Missing for four years, this "best actress" still won't play

is an actress who has been left out by the domestic big screen for a long time.

But Sir dare to say-

starting next year, she will usher in a terrifying outbreak.

will not only dominate the screen, it will also be a new generation of male god harvester.

has emerging traffic: Li Xian.

Literary male god: Zhang Zhen.

also, Wu Yanzu + Wang Qianyuan.

Shawn Yue + Tu people.

Tony Leung + Aaron Kwok.

all "not yet released".

but it is predictable. After

won the gold medal in 2016, she will finally usher in her "blowout year".

hasn't talked about her for a long time, and finally it's time to talk about her seriously.

-spring and summer.

Why do we always feel that spring and summer are special? Where is


asked Sir to say that she is in the showbiz that is full of fame and fortune, amplifies desire, and blurs right and wrong.

is one of the few actresses who relied on "instinct" to stand out, and also extended "instinct" time and time again.


Speaking of actresses, Sir often uses an example: When

was filming "Sense and Emotion," Ang Lee commented on the two actresses in the film, Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson.

are two very different opposites:

...Kate Winslet is only 19 years old, this is her second movie, so some things will be more difficult for her, such as dealing with the camera, and still can’t realize it... Ai Ma's acting skills are proficient. She can express four or five layers of emotion in one go without much effort. However, although Kate is relatively immature, she has the power to move people's hearts and can make the audience worry about her unconsciously. It's easy for Kate, but it's harder for Emma.

is like the former in spring and summer.

Sir doesn't think this is the "acting talent" that many people boast about, too mysterious.

Her creative talent comes from her instinct to rebel against herself.

She wanted to be different. If you don't believe me, look at her "resume"-

has not received professional performing arts education. She wanted to be independent at the age of thirteen. She went to a technical secondary school and worked on her own to earn money.

posted diary and photos on Douban. Simple text, green pictures, very ordinary.

, but it is also what all ordinary people have once possessed, without polishing, for a unique desire.

But different from ordinary people: her pursuit will always be part of survival and life.

Later, she was dug to Beijing by the screenwriter.

does not have any professional background, she walked into a completely unfamiliar field because she thought it was a "special" road. After

waited for work for seven months, she met "Treading Blood to Seek Plums", which made her win the title.

starring in a movie for the first time, it is also absolutely difficult.

, but it seems that spring and summer were completed "easy". All the difficult projects of

were easily cracked by her.

For example, acting as a prostitute.

she doesn't amplify eroticism and charmingness-

climbed onto the bed awkwardly, ignorant and curious;

flicked the see-through clothes again, skillful and dusty.

​​One action is enough.

Another example is playing a prostitute who falls in love with a client.

She does not pour bitterness.

The man stepped over her, his eyes fixedly looking up.

then lowered his eyebrows and pursed his lips.

's momentary sorrow, only flashed across her face, and immediately pretended to be calm.

An expression is enough.

You don't know how this girl who has not experienced performance training did it.

Her performance is almost miraculous. The answer to

is very simple-

is not "acting" Wang Jiamei in spring and summer. It can be said that she is Wang Jiamei.

Wang Jiamei, who just arrived in Hong Kong, spied on this new world through the train window. The yearning and a little confusion revealed by

are just like those born in a small town when they entered the world in early spring and summer.

At this time, she was still curious. Driven by

instinct, she thinks she has more possibilities and can be more special.

Sir’s favorite scene is that Wang Jiamei finally bought itFavorite earrings.

A specific and subtle detail is the look in her eyes.

is at the counter, and she stares at the mirror intently, as if she can't believe that she has fulfilled her wish.

gradually showed a smile and cast a shy glance at the cabinet sister.

How would a mature actor act?

She will worry, she will struggle-in order to buy a pair of earrings, I became a prostitute.

But there is no concern in spring and summer.

Her performance is natural, pure, and green, like a deer just coming to the snowy field.

In this newcomer, you only can't see fear. Because of this desire to create,

, like blood, had been surging in her body for 23 years. In the interview between

and Jiang Sida, Chun Xia was asked:

"Why do we want to be a special person? We are the same as others, are we not safe and stable?"

she gave an unthinking smile:

, of course No more."

She admitted that she "rebelled since childhood" and suffered a lot from this rebellion.

But I think rebellion is the energy

Maybe now everyone will say

say you are wrong here, look at you

because of this, what happened to you

You did not reach an excellent standard for everyone's mind 53


z53 and a zz

z53 But if you didn’t have the previous rebellious

, I don’t think you would be the

where you are today. So you have to thank the self who rebelled today

. You think she is acting, acting as an "outside body".

An underage prostitute who had nothing to do with him and died in Hong Kong.

In fact, she knew very well that it was with this stubborn, rebellious, and sensitive self that Wang Jiamei was born. The impulse created by

is that no one taught her how to do it.

But she "had to" do it.


fledgling is always good.

But when she really walked into the entertainment industry, she realized that rebellion was useless.

