How far is the Hainan Film Festival from the "Cannes of China"?

"Next, please come out from Mainland China film and television actress Yang Mi!" When the host of

sounded the "urging sound", Ethan Hawke was still posing on the red carpet with his hands in his pockets. The Hollywood star who made a special trip to the platform obviously didn't expect the appearance time to be so short. He looked around until he understood the gesture of the lady of etiquette "please please" before having to hand over the red carpet to the next guest. The

scene took place on the red carpet at the opening ceremony of the Hainan Island International Film Festival on December 1, and it became a topic on Weibo the next day. Fans raised the topic with irritation. This is Ethan Hawke. Unexpectedly, the famous international filmmakers promoted by the film festival still have to make way for domestic stars. The

online video only shows part of the scene. In fact, before Ethan Hawke went on the red carpet, the host gave him a grand introduction. On the red carpet, many photographers called his name in Chinese and English. After all, he is a blockbuster guest at the Masters Carnival this year.

However, the embarrassment is visible to the naked eye. Not only was there no host "talking" on the red carpet, Ethan Hawke also encountered a suffocating audience question and answer at the master class.

The Shanghai Film Festival and the North Film Festival are still gaining momentum, and the importance of the Golden Rooster Award has risen sharply. The FIRST Youth Film Festival and Pingyao Film Festival are highly praised by the industry... Among more and more domestic film festivals, the Hainan Island Film Festival is undoubtedly the youngest among them of. It is especially worth mentioning that this film festival is directed by the National Film Administration and co-hosted by the Central Radio and Television General Station and the People's Government of Hainan Province. The specifications are not low.

However, judging from the feedback from people on the scene, the Hainan Island Film Festival, which is advertised as an international film festival, is not far from the top film festivals such as Cannes, which I studied.

"(The scene) is too bad." An audience member who attended the Ethan Hawke master class recalled Xiang Shuyujun, and pointed out that the film festival was bad in many aspects such as translation, hosting, and reception. Another person who is very experienced in film festivals at home and abroad stated that the festival is still at the "primary level".

But for the new Hainan Film Festival, colleagues have a little more understanding.

It’s impossible for a film festival to be perfect at the very beginning. ” Pu Zixiao, former deputy director of the Shanghai International Film Festival Film Festival Department and Director of Asian Business, told Digital Entertainment, “If an excellent film festival can be fair for a long time It’s a good thing for filmmakers to have one more display platform if it continues to be held in China. "

Why are there so many film festivals in the Mainland in recent years? What kind of film festival can stand out? As young as the Hainan Film Festival, how can it be truly internationalized?

Why is the Hainan Island Film Festival that is the best match?

On December 1, the second Hainan Island International Film Festival opened in Sanya. The "Golden Coconut Award" competition unit was added for the first time this year, and 1,495 films from 80 countries and regions participated.

is positioned as an international film festival. The organizer has invited many famous international filmmakers to come to the platform, including Guan Jinpeng, director of "Lan Yu" and "Everlasting Regret", and Japanese heavyweight director Kurosawa, who directed films such as "Quality in the World" and "Journey to the Shore" Qing, as well as the Iranian director Asha Fahati who has directed films such as "A Farewell", Hollywood genre director Simon West, Danish national treasure director Billy August, and famous Hollywood actor Ethan Ho K, also invited modern Philippine film pioneer Raymond Ryder, Malaysian new director Chen Cuimei and Chinese director Hu Wei as judges.

The experienced person of the aforementioned film festival pointed out to Shuyujun that the most prominent feature of the Hainan Island Film Festival is the lineup of master classes, and there is government support.

invites top international filmmakers, which is the strategy set at the opening of the Hainan Island Film Festival last year. Johnny Depp, who rarely visits China, came last year, and Isabel Huppert, who visited for two consecutive years, became a judge this year.

Although the lineup of international filmmakers can be described as the top equipment, there were many embarrassing scenes in the event. And unexpectedly, they all focused on Ethan Hawke. After the video of

, ​​a filmmaker nominated for a number of Oscars experiencing a "cold reception" on the red carpet, became a hot spot, netizens questioned the level of the host, the degree of integration of the organizer with internationalization, and the ability to hold exhibitions.

