Born without raising, why consider home: The most worthy Oscar movie for parents in 2019!

Recently, when "Reunion 4" kept breaking the box office record, a "dark horse" named "Why Home" was quietly born. The discussion on parent-child education extended from the film has aroused a lot of heated discussions among netizens.

Numerous netizens have spontaneously acted as tap water for publicity, and even the movie emperors Huang Bo and Xu Zheng strongly recommend them on Weibo. The

movie started in a gloomy city, with dilapidated buildings and streets everywhere, this is Lebanon after the war.

In the court, a thin boy Zane sued his parents to the judge.

When the judge asked him how old he was, Zane replied calmly, "I don't know. Why don't you ask them." Zane had no date of birth and no identification. The doctor calculated his approximate age based on his dental condition. Is 12 years old.

12-year-old Zane lives in a big family. The "big"

is really purely because of the large population. There are about 7 of them that can be seen in the movie. The

family lives in a very dilapidated small house. The parents use a curtain to separate two areas. The children can only curl up and sleep on the same floor.

Zane didn't go to school. Every day, apart from working in the shop of the landlord's son Assad to subsidize the rent, he took his younger brothers and sisters to sell on the street.

​​Occasionally he also acts as a "liar", going to various pharmacies to buy "tramadol" to make drugs for his parents.

's young body has an indifference that does not fit his age, and Zane's life is numb and gloomy.

and Zane's parents did not seem to feel anything. They are just born mechanically and live mechanically. For them, children are probably also tools for making money.

is a little older and can go out to work to subsidize the family. When girls reach their age, they can also be used to marry, change some dowry, and raise the younger ones at home. If they can’t hold them, they can be chained and placed on the ground.

​​He is very fond of his sisters. When she learned that her sister was menstruating, Zane was very scared, and asked her to be careful not to be found out by her mother, because her menstruation signified that her sister could marry.

However, Zane still failed to prevent his sister from being forcibly taken away by his parents. In order to solve the accommodation problem, his parents sold his 11-year-old sister to an old man to be his wife. He ran away in anger.

Zane, who has no money and no place to live, wanders freely on the street. He was fortunate enough to meet Lacher, an illegal immigrant from Africa, a female worker in a restaurant in the amusement park.

Rachel’s life is also difficult to describe. She is posing as a photo with a stolen ID card, doing hard work.

She has an illegitimate child, Yunus, who has been hidden in the dark because of the "black house". Because there is no time to look after the baby, she can only secretly stuff the child into the rod box to take care of it.

As a mother, Rachel saw the wandering Zane and decided to take him in and took him to his rented house. During the day when she went out to work, she asked Zane to stay at home to look after Yunus.

Zane therefore spent a period of time here, although a little boring, but much warmer than his previous life.

But the good times did not last long, and Lacher still failed to escape the fate of being deported. Only Zain and a baby waiting to be fed were left at home. How will he live the next day?

In order to feed Yunus, Zane tried his best.

sold the pots and pans that he could sell at home, pretended that Syrians went to the relief station to collect diapers and milk powder, and even learned from his parents to "make drugs" in exchange for money...

but he was still driven out by Rah’s landlord , Zane, desperate, wants to leave Yunus on the side of the road to see if there will be a kind person taking Yunus.

The people passing by turned a blind eye to it, and the outcast seemed to them like roadside rubbish.

finally couldn't bear to Zane, but took Yunus. But Yunus's body became weaker and weaker. In desperation, Zane could only find a black intermediary and sold Yunus to a black intermediary, in exchange for being able to smuggle to Switzerland. The snakehead responsible for smuggling

told him that he needed his identity documents, so Zane could only take the risk and sneak home and search for documents. In the end, he was caught by his father and told him that their family had no documents.

noOnly in this way, Zane also learned the bad news from his parents Saha: his sister died at the entrance of the hospital because of bleeding during pregnancy.

Angrily and desperately, Zane took the knife at home, found his brother-in-law, Assad, who was a decade older than him, and stabbed him.

went to jail because of Zane of intentional wounding.

​​And when his mother came to visit her, she told him: "Allah takes one thing, and he will give us another. Soon, you will have another brother or sister, and we will be Saha Name him..."

At this time, Zane just said in despair: "Your words pierced my heart."

So, Zane, who was in prison, contacted the TV station and sued his parents. The court. "I hope that people who are unable to raise children will not have another child."

is born but does not raise them.

The poorer and poorer you are, the poorer you are. Twelve-year-old children understand this vicious circle, but the millions of adults below the poverty line do not. Not only in Lebanon, but not only in the refugee group, this is almost a global problem. The middle and upper classes have low willingness to give birth because they know the weight of the word responsibility, while the bottom struggling to live because often they don’t know what responsibility is. .

Kotaro Isaka has a well-quoted saying: It’s horrible to think that being a parent doesn’t have to pass an exam. Becoming a parent is a very simple matter. There is no need to pass an examination or have a qualification certificate. But wanting to be a qualified parent is something that cannot tolerate the slightest sloppyness, and it requires a sense of responsibility and love.

Children shouldn't be toys that you hold in your palms when you are happy, and you can abandon them when you are unhappy. They are life, and parents should have a basic sense of responsibility and respect for life.

Although parents are ordinary people, they cannot influence the external environment, nor can they create an absolutely safe environment for their children.

But what parents can do is to use responsibility and love to protect their children as much as possible, avoid man-made risks that can be controlled, identify possible dangerous situations, prevent them in advance, reduce the risks they may face, and become children The most powerful umbrella.

Only if you have personally taken the responsibility of breaking your heart for your children can you exchange the joy of your children's healthy growth.

This Oscar burst movie brings us thinking from a multicultural perspective, and it also allows our children to see a case of a peer who is struggling to survive in despair and feel.

Not every parent is qualified to be a parent, life is sometimes so cruel.

hope that every child can be treated with gentleness.