Sammo Hung’s most prestigious movie, Ren Dahua was abused by him, he had the final say after twelve o'clock on the whole street

01 Sammo Hung's most prestigious movie

Although Sammo Hung was in poor physical condition in his later years, but when he was still able to play, it left people with many classic action movies. "Slaying the Wolf" is one of them.

In this film, Sammo Hung plays the role of a fierce gang boss Wang Bao, who obviously has the advantage in size.

In Hong Kong movies, fat guys are suitable for acting as gangsters. For example, Zheng Zeshi and Lin Xue have played big brothers, and their image is very good, let alone Sammo Hung who has many years of acting experience.

didn't put the police in the eyes. In jail, just like his own home, he made phone calls and smoked cigars. The "funny" fat man in the audience's impression was completely gone, and what appeared in front of people was an arrogant treasurer.

especially the smoking lens at the end, you don’t need sunglasses to set off your domineering, because Baoye with a big back and a beard is already domineering enough at this moment!

02 After twelve o'clock the whole street Baoye has the final say! Shortly after the beginning of the

movie, Sammo Hung's most classic scene was ushered in. This scene can be called the most prestigious scene since he was filming.

Because Ren Dahua, Donnie Yen, and a policeman had a conflict with his little brother, when everyone was arguing, Sammo Hung walked out calmly with a bottle of wine.

At this time, everyone gave way to him. Ren Dahua, who played the role of senior inspector, stood there with anger burning in his heart, but he dared not move.

"Want to give me a slap in the face?"

Sammo Hung asked Ren Dahua arrogantly, but Ren Dahua did not answer here, instead Yen Zidan teased him.

Finally, Sammo Hung took a sip of wine and then smashed the bottle violently. Hundreds of younger brothers behind him also smashed the bottle. This shot of Hong Ye was really majestic! (I worked hard to clean the glass)

02 Ren Dahua was tortured by him

because Sammo Hung killed an undercover police officer, which completely angered Ren Dahua.

Ren Dahua wants to arrest him and put him in jail as soon as possible, and he has cancer, and it is estimated that he will not live long, so Ren Dahua wants to arrest Sammo Hung while he is alive.

But Ren Dahua suffered from no evidence, so he decided to create false evidence to sue Sammo Hung.

As a gang leader, Sammo Hung is not a cover, Ren Dahua insists on confronting him, so the end will not be easy.

At this time, Sammo Hung's cold-blooded killer (played by Wu Jing) appeared.

has to say that Wu Jing's role as the villain is really appropriate. He doesn't say a lot of cruel words, and only two lines throughout the whole process, but the killer's "absolute" is vividly interpreted.

The first person who died under Wu Jing's knife was played by A Le (Zhang Zhiyao). He was cut countless knives, and finally was cut to death by Wu Jing. Yen Zidan was scared into a cold sweat.

was followed by A Hua (Liao Qizhi) and Achen (Danny Danny) who died one after another. Wu Jing killed the three police officers without any expression, and the shots were very ruthless, killing people without blinking.

is Ren Dahua, and Ren Dahua himself is going to die.

As long as the money is returned to Sammo Hung, he will be fine, but he wants to avenge his dead brother alone. Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he will go to Hushan, but he is abused by Sammo Hung. When

was about to shoot Sammo Hung, the bodyguard Wu Jing shot Ren Dahua quickly and swiftly. Ren Dahua lost all his guns. Wu Jing finally had a line:

"You have all your guns dropped, how do you kill?"

Ren Dahua is on the ground Struggling, trying to pick up a gun, but a flying knife was stuck in the palm of Wu Jing's hand, and the screen hurts.

At this time Ren Dahua still did not give up, climbed in front of Sammo Hung, and wanted to kill him with a single knife. Of course, it is conceivable that Ren Dahua in this scene was really abused by Sammo Hung and failed to avenge his brother. He was almost lost. life.

only played a gangster movie, and the gangster failed in the end, and Sammo Hung who played the villain ended up the same.

"Slaying the Wolf" can be said to be a very good action movie. As a martial arts director, Donnie Yen has designed many creative action scenes for the film. With the true colors of Ren Dahua and Wu Jing, it can be called the most classic!