I don’t care about what the public thinks! Chen Zhipeng is simple in the audience, just pushing his favorite fashion to the top

On November 27th, Zhao Wei, Su Youpeng, Chen Zhipeng, and Li Mingqi were in the same frame at the premiere of the movie "Two Tigers". Little Swallow, Five Elder Brothers, Ertai and Rong Rong gathered together, which attracted another wave of memories to kill .

Chen Zhipeng also posted a photo with Li Mingqi. The copy wrote: "Mother, Ertai has a backache, and I miss your needle!" Click

​​to have a look. The amount of fan interaction on Chen Zhipeng's personal homepage is quite high. Comment area There are more and more people who understand and support him.

Actually, Chen Zhipeng's indirect appearance rate in November is quite high, not only the premiere of "Two Tigers", including the previous "Happiness Trio", Chen Zhipeng was also mentioned.

In this episode of November 7th, Zhang Tielin was a guest at teacher Zhang Guoli’s home, and Lin Xin was like a frame, and then Zhang Tielin took the initiative to chat about Chen Zhipeng:

Zhang Tielin called Zhipeng a very cute kid, even though he was very avant-garde on stage. , But the audience is still as simple as before, unchanged. After the

show was broadcast, Chen Zhipeng personally reposted this clip. Thanks to Zhang Tielin’s affirmation, he also cue Ruby Lin’s meal: between the lines of

, we can all feel that Chen Zhipeng is in good condition, but it’s not because of him. His dress is becoming more and more normal, but because he is becoming more and more contented.

In fact, about Chen Zhipeng, everyone has always had a speculation: Is it because of Chen Zhipeng's personal wishes or the company that forced him to dress those very avant-garde?

What made Chen Zhipeng start wearing fancy clothes?

Looking back on Chen Zhipeng’s interviews over the years, I’m afraid he really likes it personally. For example, in this interview, Chen Zhipeng said that he did not like to be compared, but he also dismissed such remarks:

was interviewed once. When entering the door, he said to Chen Zhipeng: "You are the least popular one in the Little Tigers!"

Chen Zhipeng felt that he was not respected. He felt that since you didn't respect me, then I didn't need to respect you.

So in that interview, a staff member scolded the impolite host, and Chen Zhipeng did not stop him. He thought the scolding was very good.

Chen Zhipeng also said that he doesn't care about the public's thoughts, because it is the public's and has nothing to do with him. He has been depressed once, but that period has passed.

In this interview, Chen Zhipeng looks like a person who has stepped out of adversity and even has bottomed out in his mind.

He showed a sense of chic and disdain beyond ordinary people for many topics that may cause discomfort or offensiveness.

For example, when the host asked him whether a person would be emotionally difficult to digest in the dead of night, Chen Zhipeng immediately said: “It’s good if you can’t sleep in the middle of the night and can’t play mobile phones. There are so many mobile games.”

It is Chen Zhipeng who does not care about the outside world. It is better to say that what we have seen is a Chen Zhipeng who once cared, but now does not care.

That's why Chen Zhipeng broke out of the cocoon and became a butterfly.

Many people say that Chen Zhipeng has changed back after leaving the former company. In fact, he has not. When I opened the personal homepage of Chen Zhipeng, it is still avant-garde fashion and unrestrained. The

song "Thousand Faces" is still his top status:

and in his reply to Zhang Tielin, he himself also mentioned:

on stage and off stage are different selves, he just puts his favorite fashion Pushing high, he is a star on the stage.

It can be seen that Chen Zhipeng has not changed, he has always accepted and liked himself.

So let's less question and give him more understanding and support.

Bluestone Film Editor | Shiva