In addition to the embarrassment on the red carpet, the audience also sweated in embarrassment at the master class. In the final Q&A session of the Ethan Hawke masterclass, oneThe young director gave a lengthy "speech" interview, and after a long period of thoughts, no one understood what the problem was. netizens joked that "solid-eyed Ethan Hawke encountered a suffocating Q&A with Chinese characteristics."

It's no wonder that some participants complained to Shuyujun, hosting, translation, conference affairs, etc., many aspects are very bad.

The first additional film market transaction at this Hainan Island Film Festival also caused complaints. On December 5, Rebecca Davis, who participated in the film festival film market, posted a video on social networking sites. complained that the film market of the Hainan Island Film Festival was empty, comparable to a ghost film market.

Although in the opinion of many experienced exhibitors, the organizer lacks overall operational experience, but in the eyes of industry insiders, “it is impossible for a film festival to be perfect at the beginning. You don’t need to be too harsh.” For example, at

Pu Zixiao and above, “For an international film festival of this size, there are more than a thousand registered journalists at home and abroad, and thousands of registered guests. Contact accommodation, transportation, translation and other matters are complicated, but in reality it is necessary A troop of several thousand people to complete. implements everything in a short period of time, not perseverance and perseverance can solve it, it needs time and manpower, this kind of ability and experience to organize the exhibition takes time to accumulate. "

according to Pu Zixiao It is said that before the Hainan Island Film Festival was held, professionals and scholars had been invited to investigate and consult the experience of Shanghai Film Festival.

"Common film festival organizations in foreign countries are generally composed of two parts of personnel. One is the professional personnel who have regular knowledge of domestic films, such as the Film Archive, the National Film Bureau, or the Ministry of Culture, and the other is the professional A company for festival activities. As a result, it tends to be professional in the fields of conventions, exhibitions and movies. This model is also a fixed model that has only appeared after a long time for foreign film festivals. "Pu Zixiao Xiangshu, who has participated in many international mainstream film festivals Yujun introduced.

"These modes of film festivals are still very new to China today, and they are all in a stage of exploration and exploration. In addition to learning from those mature film festivals overseas, they must also integrate China's own state and road It's quite long." A person in the movie circle said to Shu Yujun. Why does

Chinese Film Festival spring up like mushrooms?

Hangzhou Asian Film Festival, Xi’an Silk Road International Film Festival... When Shuyujun searched for "film festivals" on third-party platforms, and found that numerous film festivals have sprung up in recent years, and many of them failed to attract enough Splash.

Why are there so many new film festivals?

Pu Zixiao explained from the perspective of film pickers, “In recent years, the quantity and quality of Chinese movies have been greatly improved. It is impossible for all movies to be seen in cinemas. The film festival provides a A more diversified display platform. In addition, the normal commercial release of movies is mostly box office-dominated, and the attention of the theater line's film manager and publicity company has little to do with the film art itself. From the perspective of the festival organizer , I also hope to encourage diversified films to be discovered and screened.”

said in the circle: “The development of the tertiary industry and the integration of cross-cultural industries have become new trends, such as the emerging tourism industry + film industry. Films. The birth of the festival is also closely related to the support of local governments. Many governments and regions hope to promote tourism through a certain film festival and shape the city's business card."

Take the Hainan International Film Festival as an example. This film festival is directed by the National Film Bureau and the Central Government. It is co-sponsored by the General Station of Radio and Television and the People's Government of Hainan Province. What cannot be ignored is the support of high-level policies.

The "Guiding Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Supporting Hainan's Comprehensive Deepening of Reform and Opening-up" promulgated on April 14, 2018 clearly stated support for Hainan’s hosting of the International Film Festival, trying to turn movies into Hainan’s new tourism business card, driving tourism, exhibitions and Peripheral consumption.

"Hainan Film Festival has both the characteristics of festival activities and cultural activities. The Cannes Film Festival and the Venice Film Festival are also in the same mode. Both sites are located in pleasant places in the country, making participating in the film festival a Good place for consumption." Pu Zixiao said.

has more and more film festivals, and different from outside public opinion, people in the industry have a positive attitude.

