Like a child's play? The iron evidence of no conviction in Gao Yunxiang's case can only rely on the jury, and the tug of war has been postponed.

On December 4, Gao Yunxiang finally made further progress in the Australian sexual assault case. After five days of deliberations, the jury did not reach a consensus. Therefore, the judge announced the dissolution of the jury. The Gao Yunxiang case will be postponed until next year. It has been 615 days since the Gao Yunxiang case was filed, which is nearly two years.

It is reported that Gao Yunxiang’s lawyer fees are billed by the day, with a daily cost of more than 100,000 yuan. This time the court was held for nearly a month, and it is estimated that nearly 3 million yuan of lawyer fees was spent in vain, which is equivalent to a drop in 3 million.

According to the photos taken by foreign media of Gao Yunxiang walking out of the courtroom, he even showed a weird smile, which is obviously not a triumphant smile.

Obviously, Gao Yunxiang's case has no iron evidence for the convictions of Gao Yunxiang and Wang Jing, and can only rely on the jury's inference and resolution. Such a case can easily become a tug of war. Retrial next year? This cycle is too long. This may be a flaw in Australian law.

Currently, nearly two years have passed since the Gao Yunxiang case. On March 26, 2018, Gao Yunxiang and Wang Jing were suspected of sexually assaulting a 36-year-old Chinese Australian woman in Australia. Both were arrested after the incident. Gao Yunxiang was released on bail, while Wang Jing was in prison. It lasted 615 days. The trial of Gao Yunxiang's suspected sexual assault eventually aborted. It is very likely that the court trial next year will be overturned and restarted. Judge

issued a "reporting prohibition order." The details of the 12 jury members' discussions in court will not be made public, and the judge will re-select 12 people to form a jury.

On November 28, according to on-site reporters, Gao Yunxiang was charged with 7 counts. At present, only 12 jury members are arguing about which guilty and innocence will be found, and how to sentence him.

On November 28, Wang Jing’s parents had just left the courthouse at around 1 p.m. Australian time, and Wang Jing’s barrister had been wandering around. Gao Yunxiang still did not appear at the court hearing. A large number of media and reporters have gathered around. Many Australian media are here early in the morning.

According to the reporter, many of Gao Yunxiang's fans came to the scene. Interestingly, Gao Yunxiang's fans are in their 40s or 50s. They come around the court hearing and will have a few words with Gao Yunxiang.

The reporter squatting at the scene broke the news that Gao Yunxiang's face was expressionless or frowning throughout the trial, until a domestic friend came to help Gao Yunxiang as a character witness. That was the only time Gao Yunxiang shed tears in court.

was originally on November 28, the jury should give a final verdict, otherwise the jury will be dissolved. The court will reorganize the jury, and the final trial process will be reversed and the trial will be repeated indefinitely. Therefore, the jury of Gao Yunxiang's case has been arguing and has been deliberating until the fifth day, and finally there is no unanimous decision.

It seems that Gao Yunxiang's case is still relatively complicated, and the trial has not yielded results for the past two years. Looking forward to Gao Yunxiang's case becoming clear next year and regaining his freedom. Such "trials" like

are too torturous. Gao Yunxiang hasn't lost weight in the past two years, indicating that he is indeed in a good state of mind. It feels like this tug-of-war trial is a bit tricky