Of the 7 stars that Andy Lau has promoted, the first 3 are grateful to Dade, and the last 2 he does not want to mention

knows that Andy Lau is an old good guy in the circle, and the people he supports must be unable to sit down at a table, right?

first place: Jiang Haowen

Jiang Haowen, who won the first "actor" trophy of his career last year, was full of emotion, and the first sentence was already in tears.

thanks Liu Sheng-Andy Lau!

“I’ve never been a police officer so stylish, and I have to do it with Mr. Andy Lau. It’s a lot of pressure. Thank you Mr. Andy Lau for giving me the opportunity to make this movie again and again.”

remembers that he took a supporting actor in 2017 When awarding the award, I also thanked Andy Lau. It seems that Hua Zi really helped him a lot! And Jiang Haowen's supporting role in the movie is now becoming more and more stable: gangsters, police, and petty characters, he interprets them well.

Second place: Lin Jiadong At the beginning of his debut at

, Lin Jiadong was an imitating artist. In 1995, he became familiar with the imitation of Jacky Cheung. It was the success of the 1999 TVB Taiqing drama "Tea is Hometown". Lin Jiadong had the opportunity to become TVB is a niche. It was precisely because of such a staged success that Lin Jiadong was appreciated by Andy Lau. He signed Andy Lau to become an artist under Focus, specializing in the film industry.

It can be said that Andy Lau is also the person who takes him the most. Among the films starring Andy Lau, there are 15 films with Lin Jiadong, such as the familiar "Infernal Affairs" series, "A World without Thieves", "Mengmeng Romance", "Jianghu", "Brothers" and "Sister Tao". Therefore, Andy Lau is very concerned about Lin Jiadong.

Lin Jiadong is a supporting role standing next to Andy Lau in his works or in his daily life and work. Some people think that Andy Lau concealed the aura that Lin Jiadong should have, and Lin Jiadong said: "I don't have some feelings of living under Andy Lau's aura, really not. The aura you are talking about may have helped me. Do you remember Andy Lau, then the one below him is Lin Jiadong, it’s okay, no problem.”

Third place: Wang Baoqiang

Lu Yu asked Wang Baoqiang in an interview: “Looking back on my ten years, such as the first time I won an award. For example, the first time the audience recognizes you, there will be many firsts, which firsts do you think of?"

Wang Baoqiang did not take this opportunity to talk about some achievements worth showing off, but suddenly said One sentence: "I thought of meeting my idol Andy Lau for the first time."

Everyone knows that Wang Baoqiang became popular because of "A World Without Thieves", and when filming this movie, Andy Lau taught him how to act, not only that. He also taught him a lot of things other than acting, and Wang Baoqiang is also grateful to Andy Lau. Whenever Andy Lau is mentioned, Wang Baoqiang is also grateful!

fourth place: Huang Bo

Huang Bo can only be regarded as indirect support.

Huang Bo became popular overnight because he starred in "Crazy Stone". Ning Hao, the director of the film, was able to display his ambitions because Andy Lau launched the "Asia Rising Stars" program. In 2005, Ning Hao was just an unknown director. He also had a movie script called Crazy Stone in his hands, but he had no investors. After hearing about the plan, he found Andy Lau, read Ning Hao's script, and immediately gave him 3 million to make "Crazy Stone", so Ning Hao became famous.

fifth place: Wilber Pan

Many people think what is the relationship between them? Few people know this secret.

As early as 2000, Wilber Pan had just graduated from university. Once again by chance, he met Andy Lau and showed himself to Andy Lau. After that, Andy Lau still valued Wilber Pan, so he signed Wilber Pan. It is precisely because of this that Wilber Pan stepped into the entertainment circle and filmed his first TV series. In 2002, he released his first album and filmed another TV series, and the road after that was even brighter. Andy Lau can be regarded as Wilber Pan's Bole.

Sixth place: Chen Shaoxia

In 1994, she was favored by Andy Lau and signed with her. In Andy Lau's company, her career went smoothly. Later, she couldn't resist the temptation. After joining Wireless, her career encountered Waterloo and she could only play some less important roles. Supporting role. Even after her name was changed to Chen Cailan, her career still did not improve. Then married a wealthy Australian businessman and quit entertainmentCircle, completely abandoned his career. Later, due to the failure of the husband's business, the relationship between the two became worse, leading to divorce. Then in 2011, she herself got sick, her eldest daughter also got diabetes, and her ex-husband (a former wealthy businessman) died. She can only get a meager relief life.

Speaking of this woman, Andy Lau only said: I don't know her now. Even if the reporter asked, Andy Lau stretched his face and refused to answer, which shows how disappointing it is.

seventh place: Du Wenze

Du Wenze was nominated for the Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Supporting Actor in 2003 by virtue of his stupid role in the film "Infernal Affairs". Because of his acquaintance with Andy Lau in this film, Andy Lau also regarded him as a good friend, and often gave Du Wenze a mansion worth tens of millions for free.

In order to popularize Du Wenze, Andy Lau even invested ten million yuan to make him star in the movie "Isabella". Unfortunately, the film was not well received, and the box office was very bleak. Andy Lau lost a lot. However, Du Wenze did not give up and asked Andy Lau for investment. In the sequel, let himself continue to be the leading role, Andy Lau did not agree.

Then Du Wenze became angry and slandered Andy Lau everywhere. He also said that Andy Lau and Lin Jiadong were right brothers. In the end, Andy Lau could not bear it and took his mansion back. Since then, the two parted ways and broke up. After

was banned, Du Wenze could only say bad things about Andy Lau to attract attention, and often slandered mainland netizens on Weibo, and he could only take some restricted short dramas.