The home of this female star is only 60㎡!

. At this time, we need to work hard.

​​is hard work. Let us learn to insist that

is hard work, let us love

again, just like Kanbao

. She loves acting, loves life,

, and also loves every effort of her own

. Before becoming famous, every star

has more or less runaways. The experience of being bullied

but they didn’t give up

and used their own efforts to get themselves to the front of the screen

​​Unfortunately, some people

have gone far, forgetting the original intention of

and some people, like Kanbao,

stick to their own The original intention

regards a small home of 60 square meters as the most precious treasure

Efforts may make you fall into short-term exhaustion

but by no means long-term

Love your own efforts

will make life vivid and interesting