"The increase in film festivals provides filmmakers withMore platforms to display works can also form healthy communication and promote the development of the film industry. Moreover, the current types of film festivals and film festivals are becoming more and more diverse. For example, there is a queer in Shanghai, and a women’s film festival in Beijing. The breakdown of these types is a good phenomenon. "The aforementioned people in the film industry added. How exactly should

film festival stand out? There are many Chinese film festivals in China, but there are only a handful of international influences.

mentioned the impressive film festivals and films. People mentioned some unique domestic film festivals by coincidence, including the "Iron Elephant Film Awards" which has only been held for three times, the FIRST Youth Film Festival which is positioned as a newcomer to discover, and the Pingyao International Film Festival initiated by Jia Zhangke. However, among them, Iron Elephant. It has been closed after only three sessions, and the influence has long been gone. The documentary film festivals in development of

, ​​women's film festivals and other film festivals with strong themes and independent spirit are also favored. It can be seen that the industry has truly received attention. Film festivals with unique advantages and credibility are what the industry likes.

The development of the Hainan Island Film Festival, which has government support and is in the early stages, is also closely watched by filmmakers.

The festival has done a good job, and is also equipped with basic competition, exhibition, venture capital, and market settings. There are relatively few competition units and we look forward to follow-up development. "The aforementioned filmmakers commented from the perspective of the sector.

However, Hainan lacks a film industry foundation and is too far away from the film center. In terms of experience, there is a big gap between the Shanghai Film Festival and the Beijing Film Festival, and the film festival itself has a culture Accumulation also has a lot of room for development.

In addition, the Hainan Island Film Festival and the Golden Rooster Awards are both government-run. There is a certain competition on the same subject between the Hainan Film Festival and the Golden Rooster Awards. One edition, and an additional screening has also been added to strengthen the attributes of the film festival. Considering that the official hopes to use this to fight for the mainland’s right to speak in film culture, the importance of the Golden Rooster Award has obviously increased significantly, and future specifications and film lists should not be underestimated.

from Judging from the film list released this year, the Hainan Island Film Festival is deliberately exploring its own position. This year’s film festival has set up 8 screening units, including "End of the World", "Pearl Picking and Picking Shells", and "Focus Filmmakers". They all include different types of films. After summing up the film list,

found that the Hainan Island Film Festival aims to diversify the film list as much as possible with more countries, more themes, and special screenings. Dig deep into the classics, and strengthen the accumulation and connotation of the festival from old films and filmmakers.

Many people in the industry also feedback that this year’s film list is still far from the international film festival, but it has made a lot of progress compared with last year.

After watching the shortlist of feature films and film exhibitions, the temperament is still good, but its spiritual core has not yet been revealed. It still depends on the development. "The above-mentioned people in the film circle said.

is actually not easy to select films. Pu Zixiao, who has been engaged in film selection, also told the digital entertainment about the difficulties: In the early days, the Shanghai Film Festival’s international status and popularity was in Asia. Not as good as Tokyo and Busan, so it is very difficult to openly solicit films, and a lot of film festival promotion work is required.

"At that time, we also used the Berlin Film Festival platform to hold several cocktail parties and invited other reporters participating in the Berlin Film Festival to jointly promote the film. Section. I will also visit the film committees of various countries and ask them to recommend filmmakers or we take the initiative. As the influence of the Shanghai Film Festival increased, solicitation work improved. "

and the fact that the festival has no bonuses has also weakened the attractiveness of some filmmakers. For other filmmakers, the key to participating in the exhibition lies in the film festival's pursuit and respect for the art itself and whether the awards have credibility.

" film selection is actually a two-way selection process . The filmmakers submit their films to the film festival for screening and competition, which is actually an endorsement of the fairness and objectivity of the film festival. The image the film festival presents to filmmakers will affect the quality of the shortlisted films. The active selection of films at the film festival also has risks. The filmmakers need to have basic judgments on the country, national cultural background, and past works of filmmakers to avoid unnecessary risks. "Introduced by Pu Zixiao.

is especially worth pointing out that filmmakers also value the credibility of awards.

" has some single awards.The event does not disclose the judges and their reasons for awards, which will actually affect the credibility. However, like a film festival, the lineup of judges, specific award categories, and award-winning comments will be announced for each session. By making the judges public, one can feel the festival’s respect for the audience, the degree of confidence in the selection of the film, and the degree of assurance the judges have on the film. Only with good reputation and credibility can we attract better films to participate. But building reputation and credibility will take time. "

Regarding the Hainan Film Festival, a person in the film industry expressed his expectation: "I can feel that Hainan pays more attention to film and art itself, hoping to slowly become the next Shanghai and Beijing. ”