Successful low-cost comedy: the male lead paid 300 yuan, the box office was 400 million when it was released, and the laughs were super dense

digs out the best stories in the world, Serena will show you the movies! Hello fellow readers!

Lu Xun said when commenting on tragedy and comedy: Tragedy destroys the valuable things of life for others to see, and comedy tears away the worthless things for others to see.

has always interpreted and spread tragedies higher than comedy in the art world. The works of the three ancient Greek tragedies have been passed down to this day, and countless people have studied their tragedies. In contrast, of the three major comedians, only Aristophanes has left some complete works.

If tragedy is to indirectly affirm beauty and reveal the ideal of beauty, then comedy is to directly deny ugliness and expose hypocrisy. This seems to be the mission of comedy. The origin of

comedy comes from the inconsistency and inconsistency between the appearance and essence of the worthless and ugly things in life, as well as the inconsistency and inconsistency between the audience’s life experience and immediate feelings.

If you want to find a "most inconsistent, most inconsistent" film in the history of film, it would be this "God Is Crazy".

​​"God Is Crazy" was released 38 years ago. It is one of the few classic comedies in movie history so far. 50,000 people out of the Douban community's 100,000 comments gave five stars, and the score of 8.7 was better than 97% of comedy films. In the category of pure comedies, it ranks among the top three in movie history.

In general comedy films, in the conflict between modern society and primitive society, similar actors are often found to act as people from primitive social tribes. However, this film has found the Bushmans living in the hinterland of the Kalahari Desert to play the leading role.

You must know that the Kalahari Desert is located at the south-central part of the African continent. It is the most water-scarce place. Ordinary people can't survive. In winter, the land is so dry that even animals migrate away.

But in the depths of this desert, there is a primitive tribe, the Bushman tribe.

Their people have lived in the depths of the desert for generations, isolated from the world, and lived a primitive life of slash and burn.

By chance, the director of the film, Jiamei Youyis, accidentally discovered the Bushman Li Su (real name N! xau, the exclamation point is a symbol of the native language of Africa), so the director paid 300 yuan for the film. Invite him to play the role of Bushman Xixo in "God Is Crazy". After the release of

, the film became very popular, and the global box office slammed 50 million U.S. dollars (about 400 million yuan on time). Li Su was also well-known by fans all over the world. After 9 years, he continued to participate in "God Is Crazy 2" .

Since then, Hong Kong film and television companies have also issued an invitation to Li Su. During 1991-1994, they filmed "African Monk", "Hong Kong Is Crazy", "African Superman" and other popular comedies, and met Liu Qingyun and Carina Lau. , Ye Tong and other Hong Kong movie stars. After that, Li Su returned to Africa and became a farmer because of his discomfort. In 2003, Li Su unfortunately passed away in the African grasslands.

Li Su lived a primitive life of nomadic collection before he became famous. He had little contact with the outside world, and even had no concept of money. After the crew gave him 300 yuan for the first time, he actually let the money drift away. Up. The encounter between primitive and civilized

itself has the conditions for the production of bizarre stories, not to mention the fact that the director also found real "primitives" to perform outside the film. Whether in or outside the film, such collisions and encounters continue to occur.

​​In the story, the original is used as a useful tool to help civilization, Xixo helped Andrew rescue the kidnapped child; outside the story, N! xau helps Uis reflect on modern civilization.

In the final analysis, the world is still viewed from the perspective of civilized people in and out of the play, and primitive people are still deprived of their right to speak because they are not "civilized."

Xixo and his family live in the Kalahari Desert. They quench their thirst by collecting the drops of dewdrops in the morning and sustain their lives by hunting. There is no dispute between them. In their eyes, God is watching them every day and giving them food to survive.

Until one day, their "God" sent them an empty bottle of Coke, Xixo brought it back to the tribe, and his people found that this beautiful gift can not only make a beautiful sound, but also can be used to grind snake skin .

in short, almost everyHeaven can discover its new use, but there is only one bottle, and the tribe can always find countless reasons to want to use it, so for the first time everyone feels that they don’t want to share it with others and want to monopolize it.

Xixo saw the tribesmen start to quarrel and even fight for the gift of God, he decided to go to the end of the "world" and return this gift to God. The jokes of the

film came from the comedy stories that happened between the modern people he met while throwing the bottle.

These people are:

, a scientist who collects elephant feces;

, a female reporter who came to support the education;

, a group of rebels;

has no villains in this comedy, even if they are holding female journalists and children with guns. The opposing elements can only be regarded as clowns at best. The

movie is not about telling the victory of modern civilization over primitive civilization, but to examine the development of modern civilization through the eyes of Xixo.

Even when rescuing trapped female reporters and children, the method used is not to kill them, but to numb them. Director

does not need to shed blood, one is to respond to the atmosphere of comedy, and the other is to show that modern people should not be the object of criticism, but the object of sympathy.

They are all just to defend themselves from harm in this complicated world, to compete for something called "security" in this materialistic world, instead of losing the beautiful qualities that Xixo still has. These beautiful qualities It’s just temporarily hidden deep in their hearts, looking forward to a suitable opportunity to be released. That’s why there will be people in this world who give up high-paying jobs and come to Africa to teach in Africa like female reporters, and there will be scientists like scientists. People who live in Africa for the sake of science and are accompanied by wild animals.

I think this is what the director wants to tell people through this film.

went round and round, after experiencing human civilization, Xixo still chose to say goodbye, continue to look for the end of the world and throw away the gift of God.

In his opinion, no matter how valuable God's gift is, it is less than a hug from a child when he returns home.