The sequel to "Dear I Shrink the Child", the original director returns

The 1989 version of "Dear, I Shrink the Child"

1905 Film News The film "Dear, I Shrink the Child", shot in 1989, is a classic movie. There are reports that Hollywood is working on a sequel to the film. Although the plan has been going on for some time, the director candidates have been pending. However, this vacancy has recently been filled. Joe Johnson, the original film director, will return to the position of director to take charge of this sequel 30 years later.

director Joe Johnson

returns to the crew, making Joe Johnston's directorial career complete. Thirty years ago, Joe Johnston started his career as a director with this movie. The film earned $222 million in the box office that year. Although there are two sequels "Dear, I Enlarged the Child" and "Dear, I Reduced Us", Joe Johnson did not participate. In his subsequent career as a director, Joe Johnston filmed "Jurassic Park 3", "Rocketer" and "Captain America" ​​successively. This time I will return to "Dear, I Shrunk the Child", which is quite exciting. The original film

is a family movie with a meaningful meaning. Scientist Wayne Ssarinski invented a machine that can zoom in and out of objects. He patronized happy but forgot to tell his two children. So this magical instrument shrank both his children and the two neighbors' children. The four children started an exciting and magical journey. The short and flat lawns in the yard have turned into towering dense tropical rain forests, the insignificant insects have become ferocious and huge beasts, and the ordinary and ordinary things have instantly become huge obstacles. However, after the careless couple discovered that the children were missing, they realized that something was wrong. How can the children be changed back to their original appearance? The most important question at this time is where they are around.

Currently, there is no detailed news about the sequel of the film, and there is no dynamics in the plot summary, actor selection and release time.