6.5 points! Ge You and Zhao Wei's new film received 46.12 million on the first day! She was overtaken on the second day of release

is directed by Li Fei, produced and starred by Zhao Wei, and the comedy movie "Two Tigers" starring Ge You and Qiao Shan was released nationwide yesterday. On the first day, won 46.12 million box office results and Douban scored 6.5 points. This result is not amazing. , There is no rushing street, it is located near the passing line. The movie

tells the story of a low-profile kidnapper and a superb hostage who "bargained" the original one million ransom to two million during the transaction. The premise is that the kidnapper needs to do three things for the hostage. Event , the director uses the shell of absurd humor to try to arouse redemption and reflection from the three aspects of love, family affection and friendship.

From a structural point of view, this movie uses three ridiculous little stories to string together three emotions of a person and achieve a certain degree of resonance. Among them, Ge You's black humor, Qiao Shan's "stupid and cute meat" , Fan Wei's unique style has been brought into play here, from the perspective of drama, the laugh is still good.

is worth mentioning that the superb performance of actors, the sharp character of the characters, the contrast and the cute contrast, have also raised the content of this relatively empty film, which does not explain the meaning and meaning of the film, to above the passing line.

After watching this movie, I can probably guess the original intention of the director and the screenwriter . I want to use a humorous story to illustrate a thought-provoking truth, and use the shell of a comedy to explain the salvation in life so that the audience can laugh. Bring tears to realize the improvement of film quality.

In fact, this method, whether it is a domestic drama or an imported movie, has had a very successful template, and it is also a commonly used method in comedy.

"The Unknown", a group of people who seem to have nothing to do with each other, through a few small things, collided with a movie full of laughter, full of crying points, as a small investment movie, this movie won 750 million box office results.

The theme and concept of "Two Tigers" are not bad. The story can be "deepened" to . However, from the results of presentation, the director did not "uplift" the film. It is not that it is not good enough, but that it can Do better.


01, the contrast between character creation is cute

Some people, he has been working hard to make you laugh, but he appears deliberate. Some people at

don't laugh, you think they are very predictable. This is what I think is "Ge You-style humor". In the

movie, there is Ge You, a national black comedian, and Qiao Shan, a cute and happy comedian. The two are fat and thin, one tall and the other short, and they are quite humorous when paired together. In the

movie, there is no deliberate creation of jokes, but a natural contrast to naturally enhance the resonance , which is worthy of recognition. Director

portrays Zhang Chenggong, played by Ge You, into a successful businessman with a superb reputation, while Yu Kaixuan, played by Qiao Shan, is a low-level poor dick, one passive and one active, but after two rounds of "playing hands" , Qiao Shan, who was in the upper hand, clearly "lost." Such a humorous bridge setting of

can produce spontaneous jokes and achieve a certain degree of comic effect. Even Fan Zhigang, the supporting actor played by Fan Wei, has a distinct character, which can be regarded as a highlight in the movie.

02, the meaning of text

This is one of my favorite aspects of this movie. The screenwriter has worked hard on the text, which is similar to "The Nameless".

For example, in "The Unknown", Zhang Yu played the low-level kidnapper Hu Guangsheng. During the robbery, he also had the dream of "getting rich overnight" (this can be seen from his self-styled "helmet man" ), makes the audience feel the naivety of the silly robbers in a thrilling robbery case, adding black jokes. The main creator of

"Two Tigers" likes to "pick" the details, as can be seen from the names of Zhang Chenggong and Zheng Kaixuan.

"success", he represents a "successful person" in the universal sense of modern people. He has been on the cover of a corporate magazine and has the arrogance of "2 million" as soon as he exports. However, he was kidnapped by mistakes. "In the process, the audience realized that he had so many regrets and failures in his heart, including family, love and friendship that became permanent regrets.

Behind the surface of "success", darkWhat is hidden is a great irony of reality!

As for Zheng Kaixuan, a poor kidnapper who can only rely on kidnapping to survive, he has sold insurance and worked as an intermediary. The only thing he can tell is the profession of "sales", a typical low-level person, and His name is also quite realistic irony.

, ​​as he explained, "Xin'er yearns for a distance, but my heart is always melancholy"!


01, the depth is not enough

It can be seen that the director wants to use comedy to reflect the core of the tragedy. This movie is full of jokes and can be wide, but it has not reached a qualitative change in height. is also doomed to this On the first day of the film, only 40 million box office results, word-of-mouth and film ranking declined, and was overtaken the next day.

First of all, these three stories are very typical. Everyone will encounter ordinary feelings in life, but they have not reached the harmony and integration between the beginning, the inheritance and the turning. In other words, the transition is more rigid.

From a high point of view, this movie is just the end, but he could have done better, so the plot is slightly thin, which is also a "common problem" in many comedies nowadays.

Happy Twist's "Aunt of Li Cha" pays special attention to the creation of smiles, but ignores the inner emotion and substance. "Two Tigers" also has this problem.

Life's salvation, gratitude, regret, these slightly sad words, are an excellent way to create through drama, but overall, they lack penetration.

02, the artistic technique is inadequate in texture

A large indoor space, five protagonists before and after, a few simple places, and some repeated lines with laughter, constitute a comedy movie with lower cost. In addition to actors Ge You, Qiao Shan, Zhao Wei, Fan Wei and others who are big-name stars,

has a slightly smaller investment. However, if tells a story, there will be unexpected comedy effects, such as " The Unknown.

However, the filming and editing of this movie is more similar to the texture of a TV series, especially the part of Zhao Wei in the cave. The logic seems a bit far-fetched, which is also my least favorite point. Another point of

is that when Zheng Kaixuan finally went to find Zhang Chenggong's father, the performance and personality of Caixia, played by Yan Ni, were a bit abrupt.

is enchanting and mad, I don't know what the purpose of the director is for this role? Is it to add jokes, or to embody something? I personally feel that it is not very important to the overall development of the film. Friends who know it can tell me in the comment area.

In short, Ge You's movie is quite funny. If you watch for the purpose of a comedy, it is still worth watching. However, if you expect too much, the final quality may be the four words repeatedly mentioned in the play. Got it: I can live it.