Liu Yan, she turned out to be such a hardworking woman.

In this world, well-dressed people are not necessarily gentlemen, and those who are exposed are not necessarily bad women.



In this world, there are many people who are prejudiced, but there is a kind of people who live hard in prejudice, which reminds me of Liu Yan. Some time ago, a movie called "The Beneficiary" was released. Many people started to have a better view of Liu Yan in this movie. Someone said in Zhihu: What surprised me the most about the movie is Liu Yan. She no longer has the impression of her but just "shows off sexy". It turns out that she is such a hardworking woman.

Someone said on Douban: "We shed tears for Liu Yan twice, and can't tell the difference between the play and the outside. It is better to play in the true colors than acting." And the swimming pool in this movie seems to imply something else.

Someone also said on Weibo: Liu Yan played this role alive, and the breath of life in him is very strong, more like a microcosm of himself. In the

movie, there is a 4-minute monologue of her movie. In just a few minutes, many people were moved to tears by her performance. Before the camera, she removed her makeup and said: "Today is the last time I will broadcast live with you. Let me show you how I look without makeup."

bravely told you the truth about age: "I always said that I am 24 years old. Actually, I’m 38 years old this year..."

faded away from exaggeration and maturity. She took a sip of Hunan plastic and said in a plain face: "Well, I’m from Hunan. When I’m older, I want to leave home and go north. Floating, I have suffered a lot of sins anyway, and I have been deceived a lot. I think I may be alone and die of old age in the future."

opened the curtain behind her to show the audience her real life world.

At that moment, she took off the mask, she played Yue Miaomiao, a poor but hard-working elder Beidiao girl, so too many viewers could not tell whether she was Yue Miaomiao or her own most real life experience. Why does this image created by Liu Yan make everyone feel so like her? Why is it said that it is a change? Because of prejudice. The bitterness of

makes people feel compassionate. The people in the play often feel the truth most touching.



In recent years, when everyone mentions Liu Yan, the first thing that comes to mind is sexy, big breasts, or some nasty words: coquettish, superior in the chest.

You must know that many times, in the entertainment industry, the word sexy actress is a negative term, even equated with vulgarity and pornography.

But, do prejudice and labels really represent Liu Yan's life?

's North Drift career in the movie is too much like Liu Yan.

In fact, Liu Yan's purpose in entering the entertainment industry stems from her mother's illness. In order to win a prize of 10,000 yuan, she participated in the hosting of the draft contest. In the entertainment industry where survives in the cracks, as a newcomer, embarking on a personality line is not only to cater to market needs, but also the only weapon she can grasp. When

has no reputation and status, she has no advantages and background. She knows her own situation and understands that some jobs are not to be chosen, but all the jobs must be done.

is like the words she once said in "The Birth of an Actor": "I ask three teachers to consider me. I am a very good weapon."

Liu Yan recalled making the movie "Painting the Wall". When playing a supporting role in the movie, the script for this play mentioned only 8 words: half-naked, like weeping.

​​faced a theater where more than a dozen people were shooting at the scene, she gritted her teeth and took shots that NG did not know how many times.

She didn't seem to choose actively, but had to choose like this. Whether she is a host or an actress,

has been controversial along the way. She knows the label on her body, but it does not mean that she can not mind the personality insults behind those criticisms: is vain, relying only on body, empty, and taking the upper hand. She wants to prove her strength to others and tell everyone: "I wear sexy clothes. This should be accepted. This does not mean that I behave loosely."

No one likes to be objectified, but she has also begun to learn Self-reflection.

objectification and prejudice, for a womanA terrible thing, because when you are blinded by the inherent label, you can't see the other characteristics and advantages of that person. 3 And behind the prejudice and labels, Liu Yan gritted his teeth and grieved things not just on the screen. A lot of people have forgotten the maid of honor incident that caused a lot of noise.

can't imagine what kind of embarrassment a girl is almost thrown into the swimming pool and "wet" in front of everyone.

Later, the victim Liu Yan came out and apologized.

I remember that Bao Bell also explained this when he participated in the show: Anyway, everyone is a buddy. At that time, I forgot that Liu Yan was a girl, and even that this action was dangerous. When

spread to the back, she was blocked in disguise.

