The director of "Wrestling, Dad" has another masterpiece: every child needs this "failure guide"

Source: The almighty teenager CAPABLETEENS said that

children need a role model for progress, so we put a comprehensive and glamorous benchmark in front of them for them to catch up; children need motivation to grow, so we show them the counterattack story that loves hard work and wins.

We have done impeccable "what we should do". Children have a "perfect" growth trajectory. Everything is paving the way for success. How can we lose? Kochi families with superior conditions and emphasis on education are the easiest to put a heavy emotional burden on their children in this quiet way, and thus fall into self-attack. There is no shortage of success learning in the world of

, ​​but "failure lessons". If this lesson is not made up, the opening scene of the movie will eventually sting our hearts in a more realistic way. Sister

: Yin Jianli's parent school gold counselor, and early childhood education instructor of the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

"Better luck next time."

There was such a big red letter on the screen, which was refreshed and confirmed repeatedly: Better luck next time. It was simply and rudely announced that Lagarf had failed to apply to the Polytechnic Institute.

There was a ringing in his ears, and he leaned back in the chair. Not conscious enough? I looked around the four walls of the room, plastered with inspirational slogans——I can and I will watch me. Dreams don’t worth unless you do……

is not enough sacrifice? Study 18 hours a day and watch movies? No, it's a mock exam. go on holiday? No, I'll talk about it after the exam. Chat? No, I have to go to the study group... Don’t you care enough? Ask your classmates every day, whose math test is good? Who has failed the physics exam?

... But now, all the students with worse grades have passed.

"The rest of my life will be labeled as a'loser'." He leaned on the handle of the balcony for a long time, suffocating a sentence, "Everything is over." Then, he leaned back and jumped down. ……

These pictures are from the comedy "The First Dream" released in India some time ago. Yes, the comedy has a rating of 8.3 on Douban. The director has a good background-Nieti Tiwari who derived "Wrestle, Dad" .

If "Wrestling" talks about success-how the father takes his daughter to pursue his dreams, "Dream" talks about failure-how the father takes his son out of the haze of failure in the school.

Recently, it is the day when many students apply for overseas universities. Of course, we hope that every child can go to the future he yearns for, but when this road and even the long road of life is not easy to go because of some thorns and some stones, we I also hope that every child can have the courage to break the game-and this is what this film wants to pass on to us through childish ridicule.

"My parents are top students, but I am a loser." The

camera is aimed at Lagarf's family-excellent, his father has a successful career, a luxury car pick-up and drop-off, living in a high-end community and a nanny; love, parents Although they are divorced, they still care about each other and don’t mind expressing this concern in front of him. With company, his parents are there at every stage, saying love, kisses, and hugs. Parents and children are more like friends, calling each other "the boss." Brothers"...

This made Lagarf’s warm and sensible. It was not until his appearance was smashed by the fall that we saw the knot that entangled him: "Parents are top students, but their children are Losers" (parents both graduated from the best institute of technology in India, which is the school that Rajaf did not apply to).

He regards his father as an idol-he is a genius ranked 384th in India, and he has always encouraged him: "You will pass the exam, you study very hard, and your research papers are written very well."

At that time, his father told him that the probability of inducing vomiting from food in the college cafeteria was much higher than the probability of digestion; when chatting, his father reminded him to find a girlfriend quickly because of the shortage of girls in the polytechnic school. Only a glass of milkshake can bribe the people in the dormitory"; before the list, my dad bought a bottle of wine, saying that when the result comes out, they will celebrate together...

dad always said that everything will be fine-but he let Dad was disappointed...

For Lagarf, his father’s perfection and his father’s expectation that he "will succeed as a matter of course" are all reasons why he must succeed.If he didn't succeed-he could only think that he was unworthy.

So, he showed an amazing "desire for death." ICU care and the best medicine did not have the desired effect. The doctor said that many more seriously ill patients survived because they had The will to survive, but this child is contrary to them.

The alternative inspirational

of the Loser League

set in front of Rajaf’s father Patak, from encouraging children to pursue success to teaching children to accept failure. So he began to tell the story of a "League of Losers" in the ears of Lagarf, who was half-dreaming and half-awake.

It turns out that Patak’s university life is far less glamorous than Rajaf imagined. Although he was admitted to the best university of science and technology in India, all his illusions about university collapsed on the first day of admission.

Looking at the hardware, the H4 dormitory I stayed in was covered with dust and earth walls to block the wind. The so-called food could not see the raw materials.

Look at the roommates who are about to be with you for four years-

Some people are not happy, the bed is covered with sexy books of all kinds of girls, the freshman orientation party also forced Patak to perform pole dancing; some of them are dirty, Professor Yi When he starts cursing, he can return to his vigor;

some people are looking for a mother in trouble, their lips are always down, and there are obstacles to greeting strangers, let alone being provoked-they just start crying;

some people are alcoholic , There are people who do not leave their hands... Compared with

, ​​the H3 next door can be described as a proper school facade-elegant music shuttles among the shady green trees, and all the top students living here are the school’s top students, walking in groups in twos and threes. , Discussing the latest topics, even the tables and chairs in the restaurant are newer than H4. And now, in order to prepare for the Games, the people of H3 have come to H4 to dig people-as long as Patak moves to H3, he can join the H3 Sports League and continue to win the Games championship!

This is really a great thing to kill two birds with one stone! Patak thought for a while, then refused.

