"Interstellar" is like a giant aircraft carrier, you see his sophisticated equipment, and praise

First of all, this movie is not one of the most rigorous science fiction films I have ever seen. The spherical wormhole reflecting the splendid galaxy, the time delay of the black hole, the spectacle in the horizon, the high-dimensional space, the gravity that travels through time, the string of time that can be moved, reminds me that the heart is low in the "Three-Body" The 12 days and more than 17 million years in the universe of the speed of light, and a story I have seen before, which kept jumping forward in time in the universe until reaching the singularity of the destruction of the universe. On the scale of the universe and in billions of years of time, human beings are so incompetent, which makes their arbitrarily exploring the universe even more epic.

And the film is ultimately attributed to the praise of family affection and responsibility, including the brand's judgment that love can save mankind across the dimension is still a play. As for many people's doubts about its scientific nature, I don't understand it, but I can't comment it. I think since Kip Soen, a big bull in physics, nodded his head, it should be water. All in all, this is a hard science fiction that is very scientific and hard.

​​Secondly, I agree that the male protagonist’s forced participation in the mission in the film is part of the idea of ​​saving his daughter, but it is more about satisfying his personal heroism and self-consciousness of becoming a savior. This is a big problem of the film, which caused this family relationship to be unworthy of the audience to move, and the sensationalism of the whole film directly collapsed. And does Cooper have to go? Not at all. There is no such thing as one of the top pilots on the planet who says that one is obviously better than the other, not that he is indispensable. Everyone's technology is only a few millimetres apart, and everyone who goes to the task of interstellar travel is completed in the same order. Cooper can choose to let another pilot find a suitable planet, stay and fight the disaster with his daughter, go to NASA to study together, and cultivate this father-daughter relationship together. No matter whether PlanA succeeds or not, he and his daughter stay together. , This is a qualified and great father.

Cooper's departure from space is sufficient: the beginning is a dream on the spacecraft, which implies that he is very nostalgic for his past career, and the content of the chat with his father-in-law reveals a lot of psychology: he has been on the farm for many years, and if he continues, he will only wait for death. This has dialogue. It can be proved that he also said, “We used to look up at the stars and think about our small existence.” Father-in-law also said that you were born 40 years earlier or late. It can be seen that his psychological tone is pioneering, and his identity as a farmer is a huge resistance. Everything was ready, only Dongfeng owed, and finally did not refuse to be an astronaut.

personally feel that the director said so much, in the final analysis, he wants to imply that the audience, Cooper's character is completely different from his son. The son can keep going all the way, but he can't stand waiting to die day by day. I think the decisive factor is this: He wants to be with his children, but he wants them to have a chance to live, rather than knowing that he will die. It is true that you don't need to push yourself into life and death to stay at home, but staying in place is to produce food mechanically at most, and the food will disappear day by day, and you will be frightened every day.

The most important thing is to watch his family die due to various factors. His wife died due to lack of medical equipment. It should have left a deep shadow on him. On the other hand, his son Tom, the first son probably died of lung disease. Still insisting on staying, this kind of helpless pain can be imagined. And his destiny is like this. He wanted to be a good father, but high-dimensional humans They make our existing humans powerless to fight.

If you look at it from this perspective, the result of the excitement and screen climax of all the hard sciences, the unknown and the feelings of space in the second half is actually the inability to do anything about fate, reality, and the world. Then all the reveries, passion, confidence, and admiration of space that our audiences feel are not instantly poured cold water? Cooper was not a conservative person. On the contrary, he had full adventurous spirit, and he left with a relatively big hope: the two planets sent clear signals, and then the hope was slim before he regretted the decision.

In other words, walking is more likely than staying to create opportunities for children to live. This is constructive. Staying on the farm and waiting for death will be a hopeless and miserable life. Remember Cooper said, "You can't tell a ten-year-old child that the end of the world is coming. When you have children, you must first ensure their safety." It is enough to verify that he has to go. In addition, the script's setting of the era background is almost always presented in the form of dialogue, showing the earth's plight, only the dust storms all over the sky. Throwing weapons to reduce population has been carried out in one sentence, which shows that Nolan had no intention ofThere is too much entanglement in the source setting, and he knows it will be thankless.

​​Furthermore, the rhythm of the whole movie is not to highlight the importance of traversing wormholes. Speaking of importance, he is the last expedition that reflects the importance. Although traversing wormholes is only part of the plan, the details portray them. The expedition is not easy, because it is the first time and has encountered a lot of trouble, so it is perfect, and Cooper's return to Saturn is not a plot need, even if it is, it is only a little bit. Maybe some people say that this is to make the film beautiful The ending, but the truth is that perhaps high-dimensional creatures also have love in their hearts to arrange this, perhaps it is some kind of connection between black holes and wormholes, maybe this kind of connection is incomprehensible by human current cognition, maybe the node of everything is The moment he decided to step into the wormhole next to Saturn to change the future of mankind, of course Cooper had to go to Brand, who had experienced life and death together.

Cooper is still alive, which has a great effect on Brand’s heart, because the love of Brand’s expedition died. She has already guessed that this is the case. Not many people can bear this kind of loneliness. , Especially Brand experienced so that his teammates left and the unknown whether humans on earth are still alive, thinking that people on earth may not be there, and a person who can do nothing about herself is on an unknown planet (because of her The spacecraft runs out of fuel), that is not something that one person can bear, so Cooper must go to Brand, who can bring her back to see this new world, and can also feel the boundlessness of the universe together there. After all, many important people They are all gone, the earth has passed for so many years, but they are still young, they are already people of the old century, they can also implement plan B here.