It's the first profitable comedy in history, and almost never see it.

Hello everyone, this is Ma Xiangyu.

Christmas is near. Rotten Tomatoes gave a list of "50 Best Christmas Movies in History" by . Alongside Xiangyu's "True Love First", which is published every year, are everyone's childhood memories "Home Alone" . Compared with the movie itself, the story behind

is more legendary. Today's US President Trump has used soy sauce in it. When

was filmed, it faced the fate of being cut in half.

eventually recovered $530 million in the box office with a low cost of 18 million.

became the highest grossing comedy movie in the Guinness Book of Records.

small actor Macaulay Culkin, to become America’s 100 greatest child stars No.2. The wonderful story behind

has been recorded by this latest Netflix series-

"Movie Journey" The Movies That Made Us

movie journey. Is the name The Movies That Made Us.

a bit familiar?

is right, it belongs to the same series as Netflix’s previously highly acclaimed documentary series "Toy Journey" . Have the same happy and rigorous production team at .

Friends who have watched "Toy Journey" should be familiar with their routines. The content of

is exquisite, the rhythm is bright, and the narration is sharp and funny.

has four episodes per season, and each episode concisely tells the interesting history and background behind a classic product. As long as

goes online, you can guarantee Douban 8 points or more . When

arrived in "Movie Journey", the production team also focused on smashing common memories:

, "Hot Dance", "Ghostbusters", "Die Hard" and "Home Alone".

has only been on the air for a few days, and relying on the high-quality content as always, it scored IMDb 8.1. Many people in the comments of

said that they watched these movies 20 or 30 years ago, and until today they know the twists and turns behind them.

especially "Home Alone" . Xiangyu, like many people, always thought:

this is a small children's movie. After watching this documentary,

realized that the creators did their best for it.

screenwriter John Hughes is the originator of American campus youth films. Able to grasp young people's psychology very delicately. His creation of "Breakfast Club" and "Spring Is Not a Reading Day" , up to now are full marks of Hollywood youth films. So much so that film critics said, "No one can compare with Hughes."

is not only talented, he also knows people with insight. Through a piece of "Uncle Buck" written for his friend John Candi, I discovered the clever boy McCauley · Calkin . So decided to use it as a prototype to create a movie featuring a nine-year-old boy.

This is "Home Alone". With this, Macaulay became the most famous child star in the world.

John Hughes also unearthed a new generation of director Chris Columbus.

personally supported, let Chris show his talents as a director in the film industry.

originally planned to hand over the book of "Crazy Christmas Holiday" to this young man to shoot.

After all, this is Chris' favorite and best Christmas theme.

But the big-name star starring in does not buy the rookie director's account, and does his best to make things difficult until he changes.

Hughes had to give out a few other scripts to comfort the frustrated Chris.

And Chris picked this "Home Alone".

However, when they found Warner Bros. with the script confidently, the other party ruthlessly lowered the budget.

At the time, the star was the guarantee of the box office.

A light-hearted comedy starring a child, it is impossible for investors to make a fortune.

has a limited budget, Chris can only gather his own groupThe filming brothers with limited experience.

and the entire crew moved into an abandoned school in Chicago.

fumbled and learned while advancing the shooting.

But surprisingly, , a second-rate grass team, actually produced an excellent chemical reaction. The longer

works on this project, the more dedicated and dedicated they are.

couldn't find the house in the script, so he directly built the setting that restored the story in the gym.

can't wait for the heavy snow in the lens to fill the picture with thin potato chips to create beauty and warmth.

can't do the ideal special effects, so it depends on the stuntman to be beaten and wrestled on the spot. The dramatic tension is wonderful.

can't cut the rhythm that the director wants, so I watch a lot of animations to learn the actions and storytelling, and the comedic effect is outstanding.

everyone is dedicated to this work, as the director Chris is no exception. He even persuaded the stubborn John · Hughes by

to change the script that was already excellent enough:

had to add a holy and warm church scene at the end to create a stronger Christmas atmosphere. If

wants to convey a more vivid innocence and childishness, Macaulay's subconsciously scared expression must be retained. These modifications of

not only sublimate the warmth theme of this light-hearted comedy, but also leave behind a classic shot of 's vivid history.

But accompanied by excellence, it is difficult to control the increase budget. The

crew was full of expectations, but Warner Bros. reduced costs. Finally divestment.

because this has far exceeded their expectations of the cost of a children's film.

