Korean movie: "Flu" shows great maternal love, a girl's mother, a country needs sovereignty more

The movie

is a work from a long time ago, but the plot of the whole movie is very moving. The flu virus has brought great disasters to this country. The male protagonist is a rescuer and the female protagonist is also a Doctor, the story starts with a group of stowaways who smuggled into South Korea, but because they had been hiding in the container for a long time, the people in it all died. As a result, only one young man was still alive, and he was the only one who had resistance. A strong person, but he was lucky to escape. The virus from the dead group is spreading. Many people on

streets are coughing, coughing and breathing make many people gradually infected with this virus, this virus will also produce fever, until death, the virus will still spread in the streets and alleys, and the whole city in a flash People are slowly infected with this virus. In addition, this is the protagonist girl who feeds the stray cat and meets the young man who came out of the container and gave him food, but the young man left because of fear, but he already remembered the girl deeply.

This disaster is still going on, and the government quickly intervened in this matter and tried its best to save lives. However, the drug has no effect on this virus flu. Over time, more and more people are infected. Many people Gradually, the girl was infected. At this time, the girl’s mother found out that the young man who had escaped was still alive. She was surprised to realize that his body had developed antibodies. The young man saw that he was giving him food. I immediately agreed to the hostess's request, and my own serum was used as an antibody for the girl. But when his daughter was taken away, he had been injected with antibodies, and the male lead also got in at this time. The girl was found in the corpse of the people in Renshan. The girl woke up and the fever subsided. All of a sudden, the man was very happy. .

Later, the American managers of the government felt that they could not go on like this and decided to bomb the entire city with combat power. After issuing the order, the South Korean president asked to stop and not harm the people. After some disputes, they finally ordered to stop the bombing, and finally the people resisted. Regardless of the people’s life or death, the little girl also walked in front of the protest team. The government also shot to stop the people, but all the bullets were missed, which should be deliberately missed. Soon the hostess saw her daughter and rushed to protect her. In the end, she was knocked down by a bullet. The little girl stood in front of her mother and said, "Don't shoot my mother," she yelled again and again. To be honest, the editor was moved.

In the end, the heroine found that her daughter was healed, so she believed that the antibody was useful, which means that the people were saved, and the riot was prevented. Otherwise, she didn’t know how many more people would die, and finally successfully defeated the virus. But this movie shows that the greatness of a mother is always saving her daughter. The little girl protects her mother from being hit by bullets and stands in front of her mother. The last Korean military initiative is actually in the hands of the Americans. A country There is no sovereignty.