Everyone shouted that there was no play. Why didn’t these actors stop working?

"Lonely City Closed" Wang Kai 3 parts

"Lonely City Closed" Jiang Shuying 3 parts

"People in the Bureau" Pan Yueming 3 parts

"Huo Qubing" 22 z5 3 parts "The End of the Smoke" Jiao Junyan 3

Beijing News reported on November 26 Not long ago, the young actors who participated in the "Actors please take their place" expressed emotion in the show that they have not acted for a long time, which once again triggered the public to the actor group Concern about living conditions. Earlier this year, Mesozoic actresses such as Hai Qing and Yao Chen called on the industry to give middle-aged actresses more opportunities at the FIRST Youth Film Festival.

What kind of actors are acting? The Beijing News collected statistics on the 97 dramas to be broadcast next year (2020) and related data about their male and female actors. It found that most of the 30 actors who have more than 2 dramas to be broadcast next year have been in the past 3-5 years. He has appeared in popular dramas, and 80% graduated from the three major professional colleges of China Opera, Nortel and Shanghai Opera.

Why does an actor say that he has no acting? The Beijing News interviewed people from film and television production companies and artist management companies and found that in addition to the decline in the film and television industry, the overall job opportunities have been reduced. In recent years, the gap in the actor industry and fierce competition have also made it difficult for actors who have accumulated a bit to let go. Take any role in your body.

● Actors from professional colleges, many alumni in the circle, naturally have more recommendation opportunities

● Little famous girl, one girl, second waiting for a name to try, it is impossible to put down before

● It is very difficult to surrender. This means publicly admitting that they are not good at

●Many people play the leading role as soon as they enter the industry. Until now, there is no filming, and the psychological gap is difficult to adjust. Under the cold winter of film and television, the number of upstream film and television drama production decreases, which will naturally lead to downstream job opportunities. Shrinking. The head actors who have appeared in popular works before and have established their personal brands in the industry are relatively less impacted. They can still play the male lead and the female lead, but the number of projects that come to the door will be reduced, and the salary will be certain. The degree of reduction. The most impacted are those young actors who have just debuted, or have not made their debut for a few years, but have not yet become "top-tier" young actors. Wang Tianchen, the lead actor of "Incoming Time", graduated from Shanghai Opera. In an interview with the Beijing News, he frankly said that he has often communicated with his classmates recently and asked each other how long it has been since the film has been filmed. "There will be pressure, but I think why there is no filming? The severe winter in the industry is a factor, but I still need to find my own reasons. There are some things I haven't done very well."

For the 30 actors who graduated from professional colleges and are the most popular

included in this statistics, in 2020, at least 2 dramas starring them will be broadcast. Among them, 18 are male actors and 12 are actresses, ranging in age from 19 to 45 years old. Actresses are concentrated in the 20+ and 30+ age groups, and there are no leading actors over the age of 40. There are 4 male leading actors of 40+, namely Pan Yueming, Guo Jingfei, Tong Dawei, Jin Dong and . Twenty-four of the 30 actors are from the Central Academy of Drama, the Beijing Film Academy and the Shanghai Academy of Drama, which are my country’s three major institutions of higher learning to train professionals in the film and television industry, accounting for as much as 80%.

Although in people's impression, some traffic stars, even if they are not from a major, are constantly looking for film appointments, but this statistical result shows that the professional background of the actors is still very important.

On the other hand, most of the 30 actors have been given job opportunities in recent years, have been broadcasting their works, and have starred in popular film and television dramas in the last 3-5 years. For example, there will be three dramas to be broadcast next year, , Wang Kai and , in 2015 there will be "Pretender" and "Langya Bang", in 2016 there will be "If Snails Have Love", in 2018 there will be "Great River"; the same three plays In 2017, there will be "White Night Chasing the Murder", in 2019, there will be "Ghost Blowing the Lantern Rage Qingxiangxi"; next year there will be two dramas to be broadcasted Huang Jingyu , in the first half of 2019, there will be a hit drama "Ice Breaker", in addition to Participated in the popular movie "Operation Red Sea" in 2018 and the movie "Decisive Moment" in 2019; Guo Jingfei acted in this year's popular drama series "Everything is Good"; Xiao Zhan became famous with his "Chen Qing Ling". In terms of actresses, Jiang Shuying and Yang Zi are the female protagonists of this year’s summer hit dramas "Full-time Master" and "Dear, Loved One" respectively; Wu Jinyan is the female lead of the popular drama "Strategy of Yanxi Palace" in 2018. The protagonist, Tong Yao starred in the 2018 "Big River"...

