"Thor 4" the female Thor returns, but Thor's wife is abandoned!

"Thor 4" in the fourth stage of Marvel, must be the movie that many friends are most looking forward to! "Thor 4" will be the last work of the fourth stage of Marvel, in the reunion 4 Thor Thor's image has undergone a collapsed change, from a muscular tough guy to a fat and greasy middle-aged uncle. Although the fighting power is still online, we still hope that he can return to his original heroic posture. And the gratifying thing is that Jane Foster will become a new generation of female Thor. Two Thors appear at the same time. It is definitely worth seeing!


Jane Foster has already withdrawn from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, why this time director Taiga Will Viditi invite Natalie Portman back? In an interview, Tadao said: I just told her that you are interested in returning to this role, but do you do something quite different? No actor wants to repeat the role he has played, but this time the tower director used a different thing to attract Natalie Portman. The role of Jane Foster is indeed a bit of dark history for her. Because we didn’t see any substantive things Jane Foster did in the entire two "Thor", and later there were some minor conflicts with the director, but the Thor series also shined from "Thor 3", can Returning to Marvel, he will also play a superhero, Natalie Portman, surely one hundred willing.


In addition to Jane Foster, there is actually another female character who is closely related to Thor. Fans are always paying attention to her. She is Shiv of Asgard and the real wife of Thor. Shiv is in "Thor 1" Zhong, as one of the four guardians of Thor, stays with Thor. Whether it is single-handedly attacking the Frost Giant or Thor’s exile to the earth, Sieff has always been by his side. Individuals can see that she likes Thor, but Thor does not I know that the last time we saw Sif in the movie, she and Red Beard gave the etheric particles to the collector for preservation. It would be more dangerous to avoid the cosmic cube and etheric particles in Asgard. In "Agents of the Shield", the cameo is such a woman who integrates beauty and combat power. It seems that Marvel has completely forgotten. Now that Jane Foster returns to Marvel, do you think Sif will come back together?
