"Interstellar Exploration" declared a disastrous defeat at the beginning of the painting, Chinese audiences did not buy it, science fiction fans were disappointed

The box office of

was less than 5.3 million on the first day, and the painting was a misfire. This tragic result that could not be seen directly officially announced that "Interstellar Exploration" was completely on the street in terms of making money.

Actually, the captain had already anticipated this result before the release. Unless there is a miracle in the Chinese box office, the box office failure of "Interstellar Exploration" is a foregone conclusion. "Internal and external troubles" are appropriate to describe the dilemma of this movie. The quality of the film itself lacks a certain degree of entertainment, viewing and even rationality. "Foreign troubles" are the domestic fierce competition environment.

You must know that there are a lot of movies worth spending money to watch in theaters during the Lunar New Year holiday in December. It can be said that it is even more difficult to break through. At the same time, the theater movies and popcorn cool movies have "Game of the Brave 2", local The crime drama film "The Gathering at Southern Station" has a strong appeal. In addition, the film’s reputation on the Internet is not well received by the public, so most domestic media are not optimistic about the prospects of "Interstellar Exploration", the most optimistic The box office forecast for is only 80 million, and the captain I predict that the final box office probability will be fixed at about 50 million. Fans of

all know that this sci-fi movie was released in the United States two months ago. The global box office has so far only reached 120 million U.S. dollars. Its cost was about 87.5 million U.S. dollars, or about 600 million yuan. According to this law, "Interstellar Exploration" theoretically needs to earn 360 million U.S. dollars to be profitable. However, since even the late Chinese ticket warehouses are completely on the street, I regret to say to the male god Brad Pitt: I am so sorry about that.

actually can be seen from the 6th to the 5th night from the filing, the "Interstellar Exploration" crew should also know that they do not have a competitive advantage, the current Douban score has dropped to 6.9, the same as IMDb, but Rotten Tomatoes score The captain thinks it is the best summary of this movie, with a professional rating of 84% and a public rating of 40%.

is actually the director James Gray. His last film "Lost Z City" has the same polarized reputation and surprisingly similar history. The film has a professional rating of 86% and a public rating of 57%. It really came from the same director.

put it plainly, but film critics like it very much and ordinary audiences discard it.

Seriously, the film was nominated for the Golden Lion Award in the main competition unit of the 76th Venice Film Festival this year, which means that it is not a brainless popcorn cool film. As one of the world’s three major film festivals, the film shortlisted for the Golden Lion Award either Literary and artistic romance either contains a deep philosophy of life or reflects social reality, and this "Interstellar Exploration" is just a literary film in a science fiction film. The literary and artistic component is greater than that of science fiction. It is really not a pure science fiction film that satisfies science fiction fans.

If you compare "Interstellar Exploration" with the sci-fi movies introduced in China in recent years, it is indeed a mediocre and lethargic movie under comprehensive consideration of all aspects.

On hard core, it is not as good as "Gravity", on shock, it is not as good as "Interstellar", and on tension, it is not as good as "Arrival" and "Annihilation", even if it is a science fiction film, it is The gap between "Blade Runner 2049" is not even a star and a half. In terms of themes and patterns, you will find that high-reputation movies such as "Interstellar" and "Arrival" often rise to the life and death of the entire country and even the entire human race. "It's just a story of going to outer space to find the missing father, nothing more.

I believe that science fiction films are among all movie genres that are extremely money-burning and extremely test the logic, rationality and even the quality of the script. The production cost can easily exceed 100 million US dollars. If there are more war scenes or large-scale destruction scenes, it will exceed 200 million. It is also very normal, but in the end, it will bring the audience a high probability of a visual feast that shocks the soul and has a strong impact. It often allows us to dream about the future, and make our thoughts soar. This is the reason why science fiction movies always go down in history and are included in the top 100 lists. So the captain has always had a special liking for this type of movie, and he is extremely passionate about it. He examines each movie with a tolerant and rigorous perspective. A commercial science fiction film, let's analyze the "Interstellar Exploration" in my eyes.

First of all, there are two places that I find a bit inexplicable.

Moon shootout

This future world has developed to be able to travel between the earth and the moon, but the moon still has no borders and no countriesThe disputed territory of Ji Ji, and the area before the protagonist rushed to the lunar rocket launch pad belonged to the combat zone. They encountered so-called pirate robbery attacks during their march.

From the beginning, I didn't quite understand the meaning of this scene. Is it because the film was dull and talked for almost 30 minutes, so a conflict link was added to adjust the depressed atmosphere? After reading

, I probably understood what the director meant. It turned out to be to injure the colonel of the space command who was with the protagonist, so that the next plot development can be focused on the protagonist alone, allowing him to explore alone and increase Difficulties and dangers.

Norwegian ship incident

Cephei encountered a distress signal during its flight. It was a Norwegian spacecraft for biomedical research. The spacecraft was destroyed by a mad orangutan group. I thought it was related to "Rise of the Apes" Linkage, what is the significance of this scene? After watching it, Roy said during psychotherapy, "I was attacked. It was an angry attack. I saw that kind of anger in Dad, and I saw it in myself."

Oh, it turns out that this fierce orangutan is the incarnation of a director. He killed a soy sauce-fighting spacecraft and killed the captain of the Celestial Throne. He just dug a hole for the protagonist’s father and found him who was missing. For a reason, by the way, it has deepened that the protagonist Roy is a person with autism and does not allow others to enter his world, otherwise he will become very angry and violent like apes. These two clips of

were put into the trailer and used as a promotional selling point, so the real intention is to serve as a Hollywood commercial bridge. The antenna tower repair site at the beginning of the film was hit by a surge or energy wave, causing the protagonist to The fall of the personnel inside also has this commercial consideration.

