Very concerned: Shenzhou native writes a review of the deep-state local film "Sherlock on the Plain"

Watching theater-line movies, listening to Shenzhou dialects, amateur actors, new directors, curiosity, and using the same ticket price as a blockbuster movie, I went to see a movie called "The soil gets dregs"-"On the Plains" Sherlock. After the

screen opened, familiar scenes and cordial local accents rushed over. The seemingly chaotic environment, dark back and unadorned words all release the simplicity and truth of the plains and rural areas. This is the taste of the village when I was young. The vast fields, ancient villages, mottled old houses, and friendly neighbors are permeated with the peace and roughness of the countryside. This evokes the nostalgia of the viewers, without the slightest trace of embellishment, only showing the original "earth" character. The earth is real and pure, and the earth is so immersive, as if returning to the hometown in the dream. The performances of the two amateur protagonists in the

film are very grounded. Director

's father starred in the film's protagonist Chaoying. The storyline of the

movie is very simple, and the dialogue is simple, but the plot is compact and exciting. The two main characters run through, the situation is constant, and they laugh frequently. What's in front of the tricycle is unknown, people just want to follow the camera to find out. The two amateur actors in a mere mere show the tenacity, perseverance and stubbornness of Chinese farmers. I have seen too many shadows of my parents from them. After repeated defeats, repeated defeats and repeated battles, everyone finds it difficult to solve the case, and there is no hope at all, but they use the methods of small people to find ways and find ways to not give up. It seems absurd and ridiculous, but it is a dawn when there is nothing to do, a straw for life. Knowing that they are vague, they still have to move forward without wishing to be overthrown by reality, because they are little people who are not afraid of falling. They have the peculiar stubbornness of peasants, their endurance is immeasurable, and they have no face at all. They can reach their goals as low as the dust, or stay in the dust all the time, but never forget to go upstream. The purpose is so simple, just to find the truth, give the brother an explanation, and then, every shot is full, and the meaning is still unfinished. Xu Chaoying, the protagonist of

, ​​doesn't speak much. He is the bored character of a peasant in the north. He is not good at words but knows well. He has a black and white concept, and he can keep a bottom line even when he is helpless and has no way. That is to stick to the right way. The monologue in front of the dead wife’s grave is also a manifestation of inner contradictions. There is helplessness, unwillingness, kind deception, and humorous self-comfort. To give my wife an explanation is to encourage my choice. In fact, I have an answer in my heart. Building a new house is really not as important as brothers’ affection. Then the camera turned around. It was the roof of fish farming and the dilapidated wall. I gave up my dream of turning over a new house, made up my mind to continue to pay for the treatment of my brother, and gave the viewer the feeling of crying with a smile.

, ​​the little character Zhanyi, showed the use of ignorance as a reason, the peasant's cleverness and informality, a little bit cute and heartwarming, it is the funny responsibility of the whole scene. Five times three times makes people feel uncomfortable, five times three times come forward to speak for the brothers. Going around to the backyard of the Ministry of Agricultural Resources and taking the initiative to be a lonely hero, using the tricks of small people to climb the wall to the campus and enter the courtyard of the community, each time the result is laughable, but always rushes in front to block the gun for the brother. He bothered that Shuhe was injured and no one took care of him, and that Chaoying had been unable to realize his desire to build a new house for a lifetime, but he had never felt sorry for himself, nor did he think about why he ran before and after. Finally put down the wine glass and rode a tricycle to go to the appointment under the bridge, not wanting the consequences, sacrificing oneself, knowing that he would not spend a cent on the money, but rushed forward, full of responsibility and righteousness. The use of details in the

film is also very simple. Zhanyi’s tricycle was trapped down the slope, and he greeted his brother casually, and the solution was resolved. Then the brother’s tricycle was trapped again, and the other brothers were called for help in the same way. The almost clumsy performance technique drew laughter from the audience. It was not because people laughed low, but because they were infected by the peasant's simplicity without any impurities. In the middle of the night, in the wild, after helping, there is no need to say a polite remark, showing the peasant's simple emotions heartily and joyfully. The relationship between people should be very simple, and I have been used to too many intrigues and intrigues. This simplicity reveals poetic praise and praise. In addition, the demeanor of the characters chewing peanuts, the controversy about selling cow money, and the satisfaction in the facial expressions after the case progressed, all performed just right. A bottle of wine and a dish of peanuts can relieve all-day fatigue and exhaustion.

happiness is actually very simple. Three or two old friends, a few ridicules, or sitting together and drinking with each other's heads are the most beautiful time in life. The whole film is full of warmth and responsibility. I saw the director's familyLove and praise to the people of my hometown, I saw the original intention of the little person, which is exactly the original intention of the director, which is the simple happiness. Just like the three brothers in the end of the scene, rushing to face the sun, they talk easily, naturally, casually and kindly. No matter how big the storm is in life, it will pass, because life is always full of sunshine.

Note: The author Ji Zhulin, a native of Shenzhou, a member of Hengshui Writers Association, loves life and words. His works are known for his prose and poetry. He has been published in provincial and municipal newspapers and won many awards.