Despite this, Liu Yan, who is prejudiced, is still unavoidably vilified by some netizens: “Maybe Liu Yan is physically resistant, but he enjoys it in his heart, so he can make headlines or something?”

so that he was a victim She was forced to be helpless and swore to the public to clarify that she was not a hype.

Faced with all the slander and malicious comments, Liu Yan seemed to have no other choice but to clarify and use her hard work and attitude to tell everyone.

remembers that in an interview, she said that her chest pain was unbearable because of her high-strength work.

But her sense of fear on the operating table did not come from the buzzing electrosurgical slices during the operation, let alone the fear of life and death. The first reaction was still work.

, after all, is in Beijing, in the highly competitive entertainment industry, she wanders for 15 minutes and the company may draw up a plan for newcomers. The sexy route of is a hard way. It seems easy, but it is full of hardships.

made her sexy debut, but it was part of Liu Yan's work. They were said to be sexy as well as losers. Sexy as a weapon is more like a double-edged sword, spurring Liu Yan and causing her a lot of trouble. But few female celebrities are willing to only be labeled with such a label, because you don't know how much malice and humiliation you have to bear behind this label.


In our real life, there are actually too many people like Liu Yan, and there are countless examples of deep prejudice.

breasts, as a part of the female body, no matter how big or small, it is always inevitable to be ridiculed by people who are vulgar.

Although the 27-year-old Zhou Dongyu has been admired many times for his acting skills, he still has to be given unfriendly words like "small breasts" while being praised.

So, in the face of these unfriendly comments, she can also be hard-pressed: "My chest matches my body."

In recent days, Lang Lang's wife Gina has often appeared on the hot search list. . Although

has a good figure, she still can't avoid talking about her dress.

The dressing of women, let alone the stars on the screen, even in our daily life, we are easy to see related remarks about slut humiliation.

once circulated such a picture on the Internet, clearly marking the different dresses of women with unintelligible words.

​​If you dress short, you may be scolded as prostitutes, sluts, and unscrupulous; if you dress long, you will be scolded for being old and serious.

And those voices that can be heard everywhere are everywhere:

being sexually assaulted is not because you dress coquettishly, and you do not sexually assault someone. I'm not a virgin anymore after paying so many objects. Those girls who smoke, drink, and dance, must have been slept by many men. Girls with heavy make-up, dressed in such a splendid fashion, are not to seduce men. Girls who have had an abortion have absolutely unscrupulous private lives.

There are too many people who imagine thousands of misfortunes from the surface, and they can easily define the entire life of others based on the appearance of something you can't understand.

never thought that these malicious speculations, verbal insults, and any words about slut humiliation are likely to hurt her countless times. What Lu Xun once said in "It's Only Set·Small Mixed Feelings": z1When z

saw the short sleeves, he immediately thought of white arms, nakedness, genitals, sex, intercourse, and illegitimate children. The imagination of the Chinese can only advance so much at this level. There are many things in

, just like this: is pornography or art, the benevolent sees benevolence, and the adulterous sees fornication.

Those who associate sex from tattoos, and unclean private lives from clothing, are the ones who are truly heartbroken.

So, what sister wants to say is: Liu Yan is regarded as a sexy symbol, but it does not mean that she is vulgar, frivolous, and can be materialized at will.

The nature of a person can never be defined only from appearance, nor from person. Sister

saw this passage on the Internet before:

I have seen a big man with tattoos giving up his seat on a bus; I have also seen a teacher wearing glasses splashing around in a vegetable market; a white-collar worker who is gentle and considerate to customers turns around and sells my brother She yelled; the stingy female colleague around her sent her monthly salary to her parents. In this world, well-dressed people are not necessarily gentlemen, and those who are exposed are not necessarily bad women. Everyone has their own story. You may not understand it, but please shut up. This passage of

is just to tell everyone, do not easily define a person's character on the surface as a person, let alone hurt innocent people seriously.

Liu Yan once said: "I always hope that everyone sees that sexy is not all of me, but a part of me. That would be fine."

She is taking the sexy route, but she is not vulgar, in fact she is shrewd Under the outside, there is a honest soul.

I don’t know when in our world, the prejudice that women’s appearance is equivalent to their inner being will end completely. But I still want to do my best and hope to encourage everyone.