"The World of Heron" won the International Emmy Award for Special Contribution

reported on November 27th. On November 25th, local time, at the invitation of the International Emmy Awards Organizing Committee, the representative of Henan Radio and Television, the first producer of "The World of Heron", who has won special contribution awards, participated in the first event held in New York. The 47th International Emmy Awards Ceremony.

, as China's first panoramic sound nature film, "The World of Heron", has released an international poster today. The poster shows the state of the heron spreading its wings and soaring in hand-painted form, and it also shows the details of the heron nurturing its young birds. It is reported that "The World of Heron" tells the survival story of a heron "Zeyi" in the wetland ecological zone of the middle reaches of the Yellow River in China. The film was jointly produced by Henan Radio and Television Station, Beijing Zhongyi Liangpin Culture Media Co., Ltd., Sanmenxia Radio and Television Station, Henan Liangpin Culture Media Co., Ltd., and will be launched on the national theaters on New Year's Day 2020.

Emmys also love beauty. Chinese films present the beauty of nature.

Emmys were founded in 1948 by the American Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. As the most authoritative awards in the American radio and television industry, the Emmy Awards are American TV The highest award in the world. The International Emmy Awards is an important part of the Emmy Awards. It is awarded by the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. The criteria for participation must be television programs produced outside the United States, representing the highest honor in the international television industry. "The World of Heron" was specially invited by the organizing committee of the 47th International Emmy Awards for Art Films and Documentary Film Judging Units. The jury considered the film to be beautiful in pictures, complete in story, distinctive in structure, intelligent in audiovisual language, and unique in Chinese emotion. , "The World of Heron" was recognized by the judges, indicating that high-quality domestic natural documentaries can also go abroad, gain an international reputation and make a sound.

lasted for five years without abandoning. The film crew determined to present the Chinese story

"The Heron World" started shooting in 2015 and lasted for five years. Director Sun Ning led the filming team to set the scene on the cliffs, challenging the severe cold and heat, and the difficulty of the shooting is self-evident. Director Sun Ning said that the documentary is particularly like a heron. In order to make a satisfactory work, one must endure loneliness. The heron is commonly known as "the old waiter". In order to catch a fish, it can stand in one place for five or six hours. In order to capture useful material, the filming team of "The Heron" will leave early and return late, sometimes working more than 15 hours a day. Relying on the love of documentary creation, we accumulate material bit by bit, year after year, until the story takes shape. This is a dialogue between the creative "old wait" and the natural "old wait".

Nature documentaries are known as the "tip of the pyramid" in the documentary field. Director Sun Ning loves documentaries and is a fan of nature documentaries. In 1997, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Zhu Diwen, said in a speech at the Harvard University graduation ceremony: "Life is too short, so you can't walk by empty-handed. You must pour your deep affection on something." I have a deep passion for documentaries, and I have this work. "The opportunity to create is very important to me and I am very grateful." Sun Ning said, "I always believe that I will be lucky if I respect nature and life, persist in love and persistence. I hope it will be released in China on New Year's Day in 2020. Bringing a different kind of audio-visual experience to the audience, allowing the audience to experience the beauty of life in the natural world and the power of maternal love. "

(responsible editor: Du Jiayue_NK6020)