"Joker" used a lifetime to fill that childhood wound


"Joker" has not been officially released in China, it is already very popular. It can be said that it was first popular before it was broadcast! To what extent do you want to talk about the fire? It can be said with certainty that this movie is a movie that 80% of movie fans are looking forward to very much. Now many people will ask first in chat, "Have you seen the recent "Joker"?" How high the attention of the movie is.

After "Reunion IV", the super-English model created by Marvel has been difficult to break because it has reached an unattainable height. Then, who can break through this height and reach the next level? That's right, "Joker"! It successfully surpassed with a unique and ordinary attitude, and successfully won the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival. Although it is a comic film, it is also the most successful comic film. The film received a perfect score of 10 at IGN. Known as the best masterpiece! The

​​film is full of the temperament of literary and artistic films, and the clown is described in more detail. Each film has its own color tone, rich color and blue, and green highlight tone, which is a common color tone for movies with absurd themes Attentive viewers will find that green is used in many places in the film, so green became the main color of "Joker" until Arthur dyed his hair green and became a clown. The details of

are also done very well. Look carefully at the clown's smoking index finger, it looks like it has been smoked, and it has a yellow layer. This is very detailed! This is a comedy movie that makes people hard to laugh, but the movie still has many comedic elements interspersed with it, such as the comedy master Chaplin's "Modern Times", the joking hero movie "Fan Xiong Zorro", and the United States More popular talk show display. I don't know what the director's intention is, or if it is to make the clown love comedy! The protagonist Arthur has always suffered from epilepsy. This mental illness often makes him laugh out of control, because of this defect, everyone laughs at him, bullies him, and even treats him as a freak.

caused all this because of his mother, Arthur was adopted. When he was young, his mother often abused him with her boyfriend, so his mental state has always been unstable, and epilepsy may be caused by this. . Because of this wound in childhood, Arthur needs to fill it with his life. The life of a clown can be said to be a tragedy! Because of his epilepsy, he was often laughed at, excluded, and abused, and then he lost his job, lost friends, and began to become more and more lonely.

However, the house leaks in the night rain! On the way home, I saw three well-dressed people bullying a girl. It happened that Arthur had a seizure attack. The sick laughter attracted the three people to bully him. Finally, they couldn't bear it and killed them. What drives him completely crazy and into the abyss is dream destruction! His idol, Murray, even laughed at him and laughed at him for not being worthy of being a comedian. It has always been his dream to bring joy and laughter to everyone. He has worked hard for this dream, but now it has been shattered and finally changed. Become a black-bellied clown.

caused all of this because of the childhood wounds. If there is no epilepsy, all this may not happen. When the clown was most desperate, he said, "Do you know what makes me laugh? I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I found out that it was actually a comedy." If this sentence is understood as, the end of tragedy is comedy, and true comedy is tragedy. So what should be the interpretation of Lu Xun's sentence below?