Ge You, who took the initiative to "give" his position, made Qiao Shan respected

"If life deceives you, then live with one word!"

This is a classic line in the movie "Two Tigers". Although this sentence is slightly funny after being uttered from Ge You's mouth, this The reasoning behind it is worth thinking about. Isn't life just being able to live? What's the use of being sad and anxious? It will only hurt the body and the heart.

Ge You and Qiao Shan use seemingly absurd comedies to interpret the sadness of life. I cried when I was smiling, and I laughed when I was crying. This "schizophrenic" reaction to the movie is the best evaluation of "Two Tigers". Zhang Chenggong, who is rich but unhappy, meets Yu Kaixuan, who has no money but freedom. Two people who belong to tigers but with completely different identities, status, pursuits and ideals collide together, and the sparks they create are thought-provoking. .

has money but finds that family, love, and friendship are far away from oneself, and become a regret in life. Without money but thinking of ways to "make money", it becomes obsession in the long run. Therefore, no matter how successful you are, you can't give up your emotions, and you can't forget your duty no matter how sad.

The two comedians Ge You and Qiao Shan are the highlight of the whole movie. In the play, the stupid kidnapper Yu Kaixuan played by Qiao Shan is led by the nose by Zhang Chenggong, played by Ge You, and he is also tortured to the heart. However, outside the play actor Qiao Shan not only was not abused, but also received the respect and appreciation of Uncle Ge.

Respect in the position

Checking the cast of "Two Tigers", you can find that Qiao Shan, who was originally the lead actor, has been replaced with a second, and Ge You, who was originally a supporting role, has been transferred, but the scene in the movie is still Qiao Shan. Many, obviously the male lead. Perhaps out of respect for the senior Ge Uncle, perhaps for the sake of the box office, Ge You's name is always in front of the male lead Qiao Shan.

This also means that Qiao Shan starred in a movie, but was reduced to a double. It doesn’t matter to the audience, because everyone mainly watches movies, but it has a huge impact on the actors themselves. A simple example is, if the protagonists go to register for a certain award, do they sign up for it? Or do you report twice? It is impossible to have all the movies in one movie, so this is a problem. This is not only disrespect for the protagonist, but also disrespect for their entire team.

This is why Peng Yuchang felt angry when Fanwei was changed after the release of "Little Wish" and voluntarily withdrew from the film production team. It’s because the actor's position is very important to them. When filming, actors not only need to see the box office but also the future awards. Like Peng Yuchang, who was nominated for the actor, he naturally hopes to use the name of the actor again. He competed for the title of actor, but after the Fan position was temporarily replaced, he could not realize this wish.

So when Qiao Shan’s position was placed under his predecessor Ge You, Ge You, as a predecessor in the circle, could have followed the film’s meaning, but he did not. Instead, he took the initiative to raise the matter at the movie conference and asked The media explained about Fanwei and took the initiative to "give up" Fanwei who should not belong to him to his younger generation Qiao Shan. He did not enjoy the benefits of his status.

was originally a respect for his predecessors, but Ge You prefers to rank according to the role, not to fight or grab, not to "rely on the old and sell the old", not to be greedy for vanity, Ge You's honesty not only gives himself a face, but also gives Qiao Shan what he deserves. Respect gave him a "status" and made his efforts not in vain.

Although Qiao Shan is convinced and respects Ge You, Ge You still does not want to enjoy this uniqueness, but hopes that Qiao Shan will not be wronged. Who does not love Uncle Ge, who loves and knows how to advance and retreat?

Professional respect

Uncle Ge not only respects Qiao Shan's work results, but also admires him very much. As a well-known movie star in the circle, Ge You praised Qiao Shan with the words "unbelievable", and gave professional praise and respect to the younger generation.

On acting experience, Qiao Shan must be inferior to Ge You. On the rhythm of comedy, Ge You also rejected Qiao Shan a lot, but he did not hesitate to praise and praise himself, and gave Qiao Shan great affirmation and respect. In Ge You's heart, Qiao Shan is worthy of this male number one, and is willing to match him.

's respect for the drama

, as the producer of Zhao Wei, revealed in an interview that Ge You had a crying scene in the film, but because he often acts in comedies, at the same time he is older and has relatively rich experience, so he has his own set of performance methods. This also caused Zhao Wei to fear that he could not cry. But I didn’t expect Ge You to cry more sadly than anyone else when the shooting started., Even crying until his nose came out, showing his intentions and his respect for his opponent Qiao Shan.

If his emotions keep getting in, it will be difficult for the opponent to enter the plot, and the shooting progress will be relatively slow. When Zhao Wei and the director found it difficult for him to cry, Ge You gave everyone a surprise. The 62-year-old man covered his eyes with both hands and cried like a child.

’s greatest respect for opponents is actually acting well, so that the other party can quickly enter the play, instead of letting the other party wait all the time, wasting time and emotions, even if acting with Qiao Shan who is not a big coffee, Ge You can take it 100% professionalism is worthy of praise, which is also a respect for actor Qiao Shan.

In fact, Ge You has always been dedicated to his work and respects younger generations younger than him. During filming, you can always see him recite lines in the corners, delve into acting skills, and look for the feeling of characters. He will not show off because he is a big coffee, let alone. Slack by relying on his rich acting experience.

Not only Qiao Shan has learned a lot from him, but even the director has also learned a lot. For example, Ge You’s handling of every line is very sophisticated, both in tone and tone, and sometimes even One line said repeatedly, looking for the most suitable one.

This is Ge You, who is serious about the whole play, responsible for every opponent, respects the movie, and respects the actors. Uncle Ge deserves his current status and reputation.

Qiao Shan, who played with the predecessor, is lucky, and it is also fortunate to be respected by the predecessor. It is not easy for him to walk this way. To get a sense of respect from Ge You is the greatest affirmation for him.

Qiao Shan came from an ordinary family. Although he graduated from the Central Academy of Drama, his image is not popular in the market and he has no resources, so even he graduated from a prestigious school has nothing to film. Not to mention Zhenger Bajing filming, there is no way out of it, so Qiao Shan who is trapped in life can only go to the countryside to sing, dance, and perform sketches, and support herself with a salary of 80 yuan a day.

graduated from a prestigious school and wanted to enter the entertainment industry, but no one appreciated it. Compared to those students who had filming as soon as they graduated, Qiao Shan was really difficult. I even wanted to switch to work behind the scenes for the sake of life, but I was not reconciled before that, so I asked the seniors in the circle to eat with a meager salary, hoping to get some guidance from them.

But who ever thought of not only spending the money, but also being humiliated by these so-called seniors. Satirizing his looks, sarcasm of his figure, and ridiculing his choice of the wrong line, a spent meal, but in exchange for the cynicism of others, Qiao Shan is even more depressed and confused.

​​Qiao Shan has received too much ridicule along the way, and now he can get the respect and appreciation of his predecessor Ge You, which is really rare and glorious, which also gives him more confidence in the path of an artist. It is gold that always shines, and the "Bo Le" who appreciates yourself will come sooner or later. Don't be sad, don't be anxious, live hard and actively meet every day, and happiness will come.