Xiaoyan, a production assistant of a film and television company, analyzed to reporters that playing well-known works is indeed a very bonus factor when casting roles. "Having played a hit shows that it is well-known and popular. The producer will feel that this actor is on the rise. Choosing him will help the play in other aspects, and it will be easier for investors to recognize it." Graduated from a professional college Actors, many seniors in the circle are alumni, so naturally there are more opportunities for recommendation and introduction, and the director feels relieved to use it. "After all, acting requires professionalism. The director does not know how far you can reach the upper limit, but at least knows that your level will not be lower than the bottom line. For TV drama projects with tight schedules and heavy tasks. It’s still very important to say that there is really no time to train newcomers." The actors of

did not act. These two points were mainly due to the fact that

1 and the industry downturn reduced job opportunities. According to the news released at the Shanghai TV Drama Production and Broadcasting Annual Conference on March 5 this year, the number of new dramas on the market has been declining in recent years. In 2017, there were 241 domestic new dramas and only 194 in 2018, the lowest in 10 years. The "China TV Series Weather Vane Report 2019" report released this month shows that the number of TV series and episodes registered with the State Administration of Radio and Television from January to September this year has decreased compared with the same period last year, with a decrease of 240 and 10612 episodes. The year-on-year decline was 27.1% and 30.1% respectively. The reduction in the number of episodes is related to the rectification of "water injection dramas", but the reduction in the number of recorded TV series means that fewer episodes will be launched in the future.

artist agent Aguan revealed that a week ago he took the company's actress to try on the female number three of a play. When I arrived at the casting company, I found that there were a lot of actors who came to try this role. There were several waiting rooms. Many of them were familiar faces. "Several of them have played female one and two female two in small famous dramas. Everyone squeezed and waited for the name to try the show. It was impossible before. At that moment, I felt the cold of the film and television winter." I also took the company's young actor to Hengdian to try the male number two of a certain IP drama. The director was very satisfied, but made it clear that he didn't count, the platform and the production were the key. Later, the actor recommended by the platform got the role.

2, personal expectations and market demand do not match

actors really not acting? Vice President of Penguin TelevisionFang Fang said in an interview with the Beijing News in the second "Initial Heart List" that video websites produce a lot of drama projects every year, and there is a demand for any type of actors. "From a platform perspective, a large number of different types of dramas are needed, both youth idols and realistic themes. Different types of dramas have different needs for roles. We will be among the newcomers of a large number of film companies Choose, and whether you can come out in the end depends on whether you can seize the opportunity."

"Please be in place" brought up the hot topic of young actors not acting, some netizens questioned, thinking that many actors did not act, but There is no lead role he/she wants. It is said that a good actor can act in everything, but in fact, the screenwriter was brought into the group to change the script, and the screen was released/started. Xiaoyan said that she has seen a similar situation of changing the script and competing for a position, but it has to be a first-line star actor to have such strength. There are really no young actors who have only played female, male and two in online dramas and are not "top class". This "bargaining power", they are more in the selected position.

In the eyes of the outside world, if you can't play the leading role, playing a small supporting role is another option; if you can't play the female number one, the mother who plays the female number one is also good, better than no acting. But for the actors involved, this is not such a simple multiple choice question. "Self-falling is a very difficult thing, which means publicly admitting that you can't do it. This industry just does not go up and down. If you take the first step, every step in the future may be a downhill road, and few can bottom out. Less." Aguan sympathized with the actors who entered the industry at the hottest time in the film and television industry a few years ago. "Many people started playing non-stop as soon as they entered the industry. It may not be guaranteed. The market feedback is too far away from personal expectations, and the psychological gap is very large, and it is difficult to adjust." Data compilation: Beijing News reporter Yang Lianjie, intern Jiang Yuwei

Beijing News graphics/Xu Xiao

collection/New Beijing News reporter Yang Lianjie

(responsible editor: Yang Ming_NV5736)