I'm still too young. When I first watched "Boy Pie", I thought it was just an adventure movie.

To make everyone laugh, when I first watched "The Fantasy Drifting of the Youth Pie", I simply thought it was just like "Robinson Crusoe", just a pure adventure film...

"The Fantastic Drifting of the Junior School" is a 3D film adapted from the novel of the same name published by Jan Martel in 2001. It is composed of Sura Shama, Rafi Spoor, Irfan Khan, and Adil. Wait for co-starring. And the man behind it is Lee Ang, who has established his own status in the world and has won numerous awards. After the film was released, it won four awards including the 85th Oscar for Best Director and Best Visual Effects in 2013; on Douban, the film received a staggering 9.0 high score, which was able to get With such an evaluation, we can basically agree that this is a rare masterpiece.

When I first watched this movie, I was deeply attracted by the tiger who was also friend and foe with the protagonist. I was also intoxicated by the mysterious sight in the sea. I thought from my heart that the protagonist could drift so much on the sea. Surviving from the sky is really not easy. Even if you open Baidu Encyclopedia, the story of the film is like this: The film tells the story of the boy pie encountered a shipwreck and all his family members were killed. He and a Bengal tiger drifted on a lifeboat for 227 days. The tigers established a peculiar relationship and eventually overcome the difficulties together and were reborn.

Seeing this, I believe that most of the friends who don’t understand this movie will be like me, thinking that this movie is just an adventure movie. However, when I became keenly interested in this film and went to Douban Tieba and other platforms to check the information about "The Fantasy Drifting of Youth Pie", I realized that I was too young, and the truth behind the film not only subverted me. The cognition makes people even more creepy.

Netizens have analyzed quite a lot of videos, but the theme is basically certain. The tiger who gets along with the male protagonist day and night is just a fictitious illusion. Its real appearance is the other side of the male protagonist. In the scene where the tiger killed the hyena, which made me clap and cheer, several animals also have their own meanings. The injured orangutan represents the mother of the male protagonist, the zebra represents the poor sailor, and the pesky hyena refers to the vicious cook who once appeared in the film. The real picture should be that the cook ate the sailor and his mother clashed with the cook. Soon after, his mother was killed by the cook in order to protect the pie. Then, the pie killed the cook and even eaten him.

Seeing this, the audience who don’t understand the background of the story should be like me. Their chins are almost falling. We originally thought this was an adventure film full of inspirational feelings, but we didn’t expect it to be a back-to-back movie. Cool humanity film. In an instant, the mysterious beauty of the sea disappeared. What existed in our minds was just a terrible scene of cannibalism.

Everyone must still remember that when Pi was drifting, he and the tiger went to a mysterious island. When I first watched the film, I was once stunned by the black mongoose in the film. After all, this is a very happy little animal. But when I opened the video and analyzed it, I felt sick for an instant. These mongooses, what kind of cute little animals are, they refer to the maggots on the carcass.

And the human-shaped island, some people said it was the corpse of the mother, some said it was the corpse of the girlfriend of the sent, and some said it was the sleeping Vishnu. As for the real situation, it depends on how you understand it. At the end of the story of

, during the investigation, Pie told two stories. One is the Robinson-style drifting adventure story we love to see, and the other is the truth of the story we analyzed earlier. According to your analysis, there may be There is a third story in which Pie’s girlfriend is also on board. Seeing this, I began to understand why the Oscars awarded the award to "The Fantasy Drifting of the Juvenile School". Director Ang Lee used the most invisible way to explain to us a hairy story about human nature.

I remember at the end of the film, Pie once asked the writer which story he liked. The writer thought about it and said it was the first one. In fact, our heart is the same as that of the writer, hoping that the first story is true, but reality is often cruel. No matter how you look at it, the latter story is the closest to the truth. It's all up to you.

So when everyone is watching this film, are they blinded by its gorgeous appearance like me? If you haveAny comments and suggestions, you are welcome to follow, like and forward, and Qiangwei will also communicate with you in the message area.