A wonderful movie "Three Fools Havoc in Bollywood" that you should not miss because of the name

Hello, everyone, if you talk about a good movie that you don’t want to miss because of the name, then there must be this Indian movie "Three Fools Havoc in Bollywood", which seems to continue the usual Indian style. , Exaggerated form and frequent Indian singing and dancing. However, if you want to watch this film with such a vision, you may be surprised to find that this is actually a rare masterpiece. The film is starred by the Indian conscience Amir Khan when he was young. In the film, Amir Khan played Rancher is actually a servant of a rich family. Although he was born from a humble background, he is very smart. He enrolled in order to help his master complete his studies. However, because of his maverick personality, a series of hilarious incidents have been attracted. In the

film, Rancher showed his naughty personality as soon as he appeared on the stage. He used his super brain to make a gadget to tease the parents of their children, which made the restless students shouted. In the movie, the university where the actor Rancher is located is the top university in India. How many people think hard about entering university, but they still face the cruel graduation screening. In order to graduate successfully, many students are under great fear and pressure. In this atmosphere, Rancher is an anomaly. However, even in such a magnificent university, the teachers follow the scripts and teach according to the routines, without independence and creativity. This makes Rancher who is smart and lively by nature unbearable, and Rancher's move undoubtedly challenges the authority of the school, so the teachers Not even the principal like him very much. But this still does not prevent Lancher from getting the first place every time. The opposite of Rancher is Rancher's rival, Chatur, who is best at slacking his beard and rote memorization. Rancher also had two good friends in his college life, and his roommate quickly came and sweated. Both have their own character shortcomings, but they are also attracted by Rancher. Rancher fell in love with Seya, the principal's youngest daughter in school, and expressed his affection for Seya.

The campus life of the three good friends is also very hilarious. Rancher is omnipotent in the play, but his roommates have their own problems. Coming from a poor family, he has no self-confidence. He does not have the excellent brains of Rancher. He can bridge the gap through hard work, and his family feels that Lancher doesn't want to be good friends. But Lancher didn't care, and helped Laigu when his father was seriously ill. This made Laigu ashamed and touched, so he truly became good friends with him. The three bear children did not play tricks on the principal, but because they urinated at the principal's door, they were asked to drop out after being discovered by the principal. In fact, the principal just couldn't understand Rancher and wanted Ranche to drop out. To know how many people dream of the college they attended in the film, in order to get a diploma and find a good job. However, Rancher did not linger. On a rainy night, he decided to leave. It was also on this evening that the sister of the little girl Lancher liked was going to have a baby, but the heavy rain was too heavy and there was no way to go to the hospital. Under the command of Lancher, the group helped her sister give birth smoothly. The principal who had experienced this change saw this and understood Rancher, and gave Rancher his most precious pen. Since then, Rancher has disappeared.

Until ten years later, Chatur, a learning activist of the year, thought of the jokes in school, and Rancher's childhood sweetheart Martha was about to get married. Rancher’s two roommates did the most impulsive thing in their lives, they eloped with Seya to find Rancher! When I finally found Rancher, I discovered that Rancher had already become famous, and it was the IT upstart that Chatur had been trying to cling to. The film ends in such a happy scene. I have to say that the film uses a humorous tone to shoot the very colorful Indian education issue. The whole film has a strict logic and constant jokes. It is a rare good show.