The fourth season of "Wonderful Flowers", the spring and summer were the same.

faced the current debate: "The crit of life, is it worthy of thanks?"

finally spoke in spring and summer. Everyone present at

did not expect that she publicly exposed herself to the situation of being critically hit:

I feel that after the crit, I really seem to have become less cute. I don't become coquettish anymore, I am not so soft, I will not say very personal words to my mother like other girls... That is, I become a person I don't like very much. But I have no choice, I can't adjust, because I just think this is the safest person who can take care of everyone the most.

What was she going through at that time?

Bole Weng Ziguang was interviewed and revealed something:

"Treading Blood to Seek Plums" after spring and summer is really red to explosion, the highest record is more than 20 films a day.


did not like many arrangements of the brokerage company in spring and summer, including the saying "China's first tertiary film queen". She wanted to leave the brokerage company and bought the contract between both parties.

Our company became the temporary agent of Chunxia and paid some money, and Chunxia took these scenes in order to repay the money.

That's why, we think she "changed" after the hit.

She has indeed changed.

is not the kind of change we imagined.

She began to put away the edges and corners, temporarily avoiding her sharp edges, in order not to hurt the people around her, let alone hurt herself.

once again confirmed her instinct drive-

faced all kinds of out of control, she did not immediately start crisis public relations, but chose to protect herself.

In the face of danger, it is human instinct to choose to hibernate.

But this is a taboo in the entertainment industry.

The Colosseum of fame and fortune, if it can’t continue to output, there will only be one result: out of breath.

is as mentioned at the beginning of the article, after "Treading the Blood to Seek the Plum", spring and summer have never appeared to be eye-catchingThe leading role of the former Yiliang. Although

has a full inventory, they are all rich in types, strong team, and strong cooperative casts.

But by the way, none of them have been released yet. What do you think of

in spring and summer?

She is very honest.

This year, in "My Agent and Me", she said:

my biggest problem now is that the work is not broadcast. The thing I care about the most. This is actually it. ...Because that is, the movie just won't show, so what can I do, I can only wait. But I can only shoot more things and wait for them. How to do


is certainly not waiting to die in place.

After "Treading Blood to Seek Plums", the only work that can be performed in spring and summer is Xu Anhua's "When Will the Moon Become". Unfortunately,

is just a small character with few shots.

But she still tried to capture the few pictures.

For example, the ambiguous scene between her and Huo Jianhua.

shot very well. In the long-distance shot of

, the two drunk people got together, which was quite charming.

But next is the memory of Huo Jianhua's perspective.

It turned out that she stuffed a note into his pocket.

​​is not flirting, it is passing information. In this drama of

, a rare close-up in spring and summer confirmed her accurate understanding of the characters.

The look she looked at Huo Jianhua—

had no admiration, no shyness, and no ambiguity.

has only stylized focus.

Because this is not a prelude to a love affair, but a life-and-death mission.

Only with this look, Sir can safely say-the spring and summer have not changed.

Her self-protection is not an escape.

is a kind of concealment.

accumulates strength in dormancy and preserves a more complete self.

is waiting for the opportunity to welcome the new students.

Looking for self

After all, what is instinct?

Animal instinct is a natural desire and conditioned reflex. What about

to humans?

looks at Sir, it should be a continuous process-

is constantly looking for a more determined self while calmly facing human nature.

This is why, we all look forward to becoming spring and summer, but few people can become her.

She is not ashamed of human nature.

Once, the Weibo in Spring and Summer was criticized by many people as being groaned by literary and artistic youths, and was submitted to the hypocritical text appreciation group. Before

, she tried to apply for a role in "Left Ear" and wrote a long self-recommendation letter, recalling her teenage past.

later the letter was made public by Rao Xueman, and public opinion was in an uproar.

From "crushing" to his uncle, to stealing things from the supermarket.

​​is simply a collection of black history without any tricks.

What adults can live their lives into youth pain literature?

In this age of advertised maturity, spring and summer are indeed, as she herself said, "not aware of current affairs."

In Chinese, "A person who knows the current affairs is a great man"

But in fact, I discovered that throughout my growth process

is a very, very ignorant person

, just like she changed her original name "Junjie Lee" to a slightly literary " Spring and summer".

She is not ashamed, just like no one will be ashamed of their instincts, of eating and sleeping.

because, only to maximize the absorption of the nutrients of life.

can bloom in art.

Last October, "Love Song 1980" starring Li Xian and she was launched.

In fact, Sir more naturally thinks of another golden song by Luo Dayou, "Love Song 1990". The opening line sings: "Smooth black eyes". The lyrics of

outline the appearance of spring and summer. The

scarf around, highlights the eyes of this story.

Her role as Mao Zhen returns to Beijing in the 1980s, and Rouroususu is like a dream of the last century.

She "changed" again-

where is there a shadow of Wang Jiamei, who is struggling to float and sink in Hong Kong's material desires?

also can't see the suffering and pain of Zhang Yongxian of "When will the moon be" being suppressed in the Japanese-occupied area.

right. Looking back at the role of spring and summer,

is a magical contradiction.

She is constantly changing, but her attitude is always firm.