So if it is a purely literary film, it is not always true, there are still many ornamental treatments.

After all, "Interstellar Exploration", as a mainstream consumer-level film released globally, if it is too boring, lacks entertainment and conflict, it will be difficult to attract more audiences to buy it.

Even the Hollywood giants are not willing to lose money to make movies.

However, the viewership presented by the movie is far from fascinating. I am talking about viewership, not that it must be made into Marvel’s passionate superhero story. To be honest, Nolan’s "Interstellar" The first half of "Through" is also relatively dull and boring, which makes people less able to raise the spirit, but at least it is interlocking. The whole film is permeated with a sense of urgency in a disaster, which makes the audience outside the screen also feel. The protagonist on the screen was imminent, and the climax of the multidimensional space finally echoed with everything that was laid out in the front, hitting the explosion point logically, causing the global audience to have a mental tremor of being unable to extricate themselves and their hairs standing upright. Science fiction films like

are both pure and in one go. In the end, the global box office blasted 670 million U.S. dollars. The focus is that China contributed up to 755 million yuan, or about 100 million U.S. dollars, accounting for one-sixth of the total movie box office.

It can be seen that China is indeed a big global ticket warehouse. I advise all directors who want to make money in China. If you don’t know how to make good and popular science fiction movies, please use "Interstellar Crossing" as a research template. , That is the classic case of serious science fiction movies that Chinese audiences like.

If the above two clips can have a reasonable explanation, then the arrangement of the following three clips really feels a bit logically inconsistent for the captain:

1, snatching the Cephei

, not to mention that Roy can easily sneak up and unscathed. The most dramatic thing about the Cephei rocket, which was in ignition, was that the three crew members who wanted to subdue him died unexpectedly one by one. Is this IQ definitely from the backbone of the space command?

In fact, watching the whole movie, it’s not just that the process of capturing the ship was handled too deliberately. Roy’s father-finding journey was really open all the way. In critical moments, everything can be turned into good luck, the antenna tower falls, and the moon robbery. The orangutans attacked, all flashing the protagonist's halo.

2, rush back to the spaceship with an iron plate?

I don’t know how to evaluate the protagonist. Basically, the people who were around died on the moon. First, a group of guards died on the moon, and then a whole team of crew members died. Finally, it seemed to tell my father to return to Earth with him. Father still chose to stay in space forever, but without his arrival, this father might still liveTen or twenty years, right? In addition, the director did not give an explanation for how he could live on the Lima Space Station for 30 years. I only know that when the protagonist comes, his good father has been integrated with the universe. The

magical fragment came, Roy returned to the space station, and then set up an antenna iron plate, so he used inertia to cross the Neptune's halo and rushed back to the spacecraft.

I was completely dumbfounded at the time, is this Superman? Director

, why don’t you just let the protagonist fly back to the earth with this iron plate?

3, can the explosive force of a nuclear bomb push back to the earth?

The most shocking and puzzling thing for me is that the thrust of Roy's return to the earth is actually only dependent on the kinetic energy generated by a small nuclear bomb explosion.

In the setting of this movie, it takes about 17 days to go from the moon to Mars, and about 79 days to go from Mars to Neptune, plus the time from the earth to the moon, that is, the time from Neptune to the earth, which takes about three For more than a month, the thrust of your tiny nuclear bomb explosion is so powerful that it can sustain a cosmic journey for more than three months?

Science fiction is not equal to science. I fully agree with this point. Many technologies and theories that cannot be realized in reality can indeed be used for moderate imagination and play space in film and television, but science fiction does not mean nothing. I couldn't figure it out, and didn't justify it at all.

Of course, after complaining about so many loopholes and deficiencies of "Interstellar Exploration", the captain doesn't think this is a hopeless bad film. It may not be a blockbuster movie, but it is worth thinking about. Literary movies.

The English name of "Interstellar Exploration" is Ad Astra, which comes from Latin, which probably means cyclical journey. The film refers to Roy's father, the leader of the Lima Project, who abandoned his wife and son to search for extraterrestrial life. It took thirty years to get nothing. I think the Chinese name is more appropriate. The reason why it is called Interstellar Exploration rather than Interstellar Rescue or Interstellar Family Search lies in the word "exploration".

in the movie is interested in and longing for the unknown, far greater than caring for the people around them, but in the end, they all become losers. Not only did they fail to realize their dreams, they also lost their love and even abandoned by the country. This is a Cruel and sad theme.

In fact, this movie has a clue that runs through the whole process, that is, Roy, played by Brad Pitt, is a person with autism. "Interstellar Exploration" can be nominated for the Golden Lion Award. I think this setting is the main reason. It is exploring the vast universe, the missing father, the mysterious truth of Lima, and Roy's closed heart. World, the captain said earlier that the literary and artistic component of the film is greater than the science fiction component, and the end is that this is a personal journey of inner exploration.

Of course, at the end of the protagonist's enlightenment, he felt that the things his father was looking for were magnificent and shocking on the surface, but in reality they were empty. In short, they were flashy and vague, leading to failure and unfeeling, and Roy was not like his father? His wife often said that he was obsessed with work, and even if he was together, his thoughts would not know where to go, which made the family relationship more and more alienated. Fortunately, after returning to the earth, Roy unlocked his heart and learned to cherish the people in front of him. The truth.

But Yu doesn't conceal his flaws. Judging from the perspective of a science fiction fan, I feel sorry for this science fiction film that is not rigorous, reasonable, and science fiction.

To sum up, if you are a person who is fascinated and loves any sci-fi movie, it is recommended to see it in person, but if you are holding the kind of intense and amazing watching expectation of being able to harvest "Interstellar", you are very May be disappointed.