The key to the window is suddenly reduced but postponed. What does the new action of "You are" tell us?

Today is another day full of curiosity. Hello everyone, I am Fanghua Guoxue. After reading it, please don’t forget to pay attention!

On November 25th, the secret key of "Youth of the Youth" was announced to be postponed for 13 days. The release time will be extended to December 8th. At the same time, the video platform will be launched as scheduled on November 26th. The

window period is shortened to negative growth

What is the movie window period? The window period of

movies mostly refers to the time interval for a film to transition from the theater line to the video platform, and the related TV platform goes online to protect the film’s market performance in the theater line. How long will

films go online after they are stripped of theaters? Although there is no clear written regulation, the window period of one to two months was the default time interval in the domestic industry.

However, with the gradual expansion of the influence of video platforms, the window period between cinema chains and platforms has become shorter and shorter in recent years, and a new marketing model is being catalyzed.

According to incomplete statistics, as early as 2017, the average window period of cinema movies was about 45 days.

At the end of 2017, the large-scale action crime movie "Detonator" was officially launched on Youku Video half a month after its release, shortening the window period of the movie to less than one month for the first time.

time goes by, and the window period is getting shorter and shorter.

According to incomplete statistics, the window period of "A Boundless North" is 9 days, and that of "Being Love Xiongren Town" and "Twenty Years Old" has only 6 days.

"The Player Behind the Scenes", which was launched in 2018, was released on April 28, and it was seamlessly launched on the network platform on the day it was released on May 28. The

movie window period has gradually shortened, and in 2019 there has even been a situation of zero time difference and negative growth.

The recently soaring popularity mentioned above was released nationwide on October 25. On November 25, it was announced that the theater’s secret key was extended for 13 days and went online the next day.

, which has reached the top three in the national box office rankings, has extended its online secret key twice in a row. The online duration is finally extended to October 26, and its online broadcast rights are on October 11. The whole network is open on Japan. The boundary between

cinema and the Internet is getting blurred, and a new opportunity has quietly arrived and was seen by the world.

seeks new opportunities in the online market.

is different from the fixed 90 sky window in foreign countries. The window period of the domestic film market has been shortened again and again, and the time between theaters and online launches coincides or even goes online simultaneously.

On the surface, this trend is likely to lead to early diversion, which is not conducive to the big data performance of the theater market, but in fact it is an important change in the revolution of the times.

With the growth of the Internet market, various forms such as payment and membership conversion have made hospital transfers an important means for realizing resources, and it has also become an important platform for some films to seek new opportunities.

One of the most controversial movies in 2019, "Shanghai Fortress", was launched on the online video platform at the speed of light within a month of its premiere. Netizens joked that it was the last trick of breaking the tank and dying to struggle.

However, from a commercial point of view, most of the audiences who have not been in the movie theater after the "Shanghai Fortress" went live on the platform, taking advantage of the rest of the scolding war and holding the mentality of "Let me see how bad he can" open to see.

Therefore, even though the word of mouth has fallen, the click-through rate of "Shanghai Fortress" on the platform is still rapidly over 100 million, which further shows that the online market is now capable of becoming a new step for seeking a turnaround.

The performance of "The New King of Comedy" by Xing Ye at the beginning of the year was a bit unsatisfactory in terms of word-of-mouth and box office, but the amount of hundreds of millions of online payments that followed, whether it was the split amount or the scene, was slightly recovered. child.

With the growth of the video platform and the formalization of online movies, many online movies have also applied for the dragon mark permission. Coupled with the official rectification of their names, the Internet market quickly moved closer to the cinema market.

Due to the general market environment and the time period required for the film to go from project establishment to release, not all films can be launched at the right time. If

is really untimely or the content of the film is really intolerable to torture, instead of being passively out of the game, taking the initiative to change is also a positive way to maximize benefits.

The olive branch of the current online market may also be the straw when necessary. z1Is it necessary for z

to extend the secret key

If it is said that movies that cannot meet the needs of the big screen are quickly put into the arms of the platform for PUBG, then movies with excellent market performance are not.

Ordinary movies are launched in theaters for a period of one month. For films with strong performance and good market response, most of them apply for the extension of the key to extend the theater's online time to maximize the benefits and influence of the film.

But, is all the key delay necessary?

The 2016 box office champion "Mermaid" lasted for four months, but it was full of gimmicks but it did not make it into the top five box office charts and its reputation was divided.

previously extended the secret key twice in "Nezha", and joined the 5 billion club by extending the secret key and eventually ranked second in the box office. The

movie will also have a climax during the screening period, and the box office after the low tide will be relatively sluggish.

Regarding the phenomenon that the secret key of the movie has been extended several times, some netizens also said that "it is really unnecessary to climb the box office by postponement. Those who want to watch it have already been watched." The downturn is also higher than the box office of ordinary movies.

However, leaving the evocative reluctance to leave at the time of glory, or betting on all the goodwill and value of the movie itself in exchange for a higher box office has always been a tangled problem.

Therefore, as soon as the news of the extension of "You are the Younger", which can be called the light of domestic production, was released, some audiences said that "1.5 billion box office has been pulled for a long time, and how much more can it be extended?" In any case, the Internet platform is the continuation of the cinema chain movie lifeline. Although a too short window period may not be conducive to the cinema chain’s big data, if the film party, the cinema chain, and the platform can achieve good integration and commonality, Then this may be a major innovation and breakthrough in Chinese film.

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