what happened? Recent photos of Depp’s daughter exposed her hair loss and acne. Netizen: She is only 20 years old

For those who like movies, no one should refuse the charm of Johnny Depp. This man born in the Mideast of the United States has a wildness that is difficult to control since he was a child. This fatal charm has been fully embodied in his later films. However, this man who is more difficult to control than the wind, once he is gentle and lethal, few people can resist it. And it was not his partner who let Depp release his life's tenderness, but his daughter: Lily-Rose Depp.

Lily-Ross Depp was born in Paris in 1999. Because of this, the exquisiteness of the French has long been melted into the bones.

As one of the most watched stars in the world, Lily has lived in the spotlight since she was a child. Although her father and mother divorced since they were young, Lily has never lacked the care of her parents. Her unruly father, who seems to never bow his head for anyone, willingly tattooed her baby girl's name on her chest. In other words, I put my daughter on the apex of my heart.

When she was a child, Lily carried the aura of her parents. However, as the daughter of "Pirate Captain" and "French Skylark", how could she be willing to survive under the protection of her parents. So when she was 15 years old, she played a small role in the horror movie "Long Tooth" and started her journey in the entertainment industry.

Lily inherited her mother's beauty in appearance, but her father's unruly in her bones. The two extremes have made a unique Lily Rose Depp, and her uniqueness fits the aesthetics of the fashion circle, and has been favored by Galeries Lafayette and former Chanel art director Karl Lagerfeld. Point her as the spokesperson of Chanel's 2015 autumn and winter glasses. The opening scene was Wang Zhan. No one in the fashion circle was more popular than Lily Rose, who was only 16 years old at the time. And she just rightly became the jewel in the palm of Lafayette.

Fashion dominance did not satisfy Lily. In the same year as Chanel's fourth-generation perfume spokesperson, she not only starred in the musical "Dancing Girl" on the Cannes red carpet, but also collaborated with her father Johnny Depp in the film "Yoga Girl Fight" Luo. How many people see Lily on the screen and there is nowhere to vent their jealousy. Good-looking, capable, individual, can perform and sing can make money, typical of other people's children.

As everyone knows, since Lily's debut, every time she appears is a walking pictorial, she has never made a mistake. However, who would have thought that such a perfect girl would also have the problem that mortals like me are worried about: baldness.

Recently, the tidbits of Lily Rose Depp's invitation to attend an event were exposed, and the state is really not bad. On that day, Lily Rose Depp wore a tube top dress. The black gauze model design on the upper part shows the perfect swan neck and delicate collarbone to the fullest. The white half skirt in the lower part is not long, and the skirt only reaches the knees, but it is exactly like this. This black and white skirt, which was originally a little serious, gave her a sense of vitality. The big golden earrings on the ears and the small golden necklaces on the neck echo each other, which really embodies the exquisiteness in every place.

​​However, the intention to wear it can not cover up its own small defects, such as hair loss. The shortcoming of this styling sweater should be the hairstyle. The stylist combed all Lily's hair behind her head and tied a ball on her head. I don’t know what the original creative inspiration was. Anyway, what is presented is definitely a public service advertisement about the crisis of young people’s hair loss.

is really not alarmist. This girl's baldness is too serious. The hairline is directly on the top of the head, and the forehead looks bigger than her face, so she can be called brothers and sisters to the fifth elder brother. Worried netizens shouted "How did the little fairy once become like this?" and "She is only 20 years old, how can she lose her hair so badly that she has become an uncle?

and the skin condition is not good, the face is full of acne, and the thick foundation can't cover it. At the banquet, 20-year-old Lily smoked unscrupulously with a face full of acne, not caring about others' opinions.

For the sake of your skin and your own health: Girl, let's avoid smoking cigarettes.