzhe, the singer of the

film episode "Heroes".

Although Zhang Yingzhe likes this song very much and has seen the novel version of this movie before, she does not know what kind of scene the song she sings in the movie, so she always enters when she sings in the studio. Cannot state. Mao Feng told her the plot. Inspired by the screenwriter Mao Feng, Zhang Yingzhe found a sense. After the

movie "Heroes Children" was released nationwide, it aroused enthusiastic responses from the audience, and Wang Cheng's name and "Heroes' Hymn" reverberated throughout the country. Liu Shangxian, a young actor from Bayi Film Studio, is well-known for playing the heroine Wang Fang in the movie "Children of Heroes", but the original singer of the episode "Heroes" in the movie has been little known. Because of his opposition to personal "fame and family" at the time, Zhang Yingzhe's name was not subtitled.

In the early 1990s, some media published a manuscript of a Shougang worker looking for the original singer of "Anthem of Heroes". After Zhang Yingzhe saw it, he did not "claim it." Because she is a person who doesn't like publicity, and her health is not good, she didn't enter people's sight. Until 2003, Liu Shangxian and Zhang Yingzhe, who had never met in more than 40 years, finally met at the awards party of the 6th Military Song Contest of China Central Television. The "hero" sisters with mixed feelings hugged each other tightly to the applause.

Like "My Motherland", "Anthem of Heroes" has once again won the love of hundreds of millions of people. Many soprano singers regard it as a solo repertoire that can reflect their artistic level. From 1964 to the present, "Heroes" has withstood the test of more than 50 years. This beautiful, lyrical and majestic song has also become a banner to inspire people to carry forward the spirit of heroism.