Yes, although H4 looks quite a failure, the people inside have all kinds of ills, but they are warm and friendly, tolerant of everyone’s small ailments, just like Patak said, "Call them at three at midnight. They will also rush over by phone", "like family".

And the elites of H3, when they invited Patak, they sneered at everything about H4. After being rejected by Patak accidentally, their attitude changed 180 degrees, and they became angry and said, "You will be rotten in the losers' quarters!" ,abuse.

Patak wants to say to his son Rajaf, "losers" are also cute, and "winners" are also mean. The so-called success and failure label can also be torn off by one's own efforts! under! Come! ——So, the school sports meeting became a battle of dignity for the teenagers.

did not have the top match of H3 personnel, and H4 started to slash forward-the export was dirty, cheerleaders were formed, and the opponent was overwhelmed from the momentum; the play was possessed, the court played to the full, and the opponent's main force was pitted off the court; , Sent out his girlfriend to call the other party's main force all night...

They are not all relying on crooked brains, they made a "poisonous oath", before winning the championship, do not read the little yellow book-it is difficult to sleep, not to speak bad words ——For bad habits, practice in front of the mirror and don’t smoke — I can’t help but run to smoke second-hand smoke, don’t drink alcohol — quit and go directly to the hospital when I can’t hold my body... They trained hard, and some of them won with their strength. Track and field games, basketball games, chess games...

is like most inspirational film protagonists, they counterattack all the way to the finals, and then-lost.

"Despite your hard work, you still lost. You must feel that you are more uncomfortable than death." Lagaf asked weakly, as lost in his eyes. Is

uncomfortable? It's hard, does the championship matter? Very important. But want to die? Do not.

Because compared to those who are too afraid of the big devil and gave up from the beginning, they have managed to rise to the challenge. Between the "first place" or the "loser", there is a neglected answer- -warrior. As far as fighters are concerned, to fight bravely and never retreat is victory!

is like an alcoholic who quit drinking and went to the hospital and said: “I can’t do it every time for my parents and girls I like. This is the first time. I really think I might be able to do it. It’s also for you. Losers, because you taught me, it’s worse than being called a loser by others and losing to yourself after losing.”

The game of

ended with the applause of H3 to H4. Boy, look, it's not only the first place to get the applause, the glory of the soldier is also dazzling.

We never told our children what to do after failure.

In the movie, Patak reflected on his fatherhood and said: "I told him that if he gets admitted, we will drink together, but I never told him what we would do if he didn't pass the exam."

What did he do wrong?

"We always plan for him what to do when he succeeds, but in case he fails, we never provide him with a way to overcome failure. No one wants to mention this possibility."

boy, got this score. , You can enter this school, children, and when you get into this school, you will find the job... The exam that Lagarf took was taken by 1 million people, and in the end only 10,000 children were selected. How about 990,000 children?

"They never thought about what to do if they fail the exam, so they don't treat this as an exam failure, but as a failure of adult students."

When the world is full of success studies, we need to make up a "failure lesson". . Lakeside University has a subject that specializes in failure and rethinks "leadership" based on one's own pain. The so-called "leadership" is the ability to recognize reality and to rebuild after encountering things that are broken.

Finland, which is world-renowned for education, has a tradition of "International Day of Failure". Every year on October 13th, the Finnish people must declare their failures to release their inner pressure and get rid of the fear of failure. On the official website of Day for Failure, there is even such a "failure guide":

1, what about failure? Find a failure method that belongs to you and try it once!

2. On social media, use the label "Failure Experience" to find people who have encountered the same experience as you. After reading their stories, you will find that humans have long been accustomed to failure!

3, buy the best ingredients, prepare according to the recipe, and then burn all the food! Wait for you (and the food) to cool down before eating it.

4. Share your failed work on social media. On October 13th, you can also bring tags such as Water Retrograde Koi!

5, let's have a "Moonlight"! Money is not a panacea, so how about spending it once?

6, boldly make an appointment with your male god/goddess!

7. Search for "failed" on major video sites. Remember, they didn't plan to get embarrassed when they recorded the video, it just happened to happen in the process of trying. But look, there are still so many videos?

8. Share your little frustrations daily. The more weird the experience, the more friends will like it. People are so strange.

9, "Don't" share this great manual.

10. If you can learn from failure, you no longer need to be afraid of failure.

Finnish universities such as the century-old Aalto will invite well-known entrepreneurs to share the "history of failure."

Rovio, the production company of "Angry Birds", shared the story of its 52 failed games and nearly bankrupted the company, and the former global mobile phone hegemon, Nokia, to talk about how he fell step by step...

May wish to share this failure guide with your children for an alternative "failure conversation". Next time you talk to your child about TA's planning, when encouraging and supporting TA's active pursuit, don't forget to give your child a reassurance: When a soldier goes out, regardless of success or failure, a beautiful fight is victory! At the end of the

film, Rajiv had a successful operation. After a year of re-entry, he was admitted to university. But as he said, "Don't ask what the major is or how much it ranks in India."

He doesn't care about this anymore. He is bathed in the sun, he is going to college, to meet friends, and to live his own good life. The author of


almighty teenagers (ID:capable_teens), the pioneer of quality education in China, focusing on youth leadership training for 16 years, providing young people with high-quality practical projects and courses at home and abroad, aiming to cultivate a world with self-leadership and lifelong learning ability citizen.