John Hughes didn't want to watch the whole crew's efforts burned. In order to keep the work, frantically explored on the verge of default, and privately revealed the creative story to the senior officials of 20th Century Fox.

won more considerable financial support for the crew. When everyone thought that work was about to be suspended,

brought back the good news to continue shooting. The enthusiasm of

also touched more filmmakers. I used to think that to invite master John · Williams (representative works "E.T. Aliens", "Star Wars", "Jaws" and "Superman") to create a soundtrack for the film is equivalent to daydreaming.

did not expect that master is very optimistic about this movie. The addition of

brought the texture of the whole movie to a higher level, which was a big success in the end.

Why does this documentary series take such a title:

The Movies That Made Us.

Those movies that shape and accomplish us.

After watching four episodes, Xiangyu thinks that this sentence is correct.

These films have indeed made everyone who have participated in them.

did not have the success of "Home Alone".

Chris Columbus’s talent as a director cannot be discovered, nor will he have the opportunity to open the "Harry · Potter" series of movies. Every buried and neglected "second-rate" in the

crew cannot become the highly anticipated and sought after "first-rate" .

thus participated in the creation of all kinds of excellent works.

Are these creators only those who have changed their fate by these classics?

Don't underestimate the influence of movies. These classic movies like

have shaped our ideas and hearts as we grow up.

"Home Alone" lets us know for the first time that a nine-year-old child can also be brave and brave to defeat the evil stupid thieves by wit.

"Die Hard" gave us the first experience that unfortunately middle-aged people can deal with a large group of fierce robbers alone.

"Ghostbusters" let us initially understand that a scientific nerd can also have a unique sexy and attractive.

A group of people devoted themselves to creating works, which will always touch the hearts of another group of people.

I think this is why it is translated as "Movie Journey" in the Chinese context.

On the surface, all stories seem to have nothing to do with travel.

The "trip" here actually refers to the journey of across time . Only classic works of

can be refined over time and leave indelible light and memories.

After many years, we can still see the traces of these classics in everyone who is touched by it.

What is interesting is that these classic creators never expected that they would eventually achieve such results.

They just wanted to make something different according to their own ideas, and they were not even understood at the time and hit a wall everywhere.

took a little risk and added a lot of persistence to support them to the end.

When facing the interview camera, although everyone has read all the storms and vicissitudes of life, when it comes to the past decades ago, their wrinkled faces exudes youthful light.

are still like young and energetic children. When

mentioned the difficulties of not being understood and not supported, they would be disdainful and angry. When

mentions the troubles and sharing in the past, they will cry and sigh. If

is not recognized and appreciated, they will not be able to build one miracle one after another and achieve what they are today.

In another episode, young special effects masters who did not accept the mainstream system gave up Spielberg's project and escaped from the industrial light and magic that dominated the market.

deviates from the mainstream market, and they need an opportunity to prove their choice.

The crew of "Ghostbusters" not only boldly hired them, but also funded them to set up their own company. In response to this recognition, in just a few months, this group of rebellious elites has developed 's combination of virtual and real, and cross-epoch special effects with fake and real.

made "Ghostbusters" win the Oscar nomination for best visual effects .

Looking back at the current "filmmakers" who are impatient and low-eyed, they have repeatedly yielded because of cost and market compromise.

does not consider the effect of the work, whoever is popular at will be invited to perform, and whoever is mainstream will be invited to shoot.

did not dare to take the risk of launching a young team, and was too lazy to dig and cultivate fresh blood.

caters to the tastes of the general public and replicates successful experiences. It is impossible to achieve impressive works.

is a true classic, and the creators have poured infinite enthusiasm every frame per second. The enthusiasm of

is full of power, precisely because has gathered a group of young people who are eager to prove their ardent and sincereness. Such ardent power as

also exists in "Elephant Sitting on the Floor" .

The young director Hu Bo once thought that the appreciated one could do his best to complete this feature film debut.

However, due to the deadlock caused by the investment during the post-editing production, he once thought that he would lose this work.

He wrote down his unwillingness in words:

took a whole year to complete this movie, and in the end, none of the pictures belonged to me.

finally chose to hang himself with this unwillingness.

Just imagine if Hu Bo had ever received the appreciation and support he expected.

, ​​like Chris Columbus, is fully understood and respected by John Hughes in his creation.

Would he not choose to leave? Will

bring more surprises to the audience after "Elephant Sitting on the Floor"?

has seen too much reality in which creativity is buried and suppressed.

We can only be more grateful for these classics, makes every sincerity and sweat be remembered.

They always remind and encourage future generations: the original creation of

is